T. Reich
Yeah, I will play in Softcore in AoW.Hey, Zdzisiu , are you going to play this league?
If so - what build?
I'm going to revisit the essence drain fun back when it came out in Talisman. This time around, I'm gonna do it with a twist and make it a berserker iron will BM spec with a few power adjustments in the late game. Since ED has not been touched in any way since then, it's gonna be glorious, with bosses and trash mobs alike melting away while I laugh in the distance.
I was thinking about maybe playing Blade vortex build, never tried it and there are some big changes to it this patch, some of them look even like a buff in some aspects.
But your crazy idea seems intresting too. I will probably be pestering you with questions on how its going etc.
BV seems like a good pick if you can stomach the constant need to maintain the certain amount of stacks required for dealing decent damage.
Overall, it;s a very strong skill, and the 2.4.0 changes to it actually make it a much better map clear tool at the cost of boss killing capability, which was frankly bonkers and dererved the nerf-hammer.