But mum, I want to be different!Everybody loves chain lightning spells
Hong Kong-listed Tencent Mobility was granted Overseas Investment Office approval to buy up to 100 per cent of Kiwi video game developer Grinding Gear Games for more than $100 million.
Tencent Mobility - an online communication, advertising, and gaming service provider - was granted consent to acquire up to 100 per cent of the shares in Grinding Gear Games, 80 per cent up front and the remaining 20 per cent over approximately six years, a summary of the decision released today said.
That's 100m NZD, so 70m USD.It'll be interesting to see how much Tencent actually payed, since they're publicly held we will eventually get to see the full price in their financial reports. They bought riot back in 2011 for $230m, and I gotta say that for them to spend over $100m for GGG (we dont know yet how much exactly they paid) is quite huge.
I'm guessing over the next year or two we will see if there is any significant change in the general design and of PoE that could be attributed to Tencent, and if there isn't, I'm not too worried about tencent eventually owning the entirety of GGG.
True, the Riot sale was USD as far as I remember. I'd be surprised if the $100m NZD is the exact price though, considering the only thing we know about the sale right now is that the OIO got involved which means that is the minimum-number right now until Tencents next financial report gives us the exact price.That's 100m NZD, so 70m USD.