Am I wrong or it is somewhat strange that one of As perks is permanent Fortify, when you can get that just so incredibly easily with a single gem?
entertainment for autists and gambling addicts.
which is most of poe crafting really.
I made this
Naturally regal gave +4 life on kill.
it's shit but it was my first shit and after I equipped it in my left hand, when fully energized by potions and all my charges it bumped dps from 100k to 140k. (or so the tooltip says, we know it's all a lie but whatever). happy about myself went and killed my first elder guardian.
I understand I need more of this stuff on me.
I am not sure I feel happy or disappointed though. All that work with passive nodes and equipment, in baby steps of 500-1000 damage, and then I rolled some crappy offhand claw and my damage increased by 1/3.
That way sure it doesn't matter much where you put your points I guess - get enought to be comfortable, sink rest in life and just grind equipment.
GGG doesn't give a fuck about the core design principle of flasks and using portals to refill them ever since the elder and his guardians fights don't let you use portals. They are most likely going to make them refill when you hit rare or unique enemies in the same way Vaal skill souls do. They're just afraid of a kneejerk reaction from autists on reddit.
Did you hear about the fuckup that indicates how broken their loot RNG is? When the league launched some chests in the delves would not spawn at all for some people while for some other people they would spawn in large quantities. Someone mentioned similar thing with Shaper strongholds not spawning.
They already made every single boss spawn flunkies so that you can bum flask charges off of them. It used to be that most bosses didn't spawn extra enemies. Merveil and Brutus, for instance, were completely solo encounters. That reminds me, they also decreased loot drops and increased the number of enemies a good while ago. It's all about packs of mobs and bosses that come with their own mobs now. Game just became an AoE clearing fest.GGG doesn't give a fuck about the core design principle of flasks and using portals to refill them ever since the elder and his guardians fights don't let you use portals. They are most likely going to make them refill when you hit rare or unique enemies in the same way Vaal skill souls do. They're just afraid of a kneejerk reaction from autists on reddit.
Review by Seth
Some sellers double check by asking 'are you REALLY sure'