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Game News Pathfinder: Kingmaker Kickstarter Update #14: Base Funding Goal Reached, Magus Stretch Goal


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Jan 28, 2011
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Tags: Alexander Mishulin; Owlcat Games; Pathfinder: Kingmaker

17 days after launching and with 18 left to go, the Pathfinder: Kingmaker Kickstarter campaign has finally achieved its base funding goal of $500k. In their celebratory Kickstarter update, Owlcat waste no time and announce a new stretch goal at $600k. If the campaign manages to raise that sum, a new class will be added to the game - the Magus, a spellsword-type class from Pathfinder's Ultimate Magic sourcebook. Here's its description:

All of us were brought up among countless fantasy novels, shows, games and movies. And when we play Pathfinder at the table we want our character to be close to what inspired us in the heroes and villains from these familiar pages and scenes, to be able to do things like they did, and that's a major part of what RPGs are about. Yet while there is no shortage of traditional fantasy heroes, who fight with both sword and magic with impunity - from Elric of Melnibone to Geralt the Witcher, to even Jedi Knights, it's hard to make such a character in an RPG. Most standard sets of RPG classes either don't give you the possibility to play such a character, or worse, limitations on character development render these builds ineffective. Fret not, for we have great news! Unveiling our latest stretch goal, let us show you the ideal class for you: the Magus.

There are those who spend their lives poring over ancient tomes and texts, unlocking the power of magic, and there are those who spend their time perfecting the use of individual weapons, becoming masters without equal. The Magus is at once a student of both philosophies, blending magical ability and martial prowess into something entirely unique, a discipline in which both spell and steel are used to devastating effect.

Much like his martially adept colleagues, the Magus makes skillful use of melee weapons in combat. He wears his armor without being hindered in his spellcasting abilities like many other magic-users. The Magus prefers one-handed weapons, because of his signature ability, Spell Combat, that allows him to use his other hand to cast spells while simultaneously attacking an opponent with his weapon of choice.

From the secrets of his magical counterparts, he gets a vast array of arcane spells, which both include classics, like Fireball and Haste, and entirely new spells, like Greater Blade Dash – a spell, that allows the Magus to teleport to a designated point and attack anyone unlucky enough to stand in his path. The Magus also gets an arcane pool – a reservoir of magical energy, that can be spent to imbue his weapon with various enchantments or to restore the spells he has already cast that day.

His battle prowess allows him to dauntlessly cast spells, which other arcane casters fear to use, for these spells would require them to approach dangerous melee combat. The Magus excels particularly at using touch spells, like Shocking Grasp and Force Punch, because his Spell Strike feature allows him to discharge them not by touching an opponent, but by hitting them with his weapon of choice, inflicting upon the target both the effects of the spell and full damage from the attack, all as part of casting his spell.

As he grows in power, the Magus unlocks powerful forms of arcana that allow him to merge his talents further, and at the pinnacle of his art, the Magus becomes a blur of steel and magic, a force that few foes would dare to stand against. Available forms of arcana include, for example, new properties to enchant his blade with, getting a familiar (a magical creature that will serve Magus as a pet), acquiring new spells from the Wizard’s spell list and the ability to use a wand as a second weapon in pair with his primary one.

Magus is a complex class with different paths of development to choose from. Players who are unsure whether they want to play a spellcaster or a melee combatant will find his access to both quite convenient. If you enjoy having the possibility to just quickly beat up a bunch of weaker enemies with normal attacks, whilst being able to utilize complex spell combinations in difficult fights, you will find the way of the Magus perfect. And for those of you who want the proverbial Jack of all trades, somebody with deadly skills in both melee and magic may find that the Magus fits this description, and in certain situations beats his specialized counterparts.
You may also be interested in yesterday's update, which featured a video of Alexander Mishulin explaining about Kingmaker's world exploration mechanics:

I think that would sound interesting if I could understand what he was saying.


Jan 5, 2015
Hello, thank you for tremendous support for our game, in today's update we want to talk about exploration how you wander through stolen lands and visit its locations and erraaand everything. Exploration is athze heart of ze pathfinder kingmaker tabletop experience and we trying to make sure it is sooo for the computer game, in mainly other computer games, exploration is just visiting all ze location in particular order and uncovering everyzing. we wanted to transfer ze experience of wandreous through ze lands goingonal ze rivers, so we made the system to support this in a way. Just starting the location youknow, like a capital, and you're free to go along ze river or around the aids in the forest trying to discover somezthing new or if you knowz the location you want to go to, you can, path will be plotted for you and you just go in zet way. While you are travelling zer will be random encounters, exploration is not stand alone system; its tied to a lot of things in the game like battle or skill checks. when you face a random encounter you can eitzher run from it, making a stealth check talweyded. or you can go and fight, take experience, take loot, do whatever you like. Also its connected to kingdom, ze regions you are traveling through, if its regions are in your kingdom zthey're better defended zher is better oats so you will travel faster and random encounters will have less probability or your leaders will send you additional information about what is happening in your kingdom and new locations will pop up and you will be able to visit thoze. We want you to travel through ze stolen lands and explore its vast territories wewander every corner and uncover new everytime you doing so and exploration system is all about giving you thiz opportunities and fun while you're doing this.
May 3, 2011
Are people seriously having a problem understanding this guy? I'm a native english speaker and can clearly understand everything he says. His english is pretty good, although he has a notable Russian accent, his grammar and word selection are fine.

I'm guessing the folks that can't understand him speak english as a second language?


Mar 7, 2011
Azores Islands
He has terrible delivery on his jokes, and has no camera presence at all. It's very cringe worthy.

Otherwise I'm actually very impressed by everything they have showed so far.


Proud INTJ
Nov 19, 2010
When do we get the MAGA stretch goal?

(Make Adventurers Great Again)

Full party creation!
Shit and useless crap that brings nothing to the table. Greatest games in the Greates PRG list had pre made characters and that's one of the reasons why they were great. Translation: Fuck you retard!
Last edited:
Jul 8, 2006
Are people seriously having a problem understanding this guy? I'm a native english speaker and can clearly understand everything he says. His english is pretty good, although he has a notable Russian accent, his grammar and word selection are fine.

I'm guessing the folks that can't understand him speak english as a second language?

He has terrible delivery on his jokes, and has no camera presence at all. It's very cringe worthy.

Otherwise I'm actually very impressed by everything they have showed so far.

he told some jokes?
Jul 8, 2006
Are people seriously having a problem understanding this guy? I'm a native english speaker and can clearly understand everything he says. His english is pretty good, although he has a notable Russian accent, his grammar and word selection are fine.

I'm guessing the folks that can't understand him speak english as a second language?

he obviously is fluent and has very good understanding of English and has a broad vocabulary. I can understand like 95% of what he is saying- there are sometimes a few places I honestly cant make it out, but eventually figure succeed via context. I am sure I would sound way worse than him speaking some other language, I used to sound like a complete imbecile in Spanish class, even after studying it for 7-8 years.

I don't think people actually can't understand him, its more that it is a kind of a distraction and makes listening 'hard' in that you have to concentrate on what words he is actually trying to say instead of the actual message he is trying to convey. I think that when somebody is a good speaker your brain focuses on the broad message and you have easier and deeper thoughts. His accent is distracting people from being able to listen properly I think. Its just more sort of 'annoying' and more of a chore to get through, that is why people react this way I believe.

Also I am not sure about this next point all, its just a guess, but he sort of comes off as somebody who might mumble and be hard to understand even in his own language while speaking to other natives. I have a boss like this. When I first started I could hardly understand what he was ever saying because he mumbled and did not enunciate well at all. I have become better since I have worked at my current job for a few years now, but new hires also have the same issue when they first start. When I have to talk to him on the phone though, it is still a nightmare and often just I just keep saying "okay" and "yeah", and hope I don't totally misconstrue what he is trying to tell me; and he is a native English speaker. I think Seinfeld did an episode about a this, or something similar. But this second point about him possibly being a mumbler even in his native tongue is just a wild guess, I really have no idea if it is true, I just think it might be.


Sep 26, 2014
I tell you these ruskies might surprise us. Like pols did with the Witcher.


Sep 4, 2013
I think that would sound interesting if I could understand what he was saying.
Oh. Then you shouldn't go to Eire or Alba especially the countryside, you would be lost there. Here for some jokes, old but always funny:

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