Prophet of the Dumpsterfire
Difficulty =/= Bad design
Not having problems with the former, just latter. Please re-read (since you care enough to reply).
Jesus, since when it started to be so hard to justifiably shit on RPGs on codex of all places.
I read all of your posts, while I do agree that PoE has design flaws, I think those are not your problems. I think you are a stubborn individual, which is cool but it's an issue in this case. Unless you consider that the necessity to approach the encounters while being mindful of enemy defences and optimising by targeting their weaker defences is a design flaw in itself, which I disagree. I think that's a good basis.
Here are my opinions from earlier this thread:
I agree that PoE is lacking in strategic diversity and aside from a few key encounters, mainly centred in expansions unfortunately also, means that you will basically using same template in most fights diverging only to react to occasional differences. I don't think it is because of character system though, I think it's because lacklustre encounter design and a general lack of strong counter-play. You either start pro-actively and keep that going, using your momentum to overwhelm the fight or start defensive with buffs and win by attrition, for 95% of the fights there is no variance to choosing one of these. This was improved a bit with later patches as encounters were a bit more diversified, and some encounters required specific counter-plays & positioning etc. but it was not on the level of BG2.
Ultimately and unfortunately PoE1 became about more shaping a party around a general strategy and applying that tactically whenever possible rather than playing reactively according to your environment and what you encounter except very few cases which throws you off and requires you to change your tactics; These being Alpine Dragon fight where positioning and strong single target nuking is extremely important, Concelhaut fight especially because his unique spell that can remove a party member from the fight right at the start, second Raedric fight where they are all undead and cast charm, fight against Llengrath because she is a defensive battle-mage that needs to be countered and shut-down directly, WM fight against the Mushroom and WM fight(s) against the Eyeless. Even bounties that are generally challenging do not deviate much from the aforementioned building of a general party strategy and applying that either offensively or defensively.
Overall though I liked the basis of the system, it was just not very well developed and the encounter design except very few cases in a very long game made it rather samey.