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Review Plain Games reviews Oblivion - 4.5/5


Aug 27, 2006
Sorry Shoelip, I was just being silly. I know what you meant all along, I just enjoy pushing some buttons for fun.

I see you are a peruser of Chick's Tracts. Fun for the whole family there. His Dungeons and Dragons cartoons were especially amusing.


Sep 27, 2006
Oh yeah, that one was great. I love how he always takes special care to cite his sources, which are always weird christian fundimentalist books that I've never heard of. :lol:

There are also some pretty good parodies of his work out there.

EDIT: Oh right, and I just remembered those little forms at the end of every comic! :lol: :lol:

Grandpa Gamer

Oct 27, 2006
aweigh said:
Wouldn't christians want to kill the devil?

No, God created the devil too, you know. It's not like they fight each other.
The role of the devil (Satan) is that of the accuser. Lika a DA in court.
On judgement day, Satan points at you and charges you with all your sins and crimes.
As a Christian you answer "I didn't do those things. He did", pointing at Jesus.

After all, that's the whole concept, that Jesus took all the sins of the world upon himself.
God is the judge, Satan is the DA and Jesus is the fall guy.
And you go free.


Oct 2, 2006
Speaking to the Sea
Ladonna said:
I see you are a peruser of Chick's Tracts. Fun for the whole family there. His Dungeons and Dragons cartoons were especially amusing.

Especially seeing that he plain lies in there. Go and be a saviour with lies Chick! You know you'll be rewarded extra by doing that! :roll:


Jul 21, 2005
Did Chick admit at some point that the former Jesuit that he cites for his stories about how evil the Catholic Church is was full of it, or is he sticking to his story? I forget.


Jan 19, 2004
Vault Dweller said:
<a>Plain Games</a>, a fucked up site that reviews games using 5 criteria: violence, magic, sexuality (yes, sexuality), profanity, and message, has posted a <a>review</a> of <a>Oblivion</a>, "the RPG that mature gamers have been awaiting", giving it 4.5 stars.

<blockquote>Bethesda Softworks has added on to their legendary Elder Scrolls series of RPGs with an impressive addition, Oblivion. Each time they have released a new chapter, they have continued improving a very unique system that allows for incredibly precise character building.
One major element that Bethesda has been working on for a while, and finally unveiled, is the Radiant AI system. NPCs in the world are no longer scripted. They have schedules, take care of their basic needs, and will even have full-length conversations with other NPCs they bump into while going about their lives. Sometimes they even commit random crimes and the guards arrest or kill them! They can do just about anything the player can do and will do things to better themselves, such as practice combat, cast spells, and eat meals. The conversations they have can also lead to possible quests or reveal important information that the player can later bring up in conversation to get a better understanding of what’s going on in the world.
Bethesda continues to impress with this installment of the Elder Scrolls series. Expansion packs may follow, but when observing the track record for frequency of release, we might not get another installment in the Elder Scrolls series for the next four years, but when it does arrive, it will probably make Oblivion look quite outdated.</blockquote>The last sentence is kinda retarded and implies that the review was written by a 10-year old.

Unfortunately the Plain Games site is down right now, but it should make entertaining reading.

When I first read this I assumed that the games get high marks for having violence and sexuality, since Oblivion gets 4.5/5.0

Oblivion certainly has plenty of violence, and with it being an action game with rag-doll physics rather than a RPG, the action is pretty graphic. You can't hack off limbs or anything, but killing someone and having their corpse fly into the fireplace or roll down a hill or land on a big spike is fairly graphic relatively speaking. Having naked, burnt, or burning corpses hanging from chains is also graphic. Having naked women staked out on an altar would also seem somewhat not-Christian-friendly too.

Actually, the most violent part of Oblivion is some of the dialogue. The Dark Brotherhood talk about murdering children, hacking off heads, slaying whole families. Generally they are not nice people (which makes it even more lame that you can join them and good factions without any consequences).

And sex and nudity is only a readily available mod away. Totally nude women rolling head-over-heals down a hill is an Oblivion highpoint.


Oct 30, 2006
Limorkil said:
Totally nude women rolling head-over-heals down a hill is an Oblivion highpoint.
Just a high point in general I would think.


Dec 12, 2005
Grandpa Gamer said:
aweigh said:
Wouldn't christians want to kill the devil?

No, God created the devil too, you know. It's not like they fight each other.
The role of the devil (Satan) is that of the accuser. Lika a DA in court.
On judgement day, Satan points at you and charges you with all your sins and crimes.
As a Christian you answer "I didn't do those things. He did", pointing at Jesus.

After all, that's the whole concept, that Jesus took all the sins of the world upon himself.
God is the judge, Satan is the DA and Jesus is the fall guy.
And you go free.

So we should say "Jesus made me do it." instead when we do something bad?

That explains the Spanish Inquisition, the Salem Witch Trials, the Crusades, etc... If doing evil deeds in the name of someone who will supposedly reward me with eternal life after I die, I better get started. Seriously... how can anyone believe that bullshit?


Jan 20, 2006


Grandpa Gamer

Oct 27, 2006
Nael said:
So we should say "Jesus made me do it." instead when we do something bad?

No, it’s still ”the devil made me do it”.
If you plead guilty, that is.
(Satan plays dirty here, as both DA and tempter/instigator. Playing dirty is in the devil's job description.)
As a Christian you say: ”It was Jesus who did it, not me.”

Read what I wrote again:

Grandpa Gamer said:
The role of the devil (Satan) is that of the accuser. Lika a DA in court.
On judgement day, Satan points at you and charges you with all your sins and crimes.
As a Christian you answer "I didn't do those things. He did", pointing at Jesus.

After all, that's the whole concept, that Jesus took all the sins of the world upon himself.
God is the judge, Satan is the DA and Jesus is the fall guy.
And you go free.

That is the essence of Christianity. It’s just not usually put that way. And I’m prefectly serious here. :cool:


Feb 6, 2005
Borat's Fantasy Land
Ironically, your comments are the stupidest part of your post. You just end up showing that you're an ignorant fundimentalist atheist who's even worse than the ignorant fundimentalist Christians because atheists should know better.
I don't hate christianity as a religion, though I don't endorse it either. However, I do hate the fanatics -- of any religion, be it islam or chrisitanity -- that make all those silly barriers and that do not really help make a world something it isn't and never will be (a better place, heaven or whatever).


Jun 25, 2003
Shoelip said:
For fuck's sake, flame something that deserves it.

Well, if you're volunteering...

You're certainly displaying a distinct masochistic tendency - publicly behaving like a whiny bitch does tend to attract the fire.


Sep 27, 2006
Where are there naked women staked to altars?(actually I'm not sure I really want to know) :shock: I've only seen endless numbers of mutilated nude rotting male corpses with their genitals literally hacked off (and one that wasn't rotting), usually on fire and hanging from the ceilling. Urg, I'm making myself sick.

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