If you stop by the casino, then, perhaps unsurprisingly, you find that Lady Annabelle has left town.. asking about, one of the townsfolk who are quite grateful about you guys helping drive off the Marauders tell you they spotted her in the post office dictating a telegram to Denver. He didn't want to eavesdrop further because she's considered a dangerous party. If you ask around at the stables when you're picking up the horses, the stablemaster tells you that Lady Annabelle came in with enough cash to buy two of their fastest horses and left town in quite the rush along with a bodyguard.
The whole town looks at you in a different light and are quite forthcoming, as they all know what happened down at the train station and they consider it quite heroic that a bunch of strangers risked, and some even lost, their lives defending their town. They offer their condolences about Adelita as well.
The whole town looks at you in a different light and are quite forthcoming, as they all know what happened down at the train station and they consider it quite heroic that a bunch of strangers risked, and some even lost, their lives defending their town. They offer their condolences about Adelita as well.