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Poll : Diablo 3.. To respec or not to respec?

Would you like to see respec included in Diablo 3?

  • Hell no! What you see is what you get.. I can replay this game to death so WHO needs respec

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes! If I see a new build that owns mine I want to instantly be able to switch it up

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Jun 7, 2007
I don't see the problem? All your arguments for Skill Reset also counts for Class Reset.

Maybe you were playing your Barbarian and found this GREAT unique Wand that only a Sorcerer could use, but since you're a sword specced Barbarian....Tough.

Or maybe you were playing your Assassin and found out that your class actually sucked, but since you weren't ultra-pro and read the forum threads on which class was best before you started the game, there was no way you could possibly know that.



Jan 17, 2008
i'm personally against respecc in most cases, but if the game takes influence from WoW then i can see why it would have its place. playing games is about winning in some sense, that's how you "progress" and few games are ever played for the treadmill, but if the game comes with a built in character-editor hack then something's wrong.

i think it mostly depends on how d3 ends up being as a whole product. as of now we've seen a few minutes of footage, a few skills in use, and have no real clue if the game is diablo 2 in a better engine or if the game is much more different than its predecessors.

I do think it's rather important that the player have to deal with hard environments and bosses that are resistant to your particular build, as that's just how things go - if the game can be beat with one uber build then that game was not balanced properly, but at the same time i don't think you should ever hit a point where you simply can't progress because you have no poison elemental weapons/skills. That type of road blocking is reserved for dungeon crawlers of past decades (for jasede).


Oct 14, 2006
I don't really mind either way, as long as they fix the retarded skill system of Diablo II. A system that encourages you to to safe your skill points to be able to invest in talents that do not obsolete is just meh. It's actually one thing that WoW does right.

That's why I always liked D1 better.


Jan 21, 2008
Shannow said:
Respeccing for non-hardcore mode. Only one respec allowed per level. Keeps the fun for casual gamers who cannot decide on a playing style. Hardore players can either choose not to use it or play hardcore mode.
The option doesn't diminish the playing experience for anybody but increases it for everybody learning the ropes. Especially when they don't scoure forums for über-builds. But are constantly called noobs for not using them (mmo-asshole-syndrome: A possibility even on battlenet).

I really don't understand what your problem is with respeccing.

The problem is that people will make early-game builds then switch over to mid-game build, then switch over to a end-game build instead of just having a plan on what skills to have that are important for all tiers.


May 29, 2006
Over there
Big yes to respec. Plus, you should have an infinite amount of skill points from the get go. Why stop the player from using the fun skills for most part of the game? Makes no sense.If you don't like it, then don't allocate them. Plus, your character should be immortal. I don't play games to die and reload and reload and reload. I play them to have fun. If you want to die, then just turn off the computer. Problem solved. lol.


May 14, 2008
Respeccing encourages creativty and experimentation with builds. We have to stop that guys, or people won't play the game to the exact specifications of gamefaqs. Fight the rainbow, no respec.


Jan 17, 2008
^ Who are these people that only play with one build? If they're too dumb to experiment with a game then that's their fault.

Why wouldn't you try different character builds regardless of there not being a respec option?

If respeccing is limited and ensures that you don't get a tabula rasa redo (not the mmorpg) whenever you feel like it then I don't mind, but if it's basically an in-game character eidtor that only costs a little gold and can be done infinitely then no no no, don't include it in the game - leave it as a seperate mod or a downloadable hack or something, but not built in.


Aug 7, 2004
The center of my world.
Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
I would favour one free plus one discounted respec per level, and respects beyond that would cost maybe ten times as much as discounted ones. Oh, and of course all respecs would cost a fair amount of gold, maybe increasing for every ten respecs.

DarkUnderlord said:
I can remember playing the original Diablo as a wizard. I focussed solely on fire spells.
Really? What a novel concept. I just took every spellbook I got. Which were never enough.

Dire Roach

Feb 28, 2007
Machete-Knight Academy
Unlimited respecs works great in Guild Wars since you have a fuckton of skills at your disposal and just as many viable builds to choose from. Also, there is no such thing as discovering "the ultimate build", since for every single build that has seemingly gained that title, another build is soon discovered that can counter it effectively. Thus the game encourages you to be constantly changing, adapting, experimenting. However, I doubt D3 will go in that direction; somehow it doesn't seem to me that it fits with the spirit of the series.

WoW's respec system, which would probably be the main influence behind D3's potential respec design, is geared more for allowing the player to switch from a PvE-focused build to a PvP build and vice-versa. There is room for experimenting with crazy build ideas, but there's very little of it since Blizzard has shown to be determined to force you to play your class in two or three specific ways in order to get the best performance out of it. D3's system would probably work the same way.

For those of you still vehemently opposed to any kind of respec for fear that it is an instant character hermaphrodite-er button that allows noobs to pwn pros, keep in mind that, as Destroid said, skills and attributes only comprise half of your build (and I doubt respecs will allow you to respec anything other than skills). If you think grinding more than one character of the same class as the one you already have at level 99 is fun, then you are simply a masochistic, unimaginative fucktard. Why don't we suggest to Blizzard that they remove those sissy waypoints and town portals? Why not remove healer NPCs and that stupid "free item identification" from Deckard Cain? Hell, why not make it so that you can only ever have one character saved at a time?

P.S.: for clarification, the way respecs work in WoW is that you get all your talent points (the rough equivalent of skill points in Diablo) back by talking to your class trainer at a big city and paying 1 gold, which can be a substantial amount for mid-level or otherwise poor characters. The second time you go to respec it costs 5 gold, then 10 for the third, 15 for the fourth, and so on in increments of 5 gold up to a maximum of 50 gold each time. For every month that you don't respec, the cost goes back down by 5 gold until it goes back to 1 gold.


Jan 17, 2008
if d3's skill system is two leveled - like WoWs that's fine, assuming the game is meant for you to change yourself - but if its like D2 in that "talents" and "abilities" are pooled together, then i don't think its such a good idea

regardless of which this isn't a game breaker for me, it just feels... shallow? then again i doubt d3 is going to be much of an rpg, despite what blizzard is saying right now, so it probably will work out fine


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
i do not see why respecs are not warranted if Blizzards are constantly rebalancing skill trees of every classes.

"oh nice, they buffed lightning rod, time to reroll sorcerer!" when I already have a lvl 50 around is retarded.

You want non-respecs, just keep it Hardcore mode thanks.


Jun 13, 2006
In a fine suit
What Dire Roach said. It worked for Guild Wars although it didn't exactly improve the overall concept. But I guess that there are only a few people who got a problem with that.


Aug 10, 2004
Do they people who scream "but you can switch whenever a situation changes!" bother to read the damn posts? No one has suggested they do that. One switch per level means that for that entire level (which can be a long time), you have to stick with your class, no matter what the situation is. That will make the game shallow because...? Because I might actually use some low level points instead of having a boring as hell ealry game saving them before I reach level 30 (though I assume most HARDKORE players will get rush or give there level 10 char uber items and do trist then cow runs)? Because I might experiment with a new build (one that, if it sucks, I have to stick with until the next level)? I mean, christ, in the later levels it won't really matter, it's gonna be 20 points in X skill and 20 in y and 20 in z. It only makes the early game mre interesting and encourages experimentation...and that's wrong because?

And once again. NO ONE is suggesting on the fly respecs. So please don't complain about that. Or just fucking learn to read.


Waster of Time
Sep 15, 2006
Finnegan's Wake
Raapys, you are against respecs. Why are you now for character-class changing? *whistle*
Or do you see (limited) respeccing as a so major change that it compares to class changing?
Then why are you even asking the question? Out of arguments already? (Not trying to be superior here but you give the impression.)
Anyway, obviously we're not getting anywhere. The anti-respeccing crowd ignore arguments and the pro(I don't care) crowd doesn't "get" what the problem is supposed to be.
Just for the record: I don't really care if respeccing is in or not. I played Guild Wars and the Eastern Sun mod for D2. Both had respeccing and it didn't bother me in any way. D2 didn't have it and that was fine by me too. But for casual players who need some time to get into it and might try skills before they realise that a more specialized build is probably better or who just want to see the special effects respeccing is a nice option. So if it doesn't bother me (and may even benefit me), the aspergers-epen crowd isn't forced to use it and casual players actually benefit...what was the problem again?
Just my personal stance on the topic before somebody tries to put words in my mouth again.

MountainWest said:
Big yes to respec. Plus, you should have an infinite amount of skill points from the get go. Why stop the player from using the fun skills for most part of the game? Makes no sense.If you don't like it, then don't allocate them. Plus, your character should be immortal. I don't play games to die and reload and reload and reload. I play them to have fun. If you want to die, then just turn off the computer. Problem solved. lol.

aron searle

Nov 27, 2007
United Kingdom (of retardation)
Destroid said:
Also, Diablo is NOT an MMO, stop talking about it as if it is.

O'rlly i had'nt noticed!

There seems to be 3 main argument against respec that i can tell.

1. Tough (not worth addressing)
2. It will make the game easy
3. If you can rerol skills, why not char class (reductio absurdum)

The only point i think worth addressing is point 2, i mention guild wars because it simply demonstrates that respec does not = easy if handled properly, and it doesnt mean making it an MMO either.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
What's the main argument for respec? I don't want to play the game through low levels again? Waaaah. Why not just start everyone at level 99. Unless you're going to rebuild your character to change a single skill into another, he should play differently enough to be interesting through the low levels again. Levelling in D2 was a pain in the ass because every fucking playthrough is the same. Same quests, same enemies, 70% same loot (They really fucked up the drop tables.) Only stats that mattered were life and str enough to equip shit. They should fix that crap, not add an 'I'm a retard- do over' button. (Although if it were named that and it added a Dumbfuck tag to your char's name I'd be fine with it. That's a real drawback, not this only 99 times or cost 10 minutes worth of gold shit. :twisted: )


May 27, 2005
I would like to play a game where each new start would be totally diferent whit new monsters, and new quest but that is obviously not the case.

Not knowing that hammers are imba playing for the first time means that you are retarded? Maybe they should hire somebody not retarded, and he would balance the game in 5 minutes just by reading about skills.

aron searle

Nov 27, 2007
United Kingdom (of retardation)
balance the game in 5 minutes just by reading about skills.

Balance is a myth.

Unless you delete all skills bar one, set all attributes to 10, and delete all equipment.

Otherwise there will always be a "best" build, the important thing is making sure its not that much better than anything else, the only reason hammer is imba is due to the lack of resists against it, compared to other spell skills.


May 27, 2005
aron searle said:
balance the game in 5 minutes just by reading about skills.

Balance is a myth.

Unless you delete all skills bar one, set all attributes to 10, and delete all equipment.

Otherwise there will always be a "best" build, the important thing is making sure its not that much better than anything else, the only reason hammer is imba is due to the lack of resists against it, compared to other spell skills.

I was sarcastic there, that is pro respec argument. It is all fine to make sub par character in sp game but in mp (other then playing whit friends) it just broke your game.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
If you feel your game is ruined because you aren't using hammers like all the pros you need to just fucking slash your wrists and get it over with.


May 9, 2007
Diablo is a single or co-op game anyway, so its not like balance matters much.

And even though you can pvp, the balancing demands for that are completely different :S


Jun 7, 2007
Shannow said:
Raapys, you are against respecs. Why are you now for character-class changing? *whistle*
Or do you see (limited) respeccing as a so major change that it compares to class changing?
If they want to change skills, why not also be able to change class? Like I said, all the arguments pro-respec can also be used to argue for including a way to change class. So if we're gonna have skill resets why not also class resets?

aron searle

Nov 27, 2007
United Kingdom (of retardation)
Stop being a tard.

Respec = i picked the wrong build / the skills have been changed / everythings immune to me ect.

changing class = i got to level 50 before relasing i wasnt playing a barbarian but a necro?

It's not a case of "why not" its a case of "why do it", there are reasons to have respec. There are no reasons to have a change class option, and "why not" is not an argument, its just being obtuse.

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