So here we are at Fallout 4: he starts by saying that FO4 is visually impressive compared to FO3 and FONV - use of colour, buildings designed better, etc. He talks about the combat being vastly improved. He then talks about the settlement building and says he dislikes it, though he notes that some people do really like it - he says that the ability to instantly build settlement buildings is at odds with the setting; ultimately he finds settlements boring. He goes on to talk about radiant side quests and how utterly boring and dumb they are, and the settlement system being tied into them is another reason to hate it.
He notes that the radiant quest system being integrated so deeply into the game, makes the 'actual' quests hard to find. He says that the radiant quests turn the game into a bland dungeon crawler game. He doesn't like the 'random' aspects: random quests spawn random enemies who carry random loot. He loathes this approach to game design because it feels like 'fake content', of the sort that you'd find in an MMO.
The core gameplay loop starts to feel repetitive for him around the 30 hour mark, and he never wanted to play the game again. The 'dungeons' are all full of the same enemies, like super mutants or raiders, which, in addition to being boring, wrecks immersion.
There are some 'wacky' quests, similar to FO3. They're more enjoyable. But they still suck compared to FONV, and the lack of faction gameplay sucks.
He says that FO4's dialogue system is the worst aspect. No prizes for guessing what he talks about, we all know why the dialogue in FO4 sucks. He compares the game (unfavorably, obviously) to Fallout 1 in this respect. Mainly he just talks about how the FO4 dialogue consists of the same generic, boring options in every. fucking. dialogue. and how the 'sarcastic' option is completely retarded.
And the 'four options' are usually pointless and actually just an illusion. He also doesn't like the voiced main character because it diminishes role-playing, and a bunch of other reasons. He says about the 'missing son' theme creating a disconnect between the main character and the player.
The character building has been streamlined and made a whole lot more boring.
He criticizes the main story for being boring, having little choice, and having no interesting faction gameplay. I won't go into the spoiler section other than to say he clearly doesn't like any of the factions, and finds synths to be a poorly realized concept.
Overall he says that FO4 didn't just piss off hardcore Fallout fanboys, it also pissed off Bethesda fans. It's a looter shooter that barely pays homage to Fallout.
That's it for FO4.