replies to issues
1) Stuttering while panning the camera. When I look around with the camera I get a lot of chugging and stalling compared to games like Sacrifice that display huge landscapes. I don't quite get why this is. I have a decent machine too.
yeah, this is a problem and I'm working on it, it's simply because it has to page chunks of the map in and out of memory and it's doing too much of it at once instead of spreading it over several frames. But I should have this down for the first patch.
2) User Interface is cluttered and unwieldy. Almost looks like half the stuff was tacked on at the last minute. 'Close' buttons should definitely be more distinct and visible.
Say more that some of the placeholders still haven't gotten upgraded or polished. <sigh> There's generally some contrast and distinction issues with the whole wood-grain concept. It has the right feel, but it's apparent it's not working as effectively as it should and getting in the way of the game, not enabling it. I'm going to try some revisions of it soon, possibly very major ones.
1. The dark blue filter layer might be a simple idea for night time. However, it makes the interface nearly impossible to see. Not good at all. Try putting the blue night layer behind the interface panel(s).
yes this one of the things I kinda forgot about once I got used to it, it's a function of lighting and contrasts, there's no layer, the lighting is actually changing. It not just a function of a layer unfortunately, but it should be relatively easily fixable. I'm assume you mean things like selection boxes and hitpoint indicators and such? The actual "panels" never get overlayed, if they seem to change lighting levels it's due to tricks of the eye and contrasts as mentioned previously which need work.
2. Camera controls in the interface should be axed. They take far too long to fiddle around with the mouse. Lose this in favor of keyboard controls (easily displayed in a simple help page map of the keyboard, or customizable keys) in the keypad, or the usual arrow pad and Insert/Home/PgUp; Delete/End/PgDn rows for the camera controls.
um, the mouse can rotate the camera on screen at the edges by clicking and draggin and the numpad _does_ rotate the camera. Now there's been at least one other machine which the numpad doesn't register for some reason. I'll work on getting it customizeable. I hardly ever use the controls on the interface bar I use the keyboard mostly for camera rotations. The interface bar items were more added as an after thought and because a few testers requested them. They should be listed under main screen -> controls -> keyboard commands. And yes the help organization does need work.
3. Along with the last point, use the space freed up by the camera controls to display combat data (armor rating, time units left, etc.), or numeric data of the currently selected character that may benefit them in the roam.
That's a good idea, use it for a mouse-over area. I'm working on getting more mouseovers in place, but there are other priorities right now I think.
4. Some text seems to cut off in weapon descriptions (or they just ended without a period). I think the guardian's sword is one example, I'll go check in a bit. But if scrolling capability were added to the text boxes, that would add more to the game and solve 90% of the problems with the help system. You could have a summary page for the most often used help screens that had it all outlined, with specific pages for more detailed help if needed. A back function in the help system would be muchly appreciated.
yes, I should have the back button in place for the first patch. And scrolling is in place for the text boxes, if it's not working that's yet another bug I'll look at. I think that some of it may be that the scrollbar looks too much like the basic window outline. I can fix that easily.
5. The Esc key seems to either randomly work for closing out windows, or not at all. The point where it's most critical, in the game options menu, seems to be missing.
ach. missed that one. I'll have to just got through and check those individually again.
3) The way characters move is pretty jumpy... they don't move smoothly, and sometimes NPCs will flash by at impossible speeds. Very unpleasant to look at. Then again, it's pretty funny to see a fat farmer hurl himself at lighting speed from the inn to his home.
Amusing, but really improbable. Holding down the Alt key shouldn't be required for this. I think that the NPCs could move at 1/2 speed for walking, and then at the current speed for running. I was very surprised seeing a quite pregnant woman moving faster or as fast as my characters.
I'm going to slow general NPC movement down and I'm working on the PC "jumpiness." slowdown should be relatively easy, the jumpiness may not be.
4) I don't like using the ground squares to perform selection... I find it very clunky.
Though it is a bit consistent for NPCs, it makes getting items on elevated areas something of a pain, especially with the viewpoint changing. You need to guess where the item really is located.
this was actually a direct result of testing, we tried it with full body selection, just ground, and even cubic area selection, and we found that the ground select worked best. I'm thinking about making this a toggle-able option so people can choose their own favorite.
5) Overall I find the stability of the game is poor. I get save game lockups and a crash every now and then.
No crashes, but I find a few wonderful hard lock-ups, once when going INTO the save menu. What base is the game from? It appears to be D3D, and everyone knows how good Microsoft APIs are.
This is by far the most frustrating for me. On my three varied machines I have to develop and test on I get a crash or lock _maybe_ once every 4-6 hours, but I can see that other people are not having the same experiences and worse they seem to be fairly random, folks can't seem reproduce them consistently or get me savegames which can. I'd love to hear specific circumstances and hardware information from anyone getting crashes. It is D3D 7.0, but doesn't really take advantage of hardware t&l for instance.
On one final note I am the only programmer, but I don't see any way to change that at this point. <sigh>
Thanks for the comments and critiques,