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Prelude to Darkness COLLECTION


Feb 27, 2024
Unofficial versions:
OpenGL version by asfasdf & Tramboi RECOMMENDED! MOST STABLE
GitLab: https://gitlab.com/ptd3/ptd-1
Installation instructions for Windows version 2.12 (with Fowyr's fix included):
1. Download and install PtD 1.8
2. Download and unpack binaries.zip
3. Copy events.txt and people.txt to PtD folder
4. Copy bin-32 folder contents into PtD folder
5. Run the game through Prelude32.exe

Hi guys, I've decided to play this game. Yesterday I've installed the 2.12 and it seems to work, more or less.

What I would like to ask is: to make it run widescreen on modern resolutions, do I have to install dxwnd? Or the only steps to do are those quoted here?
So, no more dxwnd and no more "delete events.bin".

Thank you for any answer


Feb 27, 2024
Hi guys, I don't know if anyone is interested in it, but I made an awful hand-made map of the ancient library in the Citadel. It's awful, you can see there is something written on the other side of the page ad maybe it's useless.

That's why I tought it to be perfect for the mood of this game. Someone can find it useful, maybe. For me, it was, since at the beginning I hadn't get the schema of the ancient library.



Feb 27, 2024

Guys, I have an ENORMOUS problem. I'm in the very last part of the game I'm trying to make a priest consacrate the Novacula Dagger before I travel to Crossing West.

The thing is the game ALWAYS crashes in the moment I click to accept the "ritual". To whoever priest/ess I go. The problem is (reading the walkthrough) that I don't have anymore the book, just the dagger. The book, MOST PROBABLY, was why that asshole of Nylis, the only one I have dismissed with his gear on. Or, at least, this is the only idea I have about it.

I have looked for him in any tavern and he is not there, for God's sake. Is there any chance to use the console log to make the codex appear in my inventory.


Dec 27, 2017
Dunno about that, but since all the game’s scripts are in simple text format (as far as I recall), you could do a multi-file search with Notepad++ to see where the script that gives you the book is, copypaste that line to some random NPC close to where you are, and make it give you a copy of the book.

BTW I had the Novacula blessing crash when I was playing v1.8. I had to install 1.7, paste the saves there, and then it worked. Or maybe it was the other way around. I created a thread in the PTD subforum about it, you can look for it.

In any case, that’s an important bug to report, so might as well summon asfasdf Tramboi


Feb 27, 2024
Dunno about that, but since all the game’s scripts are in simple text format (as far as I recall), you could do a multi-file search with Notepad++ to see where the script that gives you the book is, copypaste that line to some random NPC close to where you are, and make it give you a copy of the book.

BTW I had the Novacula blessing crash when I was playing v1.8. I had to install 1.7, paste the saves there, and then it worked. Or maybe it was the other way around. I created a thread in the PTD subforum about it, you can look for it.

In any case, that’s an important bug to report, so might as well summon asfasdf Tramboi
Yes, the only possible thing is that it was with Nylis and he was in the Kellen Tavern after I dismissed him.

Because I remember I have encountered him in a Tavern just once after dismission. The problem is that Kellen Tavern, as you well know at this point of the game...

So Nylis gone. Codex gone.

I have to understand well what you want me to do with the script. C++ is not a language I know, for the moment. I browsed the files some weeks ago and I could understand the meaning of them and what was inside, but I don't know how to do what you suggested.

I will chech also the other thread you mentioned. EDIT: Checked, you were on the 1.7 and had to "migrate" to 1.8. I'm already on 1.8...


Feb 27, 2024
I've tried to check source files via ack and grep commands, but there is no mention of any "Novacula" nowhere. Or maybe I'm not good in what I'm doing (and that's true) AdolfSatan


Feb 27, 2024
Ok, little update. The bug is still there and I don't know how to solve it.

I was of the idea that you had to bring the blade AND the book to make it blessed and since I hadn't the book I thought that to be the problem of the bug.

But, actually, you just need the Nocavula, the dagger. And I have it. So, there is no reason for the bug but, still, I'm stucked and I cannot go on. I've tried to use the savegames on the 1.8 version, but savegames don't work. (maybe I should install there too the binary-32 files...)

I really need your help for the last 5 minutes of this game...


Dec 27, 2017
Can you send me your save file? I can install the game later tonight and take a look.


Feb 27, 2024
Can you send me your save file? I can install the game later tonight and take a look.
Sure, here it is:

Save File

You'll find yourself in the Barrier Temple just in front of Menanius for the blessing ritual. Every single time you click "done" to have the ritual done, it crashes.

N.B. I was playing in the 2.12 version.
I've also tried to roll-back to version 1.8 but gives the same problem.
Haven't tried the 2.10 version.

Edit: Thank you! And don't judge for how much I'm bad in party management!


Dec 27, 2017
Alright, here’s a hacky fix done with Notepad++ (it’s not a programming tool btw, it’s just Notepad on steroids). Replace the events.txt file in your folder with this one. Just make sure you have the Novacula unequipped before going on with the ritual.
Should the fixed events not work for you, here’s that save right after getting the Novacula Sanguineus.
Also, don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone you named one of the characters Mom and kept her stripped of clothes.

asfasdf Tramboi
Something in lines 17560 to 17645 of events.txt is fucky (the check to remove the Novacula if equipped), I had to delete them to avoid the crash. With this, the event doesn’t get cleared and one can abuse it to farm XP and copies of the Sanguineus.
btw is there some non-CheatEngine way of speeding the in-game animations or framerate?


Feb 27, 2024
Alright, here’s a hacky fix done with Notepad++ (it’s not a programming tool btw, it’s just Notepad on steroids). Replace the events.txt file in your folder with this one. Just make sure you have the Novacula unequipped before going on with the ritual.
Should the fixed events not work for you, here’s that save right after getting the Novacula Sanguineus.
Also, don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone you named one of the characters Mom and kept her stripped of clothes.

asfasdf Tramboi
Something in lines 17560 to 17645 of events.txt is fucky (the check to remove the Novacula if equipped), I had to delete them to avoid the crash. With this, the event doesn’t get cleared and one can abuse it to farm XP and copies of the Sanguineus.
btw is there some non-CheatEngine way of speeding the in-game animations or framerate?
I will try it right away!!
Thank you!

p.s. You didn't notice that I've also pushed "Mom" Dexterity to 30 and Endurance to 8.


Feb 27, 2024
Alright, here’s a hacky fix done with Notepad++ (it’s not a programming tool btw, it’s just Notepad on steroids). Replace the events.txt file in your folder with this one. Just make sure you have the Novacula unequipped before going on with the ritual.
Should the fixed events not work for you, here’s that save right after getting the Novacula Sanguineus.
Also, don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone you named one of the characters Mom and kept her stripped of clothes.

asfasdf Tramboi
Something in lines 17560 to 17645 of events.txt is fucky (the check to remove the Novacula if equipped), I had to delete them to avoid the crash. With this, the event doesn’t get cleared and one can abuse it to farm XP and copies of the Sanguineus.
btw is there some non-CheatEngine way of speeding the in-game animations or framerate?
IT WORKED! Thank you!

I had also cjecked the line you are referring to and, all in all, they looked ok. The only part that could give problem maybe is:

(if (has ^PARTY^ ^Novacula^)
(take ^PARTY^ ^Novacula^)

(fade 0)"

But since I don't know the language involved, I was not sure what to do!


Nov 3, 2007
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I tried to download and install PtD but apparently the installer gave me error with one music .ogg file and textures.txt. The file must have corrupted? Anyway, I changed download links to 1.8 to alternate, which works well.

If anybody's curious, the 1.8 from the previous link that I just removed was downloaded 5972 times.

I uploaded it in 2009, so it worked fine for 15 years before becoming broken.

Although it could've been the disk I stored it on, since it's my old PC. I'll keep the new link just in case though.
Last edited:


Feb 27, 2024
I tried to download and install PtD but apparently the installer gave me error with one music .ogg file and textures.txt. The file must have corrupted? Anyway, I changed download links to 1.8 to alternate, which works well.

If anybody's curious, the 1.8 from the previous link that I just removed was downloaded 5972 times.

I uploaded it in 2009, so it worked fine for 15 years before becoming broken.

Although it could've been the disk I stored it on, since it's my old PC. I'll keep the new link just in case though.
It worked for me two months ago, more or less. Have you checked on another disk?


Apr 6, 2023
Hello guys, is it possible to provide a download link of the game with all the fixes, no need for installation and source code without the hassle, just download a file, unzip and play? Would be really grateful if possible which i think it is, since the game is abandonware.

Edit: Did it myself https://mega.nz/file/gBB3HZ4I#EJxvicMc-o-D-vYu1xU1bWDIJPliYiUYevB9dK5W2ac
Thank you! Could we get this on the main page? :incline:

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