Ph.D. in World Saving
Technically the game runs flawless. Very well optimized. I'll write down some impressions tomorrow.
Technically the game runs flawless. Very well optimized.
Still not sold on the depth of the upgrade system.
Unfortunately I don't want to pay Bethesda crazy pricing here on Brazil, will wait for this to be 50% off into six months.
Hard difficulty is actually kind of hard. The word finally has some damn meaning again. I wonder what Nightmare is like.
PC version runs like butter. Playing with an old GTX 670 on high settings 1080p and no frame rate issues.
Still not sold on the depth of the upgrade system.
How much upgrade depth are you expecting? There's six skill trees, every weapon has multiple stats that can be improved, and you can install upgrades for your suit and psychoscope.
is itIt's a first person shooter
declineI'm hearing this is good, even here? What the FUCK is going on?
Prey is shit because it has low-res textures. Therefor I must conclude that System Shock 2 is an even bigger piece of shit because its textures are even uglier!
Tried the demo on ps4, controls were shit. Anyone playing the release version that can confirm they fixed the control lag?
It's a first person shooter it's not supposed to have solid rpg design jesus fuck.
Millennials. Millennials everywhere.
It runs smooth bc it's ugly.
Technically the game runs flawless. Very well optimized.
They optimized it by removing all textures. I bet Bethesda proper is already taking notes for Fallout 5.