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Probably preaching to the choir, but


Madame Guillotine
Mar 28, 2017
It's Kitten Time at the GreatCrystalShrine
Make the Codex Great Again!
True. DC were overwhelming. Hopefully there are a lot of things one can do in order to have an easier time, but since Lilura doesn't want spoil of any kind...


RPG Codex Dragon Lady
Feb 13, 2013
Yeah, I'm avoiding Wikis and walkthroughs. Haven't read any Underrail threads and not the Codex review (I assume the Codex reviewed it). Basically Lhynn cited this when I gushed about Swordflight's monocled aspects, so I thought I'd give it a whirl.

Just got done with Depot A. Fucking mutants. Dogs gave me hell. *ruff* *ruff* *acid splash* *thud* Trying to claw back some optimization in the build. I fucked up with one skill and wasted a feat but it doesn't look like feats matter as much as in other rulesets I've played.

Can't stop thinking about Fallout and Jagged Alliance 2 when I play this, and yet I haven't stopped playing it and started a replay of them so there is enough here that's different to keep me going, and I'm curious to see how all this evolves, and ends.

That's one reason I consider this to be pretty monocled. The lolUnities had me running back into the open arms of Baldur's Gate etc. within a few hours.

Excidium II

Jun 21, 2015
Third World
Just got done with Depot A. Fucking mutants. Dogs gave me hell. *ruff* *ruff* *acid splash* *thud* Trying to claw back some optimization in the build. I fucked up with one skill and wasted a feat but it doesn't look like feats matter as much as in other rulesets I've played.
Oh they do matter a lot, make or break some builds. But some builds have more "flex slots" than others.


RPG Codex Dragon Lady
Feb 13, 2013
"Show all feats" made me realize I'll probably want to pump Perception to 10, too.

Will post charsheet pics in a sec. See what you guys think.

Black Angel

Jun 23, 2016
Deep caverns was both hard and a bit tiring. Too many times the same encounter in a row.
Biggest problem tho is that the plot tells you you just got to the endgame, then proceeds to have you backtrack for hours, not a good climax at all.
Imho the npcs that reveals the plot sholdnt exist, you should have to put together the plot on your own and figure out how to get out of there on your own as well. Would have made deep caverns muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch better received.
Can't argue with all of that. DC is literally the culmination of the weakest part and the 'problems' of Underrail. Hopefully this ain't repeated in the expansion and next projects.

Also Lilura to make it 'easier' playing Underrail would be to min-max, though it's not impossible to finish the game with a sub-par/jack of all trades build. I see you're planning for gunner-infiltrator template, any plan for using a sniper rifle? If you don't have the required STR and don't want to spend a point or two for it, then Doktor Best's advice to use SMG would be better solution, since pistols had been BADLY nerfed here.


RPG Codex Dragon Lady
Feb 13, 2013
Okay, here we are.


Skills not shown at bottom have no hardpoints.



Also Lilura to make it 'easier' playing Underrail would be to min-max, though it's not impossible to finish the game with a sub-par/jack of all trades build. I see you're planning for gunner-infiltrator template, any plan for using a sniper rifle? If you don't have the required STR and don't want to spend a point or two for it, then Doktor Best's advice to use SMG would be better solution, since pistols had been BADLY nerfed here.

Yeah, in retrospect I should have min-maxed more. I've got a selection of SMGs now but I prefer the W&S .44 Magnum. I'm going for pistoleer but I suppose I might be forced to spray a bit.

Doktor Best

Feb 2, 2015
Definitely not a min maxed build :positive:. You can still beat the game i think since you've started on normal.

I would restart with oddity system though if i were you.

Black Angel

Jun 23, 2016
Psi Empathy..... oh well, at least you had a pretty good start and enjoyed it so much. Roguey only had a rough start due to RNG fucking him with a silenced pistol as a starter weapon, but he managed to finish it anyway and (as far as I know) enjoyed it as he begin to understand the system.
Stealthy characters can benefit greatly from Oddity system.

Doktor Best

Feb 2, 2015
You took a huge hitpoint penalty for basically nothing (since you wont have a successful psionic carreer with that willpower) and you're going for pistols, which is a pretty weak weapontype in Underrail.

As i said, you dont have to, but youre basically playing normal difficulty on super hardmode due to your spec choice. Also, i think oddity system is way more fun.

Also, take my advice with a grain of salt. I am also only in my first playthrough (reaching the end now though)


RPG Codex Dragon Lady
Feb 13, 2013
I went on Fallout and Jagged Alliance 2 wisdom where pistoleering is awesome as long as you have the mobility. I wasn't taking the game srsly when I took that pill, just shrugged and thought it was a plot trigger or something. I didn't think I'd keep playing this long.

Guess a restart could be on the cards. Will think about it.


Aug 28, 2013
People fear for what you will find in the deep caverns. But as a stealth character deep caverns seems to be a lot easier, so it should be fine. The final fight is not very hard and i think its optional, wouldnt know as i just went in without doing the sequence that weakens it or something. You may want to divert some points from mechanics and electronics to throwing, plenty of throwable stuff is pretty deadly and you only need like 30 points for it to be effective at any level.

Also you can stop pumping hacking and lockpicking at around 65-80 depending on your synergies and if you got some boosters, it will open most of whats in the game by then. those points could go to chemistry maybe to craft some ammo.
Havent played a gunslinger but i heard those are decent options.

Oddity is a good system, but it delays your leveling by quite a bit compared to classic exp system, so while the novelty is pretty cool at the start, it soons wears out.


RPG Codex Dragon Lady
Feb 13, 2013
I'm restarting. It won't take long to get back to this point and I'm used to restarting this sort of game. Just wasn't expecting to get sucked in to it, and I'd forgotten the build/dialogue choices made earlier.

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