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Game News Project Eternity Kickstarter Update #12: Reddit Q&A with Tim Cain

Crooked Bee

(no longer) a wide-wandering bee
Jan 27, 2010
In quarantine
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Tags: Obsidian Entertainment; Pillars of Eternity; Tim Cain

And here it is, Update #12 for Obsidian's Project Eternity Kickstarter featuring Tim Cain as he answers top 5 questions submitted by Reddit users:

AtheistBots asks...
Class vs. Classless systems You're most famous for classless systems involved in Fallout and Arcanum. It sounds as if Obsidian will be using a class based system. What do you see as being the advantages of a class based system that you're hoping to leverage in Project Eternity?

Answer: We are designing a class-based system because we want the different characters in your party to fill different roles, and classes are the best way to achieve this goal. In a skill-based game, it's harder to tell if a companion gives you the skills you are looking for, especially before you recruit them. In a class-based game, you know what each class can do, so you can decide that you want a particular class even before a potential companion offers to join you. And when you have a lot of companions and can choose which ones you want to take on a particular adventure, classes make it easier to form the group and be assured that you have your skillsets covered.

Bonus question: Are you considering multiclassing?

Answer: Bonus questions are cheating…but yes, we are considering adding multi-classing to the game. A better way to put this answer is that we are not ruling them out at this time. If they work well with our final system, we will offer them.

Kaaaboom asks…
I was a bit discouraged when I heard that the combat was going to be RTwP (real time with pause), myself being a big fan of TB (turn-based) and the possibility of tactical combat that it lends to a game. My question is then: how are you going to make the combat in P:E tactically interesting despite it being RTwP?

Answer: Hmm, this is a bit of a loaded question, as it implies that real-time games aren't tactically interesting while all turn-based games are. Believe me, I have played plenty of dull turn-based games with very few options on what to do on each turn, and there are lots of real-time games that are incredibly tactically rich. Look at all of the real-time strategy games out there!

So to answer your question, we are going to make sure that the distinct abilities that our classes will have will each provide different roles to those characters in combat, and that you will always have choices to make in combat about how to best position yourself and use your attacks. In addition, we are going to design the enemy encounters to be ever-increasing challenges, so that one way of fighting won't carry you through every encounter. You will be forced to mix it up a bit, tactically speaking, and use all of your combat skills to make it through to the end of the game.

Let me add that as an Infinity Engine inspired game, our pillars of design include isometric exploration of a fantasy world, a reactive storyline with interesting and believable characters, and real-time with pause combat. Those elements are expected in our game, and we feel strongly about providing them.

Elthosian asks…
How much reactivity can we expect from the world based in our character's race and sub-race?

Answer: We will provide a lot of reactivity in our game to your choice of race. We are planning on giving each race a set of traits that the player can pick from, and those traits affect everything from dialogs choices to skill bonuses to what kind of options you will have to finish some quests. There probably won't be quests that are just for one race, but one thing we are not going to do for certain is make race-restricted items. While many items have a cultural connection to some races, they will still be useable by members of other races. It might be unusual to see humans in elven chain, but they can wear it.

NeuroArcanist asks…
What aspect of cRPGs missing from modern games do you most want to recapture with Project Eternity?

Answer: I can answer that in one word: parties. I like playing cRPG's that allow the player to control big parties of characters, and by control, I mean you can pick the actions of each party member if you want. We will have lots of pause conditions in our combat, and if you want to have the game pause whenever a party member can perform a new action, you can do that. Most modern games only let you control one character, or if they give you a party, you only control one member of that group. In this game, I want to control all of them.

Zinicel asks…
Will there be modding capabilities for this game? I know it's a tall order for this style of game, but I've wanted a definitive answer to this question. Knowing Unity, I know it's somewhat unlikely to offer this. But it'd still be nice to know for sure.

Answer: That is a very good question, but unfortunately, I don't have an answer for you. We are still looking at Unity and how it bundles up content in the shipped game, and we will have to see how much of that we can make available to the player. I can say that we want you to be able to mod the game, and if it's possible, we will allow you to do it. It's not our primary focus, which is to give you an amazing single player experience with our game, but we know a lot of people will want to tinker with the game and make their own content, so we will let you know how this objective is faring when we are further along in development.​

Link to this update on Kickstarter


Jul 20, 2008
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Tim Cain said:
I like playing cRPG's that allow the player to control big parties of characters, and by control, I mean you can pick the actions of each party member if you want.
Then explain Fallout and Arcanum, Tim :hmmm:


Jun 11, 2006
Project: Eternity
So to answer your question, we are going to make sure that the distinct abilities that our classes will have will each provide different roles to those characters in combat, and that you will always have choices to make in combat about how to best position yourself and use your attacks. In addition, we are going to design the enemy encounters to be ever-increasing challenges, so that one way of fighting won't carry you through every encounter. You will be forced to mix it up a bit, tactically speaking, and use all of your combat skills to make it through to the end of the game.

Exactly what I want to hear. This is something very few games have, including turn based ones. I hope they'll pull it off.


Dec 2, 2010
I'm so glad I didn't pledge now I see that you are giving le reddit influence.
Enjoy your memefest faggots, this game will have more forced "humor" than fucking borderlands 2.

Okay, who was it?


Aug 14, 2010
Knowing reddit, I am genuinely surprised that the questions weren't retarded.

I kind of wish that there was some item restriction based on race, but it's not a big deal.


Apr 17, 2012
Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2
Whoever it was is a retard. Those were all good questions.
Actually I feel like we "wasted" a question with the one on mod support. It's likely to be in stretch goal or not at all, we'll know before the end of the kickstarter.


does a good job.
Oct 19, 2007
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pathfinder: Wrath
Actually I feel like we "wasted" a question with the one on mod support. It's likely to be in stretch goal or not at all, we'll know before the end of the kickstarter.

I understand your point but disagree purely out of selfish reasons:

* That question would never have ceased until it was directly dealt with. Now we can hope to see its cessation for a year.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
We will have lots of pause conditions in our combat, and if you want to have the game pause whenever a party member can perform a new action, you can do that.
This is interesting, several Bioware developers have mentioned in the past that Dragon Age can't have autopause options because there aren't any rounds. And "pause whenever a party member can perform a new action" suggests that abilities might be on a universal cooldown. :M


Feb 22, 2011
Tim Cain is the only one selling this project to me at the moment.


Feb 22, 2011
The setting so far seems pretty mundane. Hopefully they can improve on that. I'm more interested in the combat at this stage because without a good combat system, game will be shit for me.
Apr 2, 2010
This is so awesome bros...

What is?

Sawyer said:
For Project Eternity, I’d like to keep the overall feeling of pacing and management, but we don’t need to be bound by rounds or the timing rules of the AD&D games. This should allow the characters to feel more responsive to commands and to have more flexible timing windows for the use of abilities.

Lack of rounds + mention of abilities in a time-bound context + what Tim Cain said about actions becoming available to perform = not only will it be real crap with pause but also a twitchfest next gen shit devoid of rounds, complete with KOOL-downs for the next gen kids. Just Another MMO Influenced crap ala Dragon Age. Hallelujah.

Hooked on the kool-aid, are we?


Jun 11, 2006
Project: Eternity
Lack of rounds + mention of abilities in a time-bound context + what Tim Cain said about actions becoming available to perform = not only will it be real crap with pause but also a twitchfest next gen shit devoid of rounds, complete with KOOL-downs for the next gen kids. Just Another MMO Influenced crap ala Dragon Age. Hallelujah.

I very much doubt there will be WoW-like cool-downs. I think (hope) he just meant you'll be able to auto pause when a character is finished with his/her current action and is ready to take a new one. Big, big difference. If he's talking about per-ability-cooldowns, it's a disaster, but I just can't see that.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
A party member does an action, and as soon as that action is finished the game pauses. Seems straightforward to me.
Pausing after each person in your six-person party auto-attacks? Sounds tedious. Though I guess I can see it if it works like "pause after spell cast" though in this case everyone has spells thanks to souls.
I very much doubt there will be WoW-like cool-downs.
No, there'll be Mass Effect-like universal cooldowns. :troll:


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
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FYI, cooldowns have been consistently voted down in polls on the Obsidian forums, so they'd be going against their base if they added cooldowns.


Codexia Lord Sodom
Dec 5, 2002
Jersey for now
Good Q+A session with Timmy.
However, here's a question: If parties are that important with regards to skills each character brings to the system, then why not just have the player create a group?
Is it due to character interaction within the party?

Admiral jimbob

gay as all hell
Sep 29, 2009
truck stops and toilet stalls
Wasteland 2
"Well Mr Cain as I am here representing the Reddit userbase I'm sure I ask on behalf of us all when I ask you whether we will be able to molest any sexy little loli sluts in this fine game. My purchase depends on it"


One Bit Studio
Dec 28, 2010
Project: Eternity Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
though in this case everyone has spells thanks to souls.
We don't know how the sould system will work. It's unlikely that everyone will be a mage in some degree thanks to the souls.

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