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KickStarter Quest For Infamy - A Quest for Glory-like Indie Adventure Game


Infamous Quests
Jun 8, 2012
Syracuse NY
Codex 2014 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Well, hey, here's some news and updates here:

Quest for Infamy v2.0 will be uploaded and released on all platforms (GoG, Steam, Humble, Itch.io, etc.) sometime in Q1 2022. Most of the changes are small cosmetic ones, some bug-fixes, a few graphical changes/updates, but nothing super major. It will go from 320x240 resolution to 320x200, making it fit widescreen monitors better. We'll be selling this new version as QUEST FOR INFAMY: SPECIAL EDITION DIRECTORS SUPER CUT for $59.95 - if you've previously bought QFI, you get a 5% discount. It's our way of saying thanks for the support.

Just kidding, if you already own it, you can get 2.0, of course. If you don't, there's no price change at all. Homey don't play that.

As well, I got word from the team doing the port of QFI for consoles (Nintendo Switch, PlayStation, Xbox, etc.) that they're done and should be releasing QFI on consoles sometime in Q1. (After Christmas and New Years, I am told.) So if you like console gaming and wanna play QFI there, you can next year.

I am also finally finishing up recording the voices for QFI: Roehm to Ruin (a prequel) and should be done editing those and getting them in engine over the next couple months. After some testing, it'll be ready for release. So we'll have tied up that end.

When I get actual release dates, I'll post them here too; right now I just have a general idea.

Then, god willing, someday we make Quest for Infamy 2: Roehm in Space.
Last edited:


Wholesome Chungus
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 13, 2021
Warszawa, PL
We'll be selling this new version as QUEST FOR INFAMY: SPECIAL EDITION DIRECTORS SUPER CUT for $59.95 - if you've previously bought QFI, you get a 5% discount. It's our way of saying thanks for the support.
please dont play with my heart like this im still angry over kathy rain


Infamous Quests
Jun 8, 2012
Syracuse NY
Codex 2014 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Major change!
Maybe there's a typo somewhere?

Hah, yeah, I edited it - 320x240, which is a square ratio, to 320x200, which is rectangular.

please dont play with my heart like this im still angry over kathy rain

Heh, yeah, I see some folks are upset about that. I can understand a dev wanting to try to get more $$ (I don't think Kathy Rain sold well enough for them to make their budget back the first time, but I am not sure.) But with a QFI update, I just hope to continue to get more people discovering it, and to keep the old fans happy too. I'm lucky enough that despite the game coming out seven years ago now, it still finds new players all the time, and it never goes out of style!


Philosoraptor in Residence
Sep 30, 2009
Combatfag: Gold box / Pathfinder
Codex 2012 Codex+ Now Streaming! MCA Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
Blackthorne I have to ask, did you ever actually send out all/any of the QfI boxes? I mean, it's been 9 years since the estimated delivery date.

Also, I assume that you're still honouring Kickstarter pledges re: Roehm to Ruin. Just checking since that was estimated to be done 6 years ago.

I know that you've had some terrible circumstances with your health and personal life and I'm glad that you're plugging away and hope that these projects find success. But I think I and others like me have been extremely patient while hearing almost nothing and it's hard to think that we weren't just pitching money into a black hole by coming out to support your projects.


Infamous Quests
Jun 8, 2012
Syracuse NY
Codex 2014 Divinity: Original Sin 2
I have sent out many boxes and I am sending out more, I just started on another spate of them after not doing some for a while. The packing and shipping of them has definitely been my biggest regret in it all - I'm a far better game developer than I am a shipping manager, that's for sure. I had intended for that part of this to be outsourced but those plans fell through, and I was left to do it on my own. (And, yeah, the past 5 years of my life have not been normal by any means, but we all have shit.) I'm still trying to get out all the boxes, I have all the items in boxes in my basement - it's assembling the boxes, stuffing them with the various items that go in them, then putting together the mailing boxes, putting the box and books in them, labeling them and shipping them that takes time and effort. And money, shipping is expensive. I sent a package to Pennsylvania last week with a QFI box & book in it, and it cost $10.15.... I live in NY, PA is just south of me! New games are forthcoming, and we have made and released two games so far. The next two should be finished next year (RtR in Q1 and OotT: Fortress of Fire in Q3 or 4) I do appreciate the patience, and I don't think people were pitching money in a black hole. I actually looked at the 50 or so games I personally backed on Kickstarter Recently, and only a handful ever even released a game, let alone any physical rewards promised. In hindsight, I think most developers, us included, vastly underestimated the abillity to produce physical goods as compared to making the games. I know when I did cost estimates for the physical stuff, the prices changed a lot in the years between when we fundraised and when we bought, AND I failed to take into account funding for the actual work involved, I just calculated how much it would cost to make it. Underestimated shipping and labor for sure. Learned a hard lesson there, and wish I had more capital to correct it in a more speedy manner.


Philosoraptor in Residence
Sep 30, 2009
Combatfag: Gold box / Pathfinder
Codex 2012 Codex+ Now Streaming! MCA Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
I have sent out many boxes and I am sending out more, I just started on another spate of them after not doing some for a while. The packing and shipping of them has definitely been my biggest regret in it all - I'm a far better game developer than I am a shipping manager, that's for sure. I had intended for that part of this to be outsourced but those plans fell through, and I was left to do it on my own. (And, yeah, the past 5 years of my life have not been normal by any means, but we all have shit.) I'm still trying to get out all the boxes, I have all the items in boxes in my basement - it's assembling the boxes, stuffing them with the various items that go in them, then putting together the mailing boxes, putting the box and books in them, labeling them and shipping them that takes time and effort. And money, shipping is expensive. I sent a package to Pennsylvania last week with a QFI box & book in it, and it cost $10.15.... I live in NY, PA is just south of me! New games are forthcoming, and we have made and released two games so far. The next two should be finished next year (RtR in Q1 and OotT: Fortress of Fire in Q3 or 4) I do appreciate the patience, and I don't think people were pitching money in a black hole. I actually looked at the 50 or so games I personally backed on Kickstarter Recently, and only a handful ever even released a game, let alone any physical rewards promised. In hindsight, I think most developers, us included, vastly underestimated the abillity to produce physical goods as compared to making the games. I know when I did cost estimates for the physical stuff, the prices changed a lot in the years between when we fundraised and when we bought, AND I failed to take into account funding for the actual work involved, I just calculated how much it would cost to make it. Underestimated shipping and labor for sure. Learned a hard lesson there, and wish I had more capital to correct it in a more speedy manner.

Blackthorne, thanks for the answer and update. I figured that it was something like this. I know from running my own business that physical products are a bitch and shipping can be ridiculous. I still hope that your projects are successful (and if you do a physical reward in the future, hopefully after QFI is resolved, increase the amounts you're charging for shipping and for the reward itself).



Philosoraptor in Residence
Sep 30, 2009
Combatfag: Gold box / Pathfinder
Codex 2012 Codex+ Now Streaming! MCA Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
Blackthorne I keep telling you I'm more than happy to PayPal you the shipping cost to get this on my shelf.... :salute:

It's funny, I'd had that thought and just message him that earlier. The original campaign had fairly low prices on the box sets and no "kicker" for shipping other than whatever was built into the tier. Strikes me that it would've been almost offering it as a loss leader or at a terribly slim margin.


Infamous Quests
Jun 8, 2012
Syracuse NY
Codex 2014 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Just got word Mindx2 got his box, hopefully mediocrepoet gets his soon too!
It's funny, I'd had that thought and just message him that earlier. The original campaign had fairly low prices on the box sets and no "kicker" for shipping other than whatever was built into the tier. Strikes me that it would've been almost offering it as a loss leader or at a terribly slim margin.

Yeah, we did ours in the infancy of Kickstarter. They didn't even have options to add for shipping then, and... well, shipping is way more expensive than people realize in the days of Amazon and such. I had a couple German backers I was going to send packages to, but they wanted $168-$232 to ship them right now. Uh, no thanks. Waiting til after the new year to do more int'l shipping. Even to Canada, which is close to me, was more than $30.

Darth Canoli

Jun 8, 2018
Perched on a tree
Yeah, we did ours in the infancy of Kickstarter. They didn't even have options to add for shipping then, and... well, shipping is way more expensive than people realize in the days of Amazon and such. I had a couple German backers I was going to send packages to, but they wanted $168-$232 to ship them right now. Uh, no thanks. Waiting til after the new year to do more int'l shipping. Even to Canada, which is close to me, was more than $30.

Losing money isn't a sound business plan if you ask me, you should ask the backers money to ship their box, I know you could ask for payment on delivery once, I don't know if it's still available.
Anyone sound of mind would understand and you have no real obligation toward your kickstarter, if shipping what's left of the boxes threaten your business, it's time to stop or ask for the shipping money.


Infamous Quests
Jun 8, 2012
Syracuse NY
Codex 2014 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Any hints for us on setting? Will Roehm find himself in a desert following the QfG pattern?

And I assume save-import is a given?

Not a desert; the location is in a large city to the North. It's hinted at in the codecil of the game post-credits.

Yes, save-import is in this game; you can bring your stats and infamy in with you. Your infamy ranking will affect your influence with certain characters and situations in the game.


Infamous Quests
Jun 8, 2012
Syracuse NY
Codex 2014 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Double post, but fuck it - you may or may not have seen - Quest for Infamy is coming to consoles this week. Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4/5 and Xbox One... Ratalaika Games did the port... I have yet to play any of these versions, but I hope they're cool. Seems to have a bit of buzz behind it, and if it brings in more of an audience, I'm all for it. May even help me to pay to make more new games, so hey, futures so bright, I gotta wear shades.


May 25, 2021
This game managed to make me nostalgic for a sub-genre I have never played before, well done. I really liked the narrator, both the writing and the voice acting.

Both the main branch and the v2beta branch on Steam still have a 320×240 resolution and show version 1.1 splash screen for me so I guess the Linux version hasn't been updated to 2.0? Would be nice to have the game updated to an AGS version that understands game_scale_fs=max_round (or at least doesn't try to change my monitor resolution) and doesn't grab my cursor and prevent tabbing out - had to play the current Linux version on a virtual monitor using gamescope to work around that.

I did have some issues with are exits, in particular ones at the bottom of the screen were often not usable at all with the mouse, forcing me to walk with the arrow keys for some transitions - and even that was fiddly in the mines.

That damned exit to the 99 acre woods from ruined mansion took me ages to find. Only noticed it when mapping out the outdoor areas to see if I missed anything. The puzzle for the Float on a Cloud is also ... not nice when there so many other things you could use to scare that damned owl but the game won't let you. That's the only one I gave up on and looked up the solution for.

The Gnoll also seemed bugged a bit for me. I scared it using the spell and then later gave it a cigar and then the finest tobacco, after which it still wouldn't give me the crest piece. At this point giving it more tobacco didn't have any reaction at all (not even a line from the narrator that I can't do that). Thankfully, casting the fear spell again worked this time but I don't see why when it didn't before - maybe you need to try it a certain number of times?

Also, if you break into Rayford's house during Act 3 he magically teleports in from Tyr and comes down to arrest you if you make too much noise. Might be worth preventing you from breaking in in Act 3 with the same message you get at the house of the major or Tyr.

All in all, did not encounter any major issues and the ones I had are perhaps already be fixed in 2.0 - only found out that existed after I completed the game and read this thread.


Infamous Quests
Jun 8, 2012
Syracuse NY
Codex 2014 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Hey, thanks for playing. It's been so long since I've done any dev on QFI, I'm not sure what's different in 2.0 off the top of my head. I've got a dev log TXT file somewhere, I'll find it. Eventually, I'll be able to playtest it enough to make it the main branch available. It sucks being the only one working on this stuff currently; I don't have the same free time I had when I was younger, that's for sure. I've been busy working on Colossal Cave with Ken & Roberta Williams, but when that wraps up I'll have some more time to finish up loose ends on IQ stuff - which included finishing the prequel to QFI - Roehm to Ruin. I only need to finish recording the protagonists voice lines, and test a bit. Get that out in spring 2023.

Anyway, I'm rambling. Thanks for playing and I'm glad you enjoyed it.

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