Hello everyone, this is Standstill.
I'm sure many of you must be going "Who? Literally who?" right now.
I'm a (relatively) new recruit at the Alicesoft offices, and also the first Hanny in the whole team who has been "manufactured" overseas. Want to guess where I'm from? Go ahead! I'll give you a few tries.
- The US? Bzzzt! Wrong.
- Turkey? Nope! Although I get that a lot (not sure why, really).
- Hanihon? I'm sorry but I don't think that's a real country.
I was lovingly molded by my parents in Italy.
I know, I know, that only raises even more questions. What's an Italian Hanny doing at Alicesoft? And do Haniwas even exist in Italy in the first place?!
Well, it's a long story! Take a glass of wine and a bowl of pasta and sit here with me while I tell you everything about myself.
Back in the mesozoic era (also known as 2010 CE), I was a wee pottery who loved shutting himself at home to play games day and night. On one fine day I stumbled upon Sengoku Rance, which had just been translated in English by a mysterious and elusive being known as "TakaJun". I instantly fell in love with it, flew to Japan and bought a legit copy while trying my best to learn everything about the company that developed it despite the language barrier. And I wanted to play the other titles in the series so much I found myself having to choose between two courses of action:
1.Patiently wait for a translation of another Alicesoft game to happen.
2.Move to Japan, study Japanese and infiltrate Alicesoft to work on the games myself.
Since I may be a little insane, I went for option no. 2! I worked worked worked, saved money money money, and finally moved to Japan in 2014. I enrolled in a Japanese school, then in a technical school to study programming and game design... and a whopping 10 years later from the moment I first touched Sengoku Rance, here I am!
Wow, what an amazing trip it has been... I can hardly believe it myself. But you know what? Even though I finally managed to achieve this dream, it feels like I've only arrived at the starting line. The real challenge starts from here on, and my next objective is to make everyone properly understand that Alicesoft is the no.1 eroge brand in the whole universe! The first step to achieve that has been the creation of an official English Twitter account, so please leave us a follow!
There's so much to do, and I can't wait to walk down this amazing path with all of you! The golden Haniwa age is nearly upon us!