Almost a year ago I started playing Return to Na Pali with
Ash's mod, played it for that day, quit before I got to the ship. Now I continued it today to find that I had a bunch of duplicate non-functional weapons in my inventory (what), and then the space marines never spawned so I quit. Maybe my version is outdated and he totally fixed it he swears but who cares. gg no re
Not sure what to say, RtNP is already like a boring mod to begin with. My only playthrough of it was on a road trip with a shitty netbook while listening to some random podcasts. Only thing that stood out to me was the fact that he removed the opening but left in the first monologue, which is extremely, unforgivably retarded. The rest I've already said before of the base game. To recap, the List of Shit:
- Weapon mods for custom clown guns (‘BUT MUH DISPERSION PEESTOL UPGRADZ!!!’ They aren't the same and they also still sucked anyway.)
- Extra enemy attacks that don't add anything and can be walked around without dodging despite how much he thinks you need to
- WTF why do Krall have shields now? More time-wasting shit that isn't even hard, as if the mercenaries weren't enough
- Cringe custom level design inserted in the worst place possible
- Extra enemies inserted with a disregard for muh atmosphere (‘BUT UNREL ISNT ATMOSPHAG GAEM, IT IS GAEMGAEM!!1’ No. ‘BUT THEY ARE ONLY ON SOOPER HARRD ACKSHULLY’ Ackshully no.)
- Tryhard mode with checkpoints, lmao. Quick-save action-adventure hit-scan FPSes are the worst genre for that shit, ReTarDude can kiss my Ash.
- funny bad texture haha lol
‘my stuff in game = better’ - Modders who mod