Here you go, first review:
Shit mod. Boring, tedious, pathetic. Really. It's completely overrated. There's nothing cool or interesting about the level design, they're just overly large and long maps with too many enemies. It's not super hard, even on nightmare (which is what I was playing on). Not only are all the extra enemies redundant, even the originals are completely trivialized. There aren't any particularly interesting encounters, it's just endless rooms of whatever they felt like throwing in. The environment is not built around them, it is in fact just a long string of nondescript rooms with flat layouts. Of course, even the original Quake has lots of flat rooms, so? But even there the encounters are far more clever and challenging than the shit in this mod. Here, the only complexity in the level design is from the way the rooms fit together overall, but the actual playing field at any given moment is pretty much just banalshitboring crap. It's more like they're just really big (and still mediocre) deathmatch levels with enemies in them rather than actually compelling singleplayer stuff. Even with that apparent complexity, the maps aren't actually complicated to navigate as you can get through them with your brain turned off most of the time. Basically, it's quantity over quality: the game, and nothing but boredom.
The ‘arcane dimensions’ featured are all quite dull, too. There's none of that weird Quake atmosphere, it's just bland skyboxes and OMG FOG SO SPOOPY LMAO. Also, projectile shotguns, wat. That's the stupidest thing I've seen in a game. but, liek, hitscan bad lolololo. Running around killing every enemy in the same boring way over and over is so fun, it doesn't even matter what they are, just shoot them with shotgun lol. Turn your brain off lol.
I didn't finish it. I got stuck with a bad quicksave with a shambler and the only thing I could do was cheat or restart the entire extremely long and mindnumbingly repetitive level, so fuck that. (‘OMG U FAG Y U PLEY ON NITEMARE THEN IF U SUX AT GAEM UR NOT QUACK PRO LIKE ME TRYHARDR NEXT TIME LMAOE!!’ says the autist.)