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Wasteland [RESOLVED] Wasteland 2 Director's Cut camera angle issues



Jun 7, 2013
Free Village
and worst of all: the distance I can see away from the team at ALL camera angles / zoom levels is laughably cramped.


what kind of shit resolution are you playing on?

I don't remember my standard setting, but if you zoom out you can definitely see farther than you can shoot even with a sniper rifle/ max Awareness. This is definitely a (weird?) technical problem on your end.

Everything else you describe is more of a case of severe autism. Most enemies won't initiate combat when you're a mile away, and they're usually placed so that you can start taking cover right after having been noticed. As long as you get your weird view distance problem fixed, you should be fine.


Creator of Fallout Fixt
Feb 15, 2013
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Codex 2013
and worst of all: the distance I can see away from the team at ALL camera angles / zoom levels is laughably cramped.
what kind of shit resolution are you playing on?
1920x1080 on a 24" monitor. Again I've not experienced this issue in the many other games i've played over the years.

This is definitely a (weird?) technical problem on your end.
Honestly it's really hard to explain the issue in a way that'll make sense to everyone. The best way I can describe it is the angle at which the view is pointed, is either not close enough to horizontal (when zoomed in fully) or too close to vertical when zoomed out fully. So it's always this uncomfortable feeling of being unable to see the "horizon" that I've never had with any other game. All of the Diablo games, all of the 2D Fallout games, other games like Planescape:Torment or Baldur's Gate, were fine. Literally every other conventional RPG, tactical turn-based RPG, and action RPG I've played didn't have this issue (which is dozens). It's like this game is actively trying to prevent you from having an optimal view of the landscape. It's fucking weird.

Another way to describe it which might help for clarity is it feels like if you played a game meant for 1024x768, in 640x480. It would always feel like you couldn't see quite far enough / quite enough of the map. I kept finding myself thinking "Man that [XYZ graphics asset] sure seems like it would look neat, I wish I could actually see it properly/fully].

Are you playing the Director's Cut or vanilla? In vanilla, camera angles were absolutely fine, DC fucked it up somehow. It was even worse before they supposedly fixed it, but it's still pretty bad. At any rate, you just keep playing, you'll get used to it after some time.
DC version. I will try the vanilla version, thanks for this info. :salute:

I hope you are playing the DC version. That is a good, polished game
DC version yes. And is it? hm. I've found other aspects of the UI to be quite glitchy too [like issues selecting enemies in combat, which again is a SUPER basic core function of a game], but I didn't mention them here because they are small issues compared to the perspective/camera issues.
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Jan 8, 2009
It's a very clunky and amateur-feeling game, and that never changed for me after hours of play. Camera is a part of that. It is a decent RPG with its heart in its right place, however.


Dec 21, 2010
I had my issues with W2s camera as well, but honestly in the end that had more to do with the dreadful level- and art design.


Jun 7, 2013
Free Village
and worst of all: the distance I can see away from the team at ALL camera angles / zoom levels is laughably cramped.
what kind of shit resolution are you playing on?
1920x1080 on a 24" monitor. Again I've not experienced this issue in the many other games i've played over the years.

This is definitely a (weird?) technical problem on your end.
Honestly it's really hard to explain the issue in a way that'll make sense to everyone. The best way I can describe it is the angle at which the view is pointed, is either not close enough to horizontal (when zoomed in fully) or too close to vertical when zoomed out fully. So it's always this uncomfortable feeling of being unable to see the "horizon" that I've never had with any other game. All of the Diablo games, all of the 2D Fallout games, other games like Planescape:Torment or Baldur's Gate, were fine. Literally every other conventional RPG, tactical turn-based RPG, and action RPG I've played didn't have this issue (which is dozens). It's like this game is actively trying to prevent you from having an optimal view of the landscape. It's fucking weird.

Another way to describe it which might help for clarity is it feels like if you played a game meant for 1024x768, in 640x480. It would always feel like you couldn't see quite far enough / quite enough of the map. I kept finding myself thinking "Man that [XYZ graphics asset] sure seems like it would look neat, I wish I could actually see it properly/fully].

So your problem is a dichotomy between playing fully zoomed in or fully zoomed out, and you don't really like either? Definitely an autism related problem.


If your problem is just aesthetics, welp, maybe you can't get over it. Sometimes presentation just seems off for someone. I can't say that I liked controlling the camera/ view much in WL2.

The thing is, the game isn't that unforgiving when it comes to scouting far ahead, as I described above. Trying to get "an optimal view of the landscape" (which can really just mean view distance, as enemies, elevations and obstacles/ cover are easy enough to make out), means you're OCD about 'controlling' the environment. I'm saying 'controlling' because you can actually control the battlefield just fine after combat has been initiated due to gratuitous amounts of cover everywhere, among other things. And that just goes for those cases where you really outright ran into enemies outside your view.

Mebbe think of it more on a squad level of things. This isn't Fallout Tactics where you can see enemies patrolling a perimeter from several screens away. Your characters actually have a view distance of their own according to their Awareness, and line of sight.



May 18, 2015
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
DC version yes. And is it? hm. I've found other aspects of the UI to be quite glitchy too [like issues selecting enemies in combat, which again is a SUPER basic core function of a game], but I didn't mention them here because they are small issues compared to the perspective/camera issues.
I never had a problem with bugs or the UI in the DC version. Of course what everyone has a problem with differs so...
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Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
camera angles ruin this game, or...?

Unity. The answer is always Unity.
Delivering a good camera is on the developer, as Obsidian proved numerous times back in the 00s/early 10s. Going for full rotation is asking for trouble. The path of least resistance is to design everything for one angle and not allow any kind of rotation. Larian went for limited rotation with D:OS.


Apr 16, 2004
Sduibek I would suggest skipping WL2, DC or not, unless you have an excessive amount of free time on your hands. As Tigranes and Duraframe300 roughly said; it isn't a good game, is amateurish and utterly fails at capturing the spirit or magic of the original Fallouts. And this is coming from someone who supported it on KS and didn't have any expectations beyond "a good post-apoc game".

If you're dying for a good turn-based post apoc-type game, although not squad based, I would suggest Underrail, Age of Decadence, or NEO Scavenger. If you need squad-based, there's not a good post-apoc suggestion that I can think of but Expeditions: Conquistadors is excellent, as is Silent Storm - although SS is much more a TB strategy game than RPG, the combat is exceptional as is the detailed stats/perks system and fully destructible environments.

Also, Blackguards has gotten a lot of love around here, but I haven't gotten around to playing it so I can't recommend based on first hand experience. From my readings and the people who have enjoyed it, I feel comfortable recommending it. With the same caveats, I can recommend Dead State in the 'squad based' category, and I even played the demo of that one a long time ago and I quite enjoyed it.

Lastly, ATOM has gotten a lot of love in its dedicated thread, and it is clearly post-apoc and TB (although not squad based), yet I don't feel entirely comfortable recommending it. While I played it a small amount, and the Fallout inspirations are definitely there, it might actually suffer from an uncanny valley-type effect, wherein it's a bit too much like and not like Fallout at the same time.

Regarding WL2, I can enumerate why I feel as I do about the game, but I'm sure you've seen the signs already. Dialogue, map and combat encounter design, and hell even the skill systems are all quite poor when held up to the games above - with the exception of the games I gave caveats about.


Jun 7, 2013
Free Village
Regarding WL2, I can enumerate why I feel as I do about the game, but I'm sure you've seen the signs already. Dialogue, map and combat encounter design, and hell even the skill systems are all quite poor when held up to the games above - with the exception of the games I gave caveats about.

dialogue is actually the one thing where they did the skill system right because it also uses attributes.

"if you want post-apoc squad based don't play WL2 but play Expeditions" is a p. retarded suggestion broyo.

DC is the version you want due to perks/ quirks. The complaints I'd read back in the days about all weapons being inferior to assault rifles proved to be not true. Squad building is probably what you'll get the most fun out of. If the game had more exclusivity when it comes to skills (e.g. skill/ attribute synergies), that would mitigate most of its problems.


Mar 29, 2015
I cum from a land down under
Insert Title Here
I had my issues with W2s camera as well, but honestly in the end that had more to do with the dreadful level- and art design.

Yeah there are a lot of problems with the game, but getting hung up on camera angle is a pretty strange one.

Its a fairly ok game with DC, especially when you compare it to the more recent reboot cluster-fuck/dumpster-fires like BT4 and UA.

glass blackbird

Apr 9, 2015
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
I don't remember the camera bothering me, but also if it's bothering you the game's not really good enough to justify struggling with it. Game's bad regardless; just play something else imo


Creator of Fallout Fixt
Feb 15, 2013
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Codex 2013
Now that I'm using https://forums.inxile-entertainment.com/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=10808&start=60#p189932 it's much better.

I've put several hours into the game after setting that up (along with some mods) and starting from scratch with new characters, and have been genuinely enjoying it now.

Thank you everyone for your input and feedback! I truly appreciate it.

Special shoutouts to Sacred82 and especially agris - thanks very much for the insight, bros! :salute::hug:

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