Commissar Draco
Codexia Comrade Colonel Commissar
Graphics are in much nicer style now, game premise is interesting so added to wishlist and will buy if the single player campaign would be added.
This is a recurrent request that is probably going to be anticipated, because of so much demand.Graphics are in much nicer style now, game premise is interesting so added to wishlist and will buy if the single player campaign would be added.
A Change of Roads (Campaigns)
Hello there. When we started Rise of the Foederati, we envisioned a project that would begin as a multiplayer experience first, and a single-player campaign game second. The objective was to build a historical game where players could travel around and seek adventure with their tribes and play along with their friends for objectives, fun or even just competitively seek to outpace other players in the same tribe. Our team begun very small, with an artist, programmer, game support designer/developer; then came an accountant, new artists, support programmers, and we started hiring voice actors to play the leaders and the trailers. Development was good; in 2017, we showed how our project was coming along in local game fairs, such as Brasil Game Show, together with other indie games. It was a great pleasure to be standing next to indie big names such as Knights of Pen and Paper devs, for example, and we managed to talk and have great suggestions and criticism for how the game looked.
The most common criticism we had from most players was our lack of single-player support. This is evidence in multiple forum discussions we had showcasing our product, where people would rather play with their own pace and learn more about the game first, before diving in a multiplayer mode. In a strategy game, this makes sense, as players first want to know mechanics, combos and efficient tactics first, before putting them to the test against others.
As it is understood, our game was initially sold with multiplayer sessions in mind. But because so many people are longing for a full campaign, we are very excited to announce the shift in our development direction! instead providing several campaigns of varied difficulty that put the tribes that we already developed in a story with multiple episodes. This means you as a player will get to play against a more difficult, smarter AI in a series of challenges across different landscapes, battles and political troubles that can shift according to your own decisions. Below is the detailed list of our changes for the future:
- Multiplayer efforts are now put second to single player. We are hanging gears to develop a cutscene editor to a multi-episode single-player campaign featuring events that happened after Rise of the Foederati's timeline, but very similar in setting. More details to come.
- The new planned units are on hold until we manage to fix a critical bug in the new units' animators, developed to fit all animations that are needed for a more complex graphical showing of their equipment in-game.
- The new tribe, the Alans, are planned and set to return to the development phase once we manage to finish our campaign. Eventually, they will also get their own campaign, and its our expectations that each tribe has their own leader or important figure to have their own. This is a slight change as well from our historical accuracy perspective; several tribes do not have legendary or historical figures in Rise of the Foederati, while others have too many; we will try to feature as many important names as possible and add theoretical, fictional elements that tie together with real historical happenings.
- Many people purchased our game because of our multiplayer focus-first, and are waiting for a long time for our product to be finished. We are checking how to open a refund program for those that feel like the change of pace in development does not suit their waiting anymore.
- Until the end of the year, no new updates are programmed, but we will now update players more often with news of this change.
We listened, and because this ties so well with providing content with more haste without compromising quality (because of the lessened complexity), expect to hear from us again soon. Our first campaign features one of the greatest Visigoth heroes of all time, whose actions profoundly changed the world at the time. We cannot wait to share more details! Last but not least, we do not plan on ditching multiplayer entirely; there are discussions ongoing for how we can implement episodes with two-player options.
As only a reminder for everyone, when we started developing Rise of the Foederati our main idea was to bring the connection between Antiquity and Middle Ages to players, as a interstatial period for those wondering what happened in the continent of Europe, Northern Africa and the Levant. Being a turn-based strategy game where players do not play as the leader of a nation, but rather as a commander of a soldier detachment, the whole mission of players is generally to serve their king/leader as a military officer with a group of different sizes, from a small warband to a large military unit performing a multitude of tasks, related to combat, or not, as they weave through the intricacies of a very politically fluid historical age. As the game begins roughly in 459, a few years after the death of Attila the Hun and the massive routing of his hordes, as his sons cannot unite to continue his father's legacy, be it from lack of personal competence or behind-the-scenes sabotage.
All this being said, our campaign instead is not from the 5th, but rather the 6th century. What is the difference in a hundred years to our setting, you may ask? Not many in most places. Our biggest change maybe is that players will not be dealing with the Western Roman Empire, but rather the Byzantine Empire. During this century, the Western Roman Empire was dissoluted and became what is known in history as the Kingdom of the Ostrogoths, in 489. For a while, though; emperor Justinian of the Byzantines captured and unified both Empires for a while, before losing grasp again of Roman rule and becoming the Lombard Kingdom of Italy, in 568.
With all this confusion thrown in, but now out of the way for those wondering about the setting, who is our main character and the setting of the campaign, finally?
Meet our guy. He is a Visigoth prince, born in troubling times in the Visigoth court in their capital, Toletum, Hispania. He has a small brother and has just lost his mother, Theodosia. He will need to stay strong and be a great prince for his tribe, as his father is the first Visigoth king in a while that manages to find relative stability and peace.
He also has a younger brother, who is just a (younger) kid when his adventures begin, but will play a big role in the future. What are the details surrounding these two princes and his people? Why is this map different than our official ones? Uncover more next week, as we showcase more details of the campaign in the future!
I hope you'll like it when it's looks really cool, like the graphics, the premise, even the UI makes me excited...but would only buy if there is a single player campaign. .wishlisted in hopes of single player campaign someday.
It grows on you.Yo just poppin by to tell you Rise of the Fedorati is a shit title.
Thanks, working on it for several years now. Hope it gets better and better as development goes on.Could be a gud game tho.
Thank you too, it would get even more praise if you kept up with the development over the years, assure you its still a rough gem, but watching how it was before and now its like night and afternoon - release will be day!Played a quick tactical match as the Suebians and it was a lot of fun. Carry on with the development, man.