Let's all hope that Ron will find a publisher someday.
What does a day with Ron Gilbert look like?
I get up around 6am and milk the cows, plow the back 40, water the chickens and hoe the pigs. I then head into the office (which is currently a desk Tim Schafer is loaning me at Doublefine). I quickly read about 300 RSS feeds to see what the hell is going on in the world so I can act smart at cocktail parties, then I head out to get some coffee. I return to my desk and pull up my game design document and stare at it blankly for 8 hours then I catch the train home and watch TV until 10 and go to bed.
Do you think you’ll ever create something again that gets such a huge fanbase like happened with the Monkey Island series?
The problem is, you can only do one deal with the Devil and I blew it on a 16-color EGA game.
Now that the newness of 3D with super realistic graphics and such is beginning to wear off, do you think games will move into more interesting styles and concepts?
Dear god I hope so. I'm so bored with realistic graphics. I can go outside and see realistic graphics. I want something that really excites my imagination. While doing realism is technically very challenging, it's not very creatively challenging and we need some more creativity in this business. All these stupid space marine games all look the same. None of them make me care at all about the world. Sorry Halo.
Let's all hope that Ron will find a publisher someday.