I got an idea for his company name, given his success as a stretch goal: Aveloan Games.
Aveloan Moans.
I'm sure they'll appreciate reading this then.I don’t think Paradox was ever fully aware the Tyranny team had been gutted (in general, publishers don’t like hearing the resources they’re paying for they aren’t getting).
How does he not know how hard T:ToN bombed? Or was this part of the interview done before it came out?And when we question how it paid off, that’s a good question - because who reaped the benefits of PST’s development challenges? It wasn’t Interplay, the company who had asked for the game in the first place and needed a return on its investment in the license. inXile certainly reaped the benefit, many, many years later, when the game was regarded as a cult classic that deserved (?) a sequel. Yes, I put a question mark there (not a slam against inXile, but it was good they took the general “Torment” premise vs. doing a direct sequel to Planescape Torment). I will say for crowdsourcing 13-14 years later, it definitely paid off
In Durance and Grieving Mother's case - and this I can say - the Creative Lead told me after my departure that the Project Lead had interfered but didn't specify the reasons. I don't even know what the reasons were
So much for that highly touted freedom from publishers that they said would allow them to explore mature subject matter.There were other people who apparently didn’t like Durance’s swearing (easy fix), and the original tie in the GM and Durance backstories were they had violated each other physically and mentally and that’s what broke both of them, which I then cut
Being free of publisher constraints and things like the ESRB ratings system will also allow the game to delve into more mature subject matter that fantasy worlds normally ignore, Sawyer said. Things like "slavery, hostile prejudice (racial, cultural, spiritual, sexual), drug use and trade, and so on" will all help flesh out the story and add a believable core to the highly fictional world, he said.
"I think the reason a lot of fantasy storylines feel hollow is because we don't treat the worlds like real places nor the characters in them like real people. I believe the existence of fantastic elements is an opportunity to ask, 'How would this change things?' When we see how the fantastic changes our reality, and how it does not, I think it can help us consider why we are the way we are."
So much for that highly touted freedom from publishers that they said would allow them to explore mature subject matter.
Arcanum, when?
those words on Sawyer
Fairfax was right
Additionally someone (not me of course) should post this on SA to get the goon reaction to "Josh Sawyer pulled rank and messed with Durance and Grieving Milf, but was too much of a coward to criticize Chris directly to his face."
Think big! saidHow about Chris Avellone's Giant Horsecock?
Remember that Ubisoft developers trashed Obsidian publically saying that when the game end up in their hands it was not like a South Park game at all and that they had change a lot of stuff. I would include swearing in the middle, that's for sure. Political correctness is a bitch. Or maybe it was just jealousy.
...that's it?
How is this the same studio that developed South Park: The Stick of Truth...
Goon response, starting with the usual suspect: https://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3807509&pagenumber=523#post483634929
Well in Tyranny you can side with rapists. Fallout: New Vegas too.Could you ever imagine something like that happening in a fantasy RPG? Nobody has the balls.
He's mentioned elsewhere that he didn't really have much power as an owner/creative director. The smallest big fish.Fairfax wish you could ask Chris Avellone how his role as one of the owner/founder of the studio could led to such situations as the one described in the PoE development.
He's mentioned elsewhere that he didn't really have much power as an owner/creative director. The smallest big fish.
It seems to me he regretted this decision once they start ganging up on him out of petty jealousy.It seems to me he just didn't want to be a "boss", and the small fish was self-imposed.