On our way out from inXile, we stumble into Michael Hoss from bitComposer, whom you'll recall was involved in the negotiations with Coreplay concerning the dispute the two parties had over Codex pet project Chaos Chronicles. Michael is in a good mood, though obviously taxed by his many duties at the conference. Of course, the first thing we ask about is Chaos Chronicles: “Well, I can't say more than that I still pray for a solution to this. I really fucking hope we can come to some sort of terms with Coreplay on this,” he says, “but it takes two to tango.” His smile fades a bit. “You know, when you work in this business, you see plenty of games come and go. You see good games, you see bad games. What beats me up about this whole dispute, is that I played the game, and you know what? It was fucking great. It was the kind of game you could be proud of having a hand in. The kind of game where the talent of the development team really showed. Such a shame.”