Turns out Irenaeus was right all along. You can look forward to spine-tingling wizard battles such as these:
Oh yes, yes the typical.
Very tactical.
Oh yes, yes the typical.
Very tactical.
I don't see what's so controversial about what Infinitron's saying. The game isn't completely devoid of complexity.
Blindness only affects your ability to do damage not take it. Tanks can still stand there, engage and absorb damage, and that's what they do.Sorry, I didn't mean for my rhetorical sophistry to upset you.
What about my earlier reply to you? I think you're too eager to damn the entire system because Sawyer has let you down, so he clearly can't be right about anything. Why not try to say, do some modding and create reactive encounters using PoE's system?
If you get inflicted with blindness and see a bunch of melee guys advancing towards you, you have to react to that by running away from them. In PoE, enemies generally keep on doing their thing when they get hit with afflictions, as if nothing happened. Don't you see how this could be completely changing your view of the game? What if you had to go and chase them instead, running into their allies' defensive formations? There's so many things to take into account here before you go around deciding the core system is junk.
Turns out Irenaeus was right all along. You can look forward to spine-tingling wizard battles such as these:
Oh yes, yes the typical.
Very tactical.
Blindness also makes you easier to hit.Blindness only affects your ability to do damage not take it. Tanks can still stand there, engage and absorb damage, and that's what they do.
It isn't? I thought that was fairly well established by now. This wasn't what was being discussed though.If I auto-pilot using largely the same strategy through nearly everything from trash mobs to set-piece fights is that complexity put to good use?
Blindness only affects your ability to do damage not take it. Tanks can still stand there, engage and absorb damage, and that's what they do.
It's almost as if this game is way too complex for any one person's gameplay style to characterize it with absolute confidence
It's almost as if this game is way too complex for any one person's gameplay style to characterize it with absolute confidence
You've reached a new low in sucking up. Keep it up, I'm sure the Doritos will come soon.
Just ignore the Blindness and afflict them with stuff back as usual. Any moment you spend moving is moments you spend losing!
When characters loaded down with dank gear try to pick a fight with me in cRPGs, I usually let them.
When characters loaded down with dank gear try to pick a fight with me in cRPGs, I usually let them.[Rational]
It does both (-20 to defense), tanks are just so superhuman you probably didn't notice (and it will likely be a graze so it's lasts few second only).
Thanks for the correction.Blindness also makes you easier to hit.
Also, the simple answer to the dilemma is that the game is catering to a "wider audience".It's almost as if this game is way too complex for any one person's gameplay style to characterize it with absolute confidence
You've reached a new low in sucking up. Keep it up, I'm sure the Doritos will come soon.
We are witnessing the evolution of mods will fix it here.I think you're too eager to damn the entire system because Sawyer has let you down, so he clearly can't be right about anything. Why not try to say, do some modding and create reactive encounters using PoE's system?
Also, the simple answer to the dilemma is that the game is catering to a "wider audience".It's almost as if this game is way too complex for any one person's gameplay style to characterize it with absolute confidence
You've reached a new low in sucking up. Keep it up, I'm sure the Doritos will come soon.
It does both (-20 to defense), tanks are just so superhuman you probably didn't notice (and it will likely be a graze so it's lasts few second only).Thanks for the correction.Blindness also makes you easier to hit.
I think, keep engaging them with your tanks is still the best strategy though. The worst thing you could do is give up position and cause a chaos where high damage guys get to your squishies.
Hey, don't blame the mage, that's how the encounter was designed. Even if his meat (well, bone) shields managed to intercept my fighters in time, I would have just shoot his undead ass. +3 damage resistance for 45 seconds self buff isn't going to do shit in this game. Proper mage fights need effective magical protections and better ways of stripping them than "I hit him with my axe".Sounds like a stupid mage for not having meatshields of his own to stop your fighters.
The narrative is great. The whole story is leagues ahead anything I've seen in a videogame so far.
Even if gets you killed, though? Fact is, when you engage with certain enemy tanks, put a strong enough debuff on one and start wailing on him, that's often a death sentence. So why shouldn't they retreat, pull out a ranged weapon instead, something? And remember, it doesn't have to be just one tank. One defender could retreat, leaving you to deal with others.
Even if gets you killed, though? Fact is, when you engage with certain enemy tanks, put a strong enough debuff on one and start wailing on him, that's often a death sentence. So why shouldn't they retreat, pull out a ranged weapon instead, something? And remember, it doesn't have to be just one tank. One defender could retreat, leaving you to deal with others.
Because they'll suffer a disengagement attack and lose action speed from moving, and then you'll just catch up to them and re-engage them anyway.
Hey, don't blame the mage, that's how the encounter was designed. Even if his meat (well, bone) shields managed to intercept my fighters in time, I would have just shoot his undead ass. +3 damage resistance for 45 seconds self buff isn't going to do shit in this game. Proper mage fights need effective magical protections and better ways of stripping them than "I hit him with my axe".Sounds like a stupid mage for not having meatshields of his own to stop your fighters.
The narrative is great. The whole story is leagues ahead anything I've seen in a videogame so far.
you can't be serious, right? It's one thing to say that the story in this game is great (I would disagree, but ok, you like it). But to say it's the best you've ever seen? Seriously? This story is better than PS:T or MotB or Fallout?
Movement speed is just to high to remotely manage this.I'm talking about a situation where a character gets hit with a debuff before being engaged in melee, but that might be something worth thinking about, sure. I'm not a huge supporter of the engagement system as you know, even though I don't think it's that big of a deal.
I think, keep engaging them with your tanks is still the best strategy though. The worst thing you could do is give up position and cause a chaos where high damage guys get to your squishies.
Movement speed is just to high to remotely manage this.I'm talking about a situation where a character gets hit with a debuff before being engaged in melee, but that might be something worth thinking about, sure. I'm not a huge supporter of the engagement system as you know, even though I don't think it's that big of a deal.