So, switching to a different weapon that does a different type of damage to which your enemy is more vulnerable, based on the composition of a group of enemies, isn't tactical response? Deciding which spells to use based on your enemies varying resistances isn't tactical response?
You switched weapons in combat? I did that once or twice, but generally switching weapons is a strategical thing that you do before combat. I generally used the same abilities and spells - debuff and damage. Rarely if ever did I deliberately use spells that targeted specific defenses because there aren't many enemies in the game that required doing that. Frankly the debuffs I had going kinda made it not matter what I attacked.
Switching weapons is punished by +2 second * recovery factor penalty
Deciding between damage and cc spells during combat depending on how the battle is going
I spammed the same shit every encounter after I got to level 4, didn't need to change strategies at all
or choosing to break engagement when it's worth it to do so
ROFL? Why would you do that? Sub-optimal play. The fact that you even needed to consider breaking engagement means you fucked up
aren't tactical responses as per your definition of tactical?
I suppose if you're bad at the game you might have to tactically respond more than if you don't many or any mistakes.
When mobs overwhelm or ignore my front-liners, which they sometimes do, I sometimes choose to disengage a squishy spellcaster and engage that enemy with a more hearty unit while my squishy retreats to a safe distance, because the damage from the disengagement attack is acceptable if it allows the unit to survive and continue contributing to the fight.

The hardest encounters that's not endgame is the Ogre in the cave on hardest difficulty, because he has a bunch of bear buddies. But that fight is optional anyway.

I took ZERO damage in that fight. When they weren't missing Eder, they were paralyzed or knocked down, also blind - GG.