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Aug 23, 2005
Remember when Volourn thought the codex was gang stalking him?


Mar 6, 2009
Its like the old days , can you picture the crook selling elixirs of youth in the far west ? It's the same thing , nerds like us who grew up with those games have fond memories of the Origin "we create worlds "era, wing commanders ultima , that was something.. In overrall an era with many new games innovations. Turns out all those nerds have much bigger income and wealth than the average dude now ,want to be young again and feel the same excitment.
Games price been fixed at the 50 euros tag catering to the mass market , they could charge a lot more for some really great game.
In essence they are doing exactly that, with all those pixel houses and spaceships for sale. Only that they won't deliver the great game, to keep people hoping that it will be just around the next patch. Meanwhile I got a planet to sell.


Jul 2, 2018
Dont fucking care? Thread is dead and so is SOTA.... Unless you wanna throw cash at it.

As far as rune.. titler and the dumb ass aussie shaemus on raw 'who cant say anything other than 'mate' every 3 seconds'.... dont care... ok mate?
Game is dead mate... see ya on the flipside mate... ok mate? (9 year old school kid mate).

To flip rune and titler off since they think i am illiterate and cannot read - ooh and that i am a jamma alt or whatever...

Ill say



Jul 7, 2015
As far as rune.. titler and the dumb ass aussie shaemus on raw 'who cant say anything other than 'mate' every 3 seconds'.... dont care... ok mate?
Game is dead mate... see ya on the flipside mate... ok mate? (9 year old school kid mate).

Check and mate!


I'm a spicy fellow.
Oct 28, 2010
Your wallet.
Codex 2013 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
Some things that I have found out since last updates :

-There is something called the "Deck" system. Not only does this opt-in system allows you to create "archetypes" that you can equip/unequip (it changes your equipment and your hotbar skill shortcuts), but it also changes completely how combat works : what it does is that your hotbar now displays a random selection of skills at random places, most often absolutely inappropriate to the situation. It has to be seen to be believed ; your skills randomly pop up in random places whether you need them or not. Somebody in Portalarium thought this was a good gameplay idea.
-In early zones, some people speak in old english for no reason at all.
-Some people refer to dark elves as creatures built by men, or as creatures built by men. In the same fucking paragraph.
-A little girl asked me to find news about her father who had disappeared. Quest Name on the hud : "Daddy's girl.". Of course you find her father is dead and you have to break the news to her. Quest HUD name "Return to Daddy's girl".

After more than 100 hours in this game, there are still surprises at every turn.
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Jan 6, 2012
I think this drama by itself proves how damn small SotA's community is. Usually this shit gets drowned out by the sheer size of the community but it seems to be front-and-center drama in SotA. Almost reminds me of old MUD drama, and those were some major brownnosing circlejerks. While I'm busy weighing in my 2 cents, I might as well throw in that Jamma probably really is a lying rabid fanboy and a scammer. I clicked on one of those links Brit/Titler posted and found this bit that Jammaplaya said about Titler (excerpt):
Jammaplaya said:
This guy will spin literally anything, and most people know it. But does he know it?? I doubt he is personally able to discern between what is real and what's just more of his spin doctored fabrications. What's more? He will actually stalk you and harass you if you point it out to him! I would almost feel bad for Starman, except that starman is rather resilient and makes titler look like such an idiot.

Keep playing that same angle, Toodler m'boy! At least he has nothing left to lose, given that he's already lost his best platform for indoctrinating every player with a beef with the game into his cult of negativity. Grasping every straw, using fabricated stories as excuses to stalk users, attacking and stalking every user that comes around and points out how they spin every single topic. He's doing the same thing he's always done, except now to a much smaller audience, and in such an obvious echochamber that no legit person would ever believe him or join his cult, unless they were already planning on it. I would even say that Commander_Titler's content is the least responded to content of the entire echochamber, showing that most people there likely think just as little of him as do all the people on the actual forums.

Incase anyone was wondering why this sadly fellow can't let me go, here's the backstory:

I once suggested that the best course of action would be to keep these negativity cultists within the confines game forums by opening a section for negativity, which at least could be moderated to a small degree, (which is also what got these cultists stalking me in the first place) but unfortunately the moderator was too new at the position to realize he was giving away his power by banning these individuals and letting them surface in areas where he lacked control. At that point, I knew exactly what to do, and played all these individuals for fools, sending them into the shadows, where nary a newb would (or likely ever will) stumble into. Just incase anyone reading was wondering why this fool can't let me go, months after my last activity. I see my handle pop up almost every day still, which always brings a smile to my face, regardless of how utterly filthy the attacks are.




I think his behavior speaks for itself.

-Some people refer to dark elves as creatures built by men, or as creatures built by men. In the same fucking paragraph.
Tax, I'm pretty sure you miswrote this sentence.
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Jan 6, 2012
Titler is BritishAccentsGetTheGirls, the guy who showed up in this thread to rant about what a shitshow the SotA community is, with particular emphasis on this one guy (jammaplaya) who's been stalking him aggressively.


Nov 14, 2014
How would the drama evolve in an alternate universe where titler was nicknamed titer?

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