The Scarlet Chorus is nothing like Caesar's Legion. Its internal logic is completely different. Did you miss that bit with the kid conscript? How they deal with desertion? How come the Disfavored want to raze a village and kill everyone in it, while the Chorus doesn't? What the consequences are of having many of their recruits be Tiersmen? How the whole conscription racket actually works, in practice?
Bunch of low tech barbarians that integrate forcefully the conquered. They are the same basic concept. If you think that the throwaway mission where you get to force a village to join the Chorus or the scared kid in their camp give them nuance instead of repeating
again "Bunch of low tech barbarians that integrate forcefully the conquered."? I don't know. You are engrossed by such useless trivia? They make good writing? They are merely trivia, and trivia about a derivative fantasy world.
I'm starting to wonder if we're not talking about drastically different concepts regarding writing. Many DMs build
detailed worlds, but that does not make them
interesting. Tyranny's world is not
interesting. It could
have been, of course, but it's not. Terrible fantasy novels waste hundreds of pages on detailing dresses, and Tyranny wastes dozens of lines repeating the same concepts like Morrowind NPCs.
That's why a single short story by Clark Ashton Smith is better than the endless chatter of Robert Jordan.
There's also a lot of subtle stuff about how the civilians experience life under the occupation: what they think of the Disfavored, the Chorus, the Bronze Brotherhood, or whoever else happens to be in charge. There's a lot of stuff there; they just don't shove it in your face, you have to actually be interested and look into it. Talk to people. Read stuff. That sort of thing.
The writing is so repetitive and naive it makes kinda difficult to be interested in red guys and blue guys. Pardon, red guys, blue guys and purple guys. Again meaningless trivia is good writing? I'm not an english native and my own english isn't top-tier, but Tyranny's writing is kinda plain. You don't get bored reading it? You find it good on a stylistic level? I mean, it's very....
dull. Is dull the correct word? When something is so bland that you can't care less? I'm not requesting Homer, I'd like something on the level of KOTOR2 or NV.
It's not like Dark Souls (a ARPG! Heresy!) where you find a piece of the plot by carefully exploring the world and the items. Tyranny is "Hit highlight button, check all highlighted areas, get to NPCs, end NPC dialogue, ohgodhalfofthedialogueisstuffIvealreadyseentwentytimes".