triCritical said:
In other words, the physics engine strong point is to determine at what point to polygons intersect? That is not even physics, nor for the most part can it be determined as a deterministic system, especially between two characters.
Two polygons is easy, yes. Two polygon meshes is hard, especially when their movements aren't easily predictable or you don't have convex hulls/bounding boxes available. Multiply by all the non-crate actors in a scene, and things get even more fun.That's why people are interested in accelerating the collision queries. Our group doesn't have anyone to do all the 3ds Max triangle decimation and bounding-box-fitting, so anything that lets us be lazy artists and still get 200 FPS is a Good Thing.
Still, there's always the software Novodex and Tokamak APIs, both of which are free for academic/noncommercial use. And, as I said earlier, Novodex/Ageia is still a pretty sweet library.