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Sapkowski demands CDPR pay him more


Jul 1, 2012
Shaper Crypt
Glad to tell it to you, but your argument of the White Wolf nickname is retarded. And it clearly shows that you understand nothing about Polish Commonwealth and South East Europe and how White Wolf as a nickname and heraldic crest is implicated in this topic.
This is to be expected from vulgar plebs.



Sapkowski is a hack and I'm frankly completely puzzled how people even give him a inch of merit for the Witcher's success. Without the games he would merely be some half-forgotten guy who wrote pathetically boring fairy tale spoofs that still, years after I managed to crawl through, puzzle me regarding their success. Are you people even reading the thing? Did I read some mismanaged translation? Are all the stories boring, derivative and half-assed or it improves? The standard reaction to Sapkowski's novels in Real Life is usually "unh, the games at least are good".

In a world with thousands of fantasy authors, many talented, many original, it's insanely puzzling how such a hack devoid of original ideas and literary skill even managed to get published. Few fantasy authors in post-communist Poland, I guess? Stanislaw Lem sure he ain't.

That's a Polish author deserving of being called great.

What's your point even about? Sapkowski being a hack?

EDIT: Holy shit I reacted by istinct. We already had the same discussion on this thread on the same subject.... two years ago? Hell, my opinion of Sapkowski just worsened, I'd rate him now below Warhammer novels. At least some Warhams novels are fun to read as trash.
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Possibly Retarded
Nov 1, 2017
Sapkowski signed a contract. He is entitled to jack and shit other than what is in the contract.
Not according to polish law and polish law decides here and not your emotions.
Since when was contract law about emotions? If that is the state of Polish law, then it behooves all nations with the rule of law to not have any truck with Poland. The commercial risks are simply too high.


Sep 4, 2013
by Faith, Law and King.
Which century are you from?
Google the motto and find half of the truth.

Paying him more as part of an extension seems like a good compromise. Good for both parties.
Presumably they will pay him 1-2% of the win. If this would have gone to court than 2-5% could have been in it for Sapkowski. But he went for the settlement which is presumably also not bad since he is a older man that could not go the full length of a court case.

Glad to tell it to you, but your argument of the White Wolf nickname is retarded. And it clearly shows that you understand nothing about Polish Commonwealth and South East Europe and how White Wolf as a nickname and heraldic crest is implicated in this topic.
This is to be expected from vulgar plebs.

Sapkowski ....
is a hack and I'm frankly completely puzzled how people even give him a inch of merit for the Witcher's success. Without the games he would merely be some half-forgotten guy who wrote pathetically boring fairy tale spoofs that still, years after I managed to crawl through, puzzle me regarding their success. Are you people even reading the thing? Did I read some mismanaged translation? Are all the stories boring, derivative and half-assed or it improves? The standard reaction to Sapkowski's novels in Real Life is usually "unh, the games at least are good".
In a world with thousands of fantasy authors, many talented, many original, it's insanely puzzling how such a hack devoid of original ideas and literary skill even managed to get published. Few fantasy authors in post-communist Poland, I guess? Stanislaw Lem sure he ain't.
That's a Polish author deserving of being called great. What's your point even about? Sapkowski being a hack?
Your personal opinion about Sapkowski as an author does not interest me. Your argument is based upon an uneducated retarded notion of nickname comparison for equation and connection to a single primary source. But that is asinine without the knowledge of how nicknames in medieval times and heraldic were very often intertwined. And this ignorance of this argument shows that you understand nothing about this topic. Therefore plebs will think like plebs does, but plebs is plebs and magnates are magnates.

EDIT: Holy shit I reacted by istinct. We already had the same discussion on this thread on the same subject.... two years ago? Hell, my opinion of Sapkowski just worsened, I'd rate him now below Warhammer novels. At least some Warhams novels are fun to read as trash.
We? I don't think so, but if you could post a link to this then i can look into this discussion and what i said there. But i'm certain about this and that i have not read the novels and i do not care about the novels and even that i do not even want to read them.

Sapkowski signed a contract. He is entitled to jack and shit other than what is in the contract.
Not according to polish law and polish law decides here and not your emotions.
Since when was contract law about emotions? If that is the state of Polish law, then it behooves all nations with the rule of law to not have any truck with Poland. The commercial risks are simply too high.
It is about emotions if you judge your contract law superior to other countries contract law. The rule of law is fulfilled in Poland to the letter if it is the polish law.
The law as a concept regulates the relation of a persona to the state and vice versa and between the parties (personas) within a state. This laws can also intervene and limit the contracts that are possible (limited already by the law) between the parties within a state (sometimes protecting the weak from the powerful and the poor from the wealthy) and regulate how transgression and breaches are handled or even detrmine if the contracts are valid. And polish law applies here, because it is between polish parties that made their contract in Poland. Therefore again you display just arrogance and emotions.
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Possibly Retarded
Nov 1, 2017
arrogant blithering full of butthurt
What happened? Someone kicked Poland again? Was it Putin this time, or Kim Jong-Un?

You remind me of the same bunch of whiny emotional cunts we have here who cried to the government about how unfair the insurance companies were for not giving them money when they did not opt for the optional extra in the first place.


Dec 13, 2019
Sapkowski signed a contract. He is entitled to jack and shit other than what is in the contract.
Not according to polish law and polish law decides here and not your emotions.
Actually, that's up to a judge. It could go either way, because it's not a very clear cut situation.

Paying him more as part of an extension seems like a good compromise. Good for both parties.
I disagree. It's good for Sapkowski, since he's getting more than he originally should. CDPR only wins in the sense they're avoiding the news where they are mixed in a "battle lawyere" against Sapkowski/the creator of the Witcher, but it would have been much better for them without the whole thing being started in the first place.

Sapkowski is a hack [...]
More like a dick. His books are not that bad. At least the ones that made him famous in Eastern Europe. But his newest non-Witcher books went pretty much ignored, so I guess that's - and The Witcher 3 getting very popular - was the reason he started to demand more money, while orginally he tried to be clever and get a fixed sum, because he thought CDPR games won't pick up.


Apr 30, 2011
He demanded more money when his son was dying. Maybe a coincidence, maybe not.

As for his books they are better than 95% of fantasy out there, which is good enough for me.


Cognito Elite Material
Apr 15, 2010
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
It's a travesty of justice that he got any money at all. He should be paying the rest of us for inflicting The Witcher on the world.


Apr 4, 2015
I wish CD Projeckt made a game based on the story of Drizzt instead of The Witcher's Geralt.

Drizzt >>> Geralt

Don't worry, not only we'll see plenty of games featuring Drizzt, once Witcher has run out its course, I'm sure they'll adapt the novels and make a tv series out of it.

Finally we'll be able to enjoy Drizzt and Forgotten Realms without dice rolling and better yet, even without reading. Drizzt will be with us forever.


Jul 1, 2012
Shaper Crypt
Your personal opinion about Sapkowski as an author does not interest me. Your argument is based upon an uneducated retarded notion of nickname comparison for equation and connection to a single primary source. But that is asinine without the knowledge of how nicknames in medieval times and heraldic were very often intertwined. And this ignorance of this argument shows that you understand nothing about this topic. Therefore plebs will think like plebs does, but plebs is plebs and magnates are magnates.

..... ok, I fell for it, that's great trolling. Sapkowski as a author clearly had some knowledge of foreign fantasy through his job that let him mantain contacts with the West, and in this very thread we got posters that succesfully discovered further point of contact between his hack jobs and Moorcock. Just read the thread!

Not saying that Moorcock isn't (sometimes) a hack, but at least sometimes he's a fun read. Also a raging asshole, but he isn't a passive-aggressive asshole and his only claim to fame isn't to have complained with the only guys who gave him any relevance at all.

If your point is some weirdo psycho detail about heraldry, we're talking Sapkowski. The guy writes Snow white and Seven Dwarves spoofs. I seriously doubt he has even backs knowledge about heraldry, and simply copied the first cool nickname he found because, fuck, it's not like the Poles will ever read Elric. There's more historical set up in goddamn GILES THE FARMER FROM HAM (wait, scratch that, Giles is an awesome children's book, and chock full of in-jokes for medievalists). Or maybe I'm wrong, fuck, I endured just two books by Sapkowski before giving up, this is too shit to deserve my time.

But your point is so dumb it's probably trolling. Hell, you made me agree with CAEL of all people! Masterful work.


Sep 4, 2013
Your personal opinion about Sapkowski as an author does not interest me. Your argument is based upon an uneducated retarded notion of nickname comparison for equation and connection to a single primary source. But that is asinine without the knowledge of how nicknames in medieval times and heraldic were very often intertwined. And this ignorance of this argument shows that you understand nothing about this topic. Therefore plebs will think like plebs does, but plebs is plebs and magnates are magnates.
..... ok, I fell for it, that's great trolling. Sapkowski as a author clearly had some knowledge of foreign fantasy through his job that let him mantain contacts with the West, and in this very thread we got posters that succesfully discovered further point of contact between his hack jobs and Moorcock. Just read the thread!
Not an argument. Do you even know how an argument is constructed? Again look up the heraldry for Polish Commonwealth and South Eastern Europe. But that requires cognitive capacities instead of writing shit seen from an youtuber that has absolutely no knowledge about Polish Commonwealth. Since you lack the necessary cognitive capacity to verify arguments i will give you an important hint: Look up the distribution of the white wolf heraldic crest in europe and the Transylvanian / Hungarian royal families. Sapkowski has a good amount of knowledge in medieval history and medieval literature since his academic graduation and work is focused mainly on the arthurian saga. Also his saber pictures indicate that he is identifying with his nobleman roots.

Not saying that Moorcock isn't (sometimes) a hack, but at least sometimes he's a fun read. Also a raging asshole, but he isn't a passive-aggressive asshole and his only claim to fame isn't to have complained with the only guys who gave him any relevance at all.
If your point is some weirdo psycho detail about heraldry, we're talking Sapkowski. The guy writes Snow white and Seven Dwarves spoofs. I seriously doubt he has even backs knowledge about heraldry, and simply copied the first cool nickname he found because, fuck, it's not like the Poles will ever read Elric. There's more historical set up in goddamn GILES THE FARMER FROM HAM (wait, scratch that, Giles is an awesome children's book, and chock full of in-jokes for medievalists). Or maybe I'm wrong, fuck, I endured just two books by Sapkowski before giving up, this is too shit to deserve my time.
I'm not interested in your emotional drivel about Sapkowski. Learn to read between the lines and accumulate the necessary knowledge for interpretation, but this requires some amount of cognitive capacities that you have not harnessed.

But your point is so dumb it's probably trolling. Hell, you made me agree with CAEL of all people! Masterful work.
Idiots go hand in hand, while a thinking man agrees with arguments and not other man.
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Oct 10, 2015
You already have as many books about Drizzt as you could hope for. I think you haven't actually read them...


Glory to Ukraine
Jan 18, 2017
Failsaw, Failand

Ukraine? Lithuania?

Since when was contract law about emotions? If that is the state of Polish law, then it behooves all nations with the rule of law to not have any truck with Poland. The commercial risks are simply too high.

That's literally in written law, therefore it's nothing but rule of law. You don't have to be a lawyer to know that. Low competence in reading should suffice.

Wanna know a country where you can get mercilessly screwed in court at a judge's whim? Or have your property taken without any compensation because some cop desires your wealth? I present you with United States of A.
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Apr 5, 2015
Jesus Christ, are people seriously whining that law protects the rights of small time creators against a multi-billion corporation?

I can only imagine the epic butthurt if it wasn't the beloved CDPR but EA or Ubisoft buying rights to some obscure books for couple hundred bucks and going on to make billions while the creator doesn't get shit.


Possibly Retarded
Nov 1, 2017
Hell, you made me agree with CAEL of all people! Masterful work.
Which, unfortunately, proves what kind of an intellectual and moral vacuum you are. People of integrity and intelligence would be agreeing with me when I say leftards are only useful as fertiliser and should be made into such.


Possibly Retarded
Nov 1, 2017
Jesus Christ, are people seriously whining that law protects the rights of small time creators against a multi-billion corporation?

I can only imagine the epic butthurt if it wasn't the beloved CDPR but EA or Ubisoft buying rights to some obscure books for couple hundred bucks and going on to make billions while the creator doesn't get shit.
If the small time creator took the money and ran, laughing in the face of EA at buying a dud, hell yes! Sapkowski was given the option but he chose not to take it. It is all on him. Who is on the other side of the table doesn't matter, EA or Disney or CDPR.


Aug 22, 2014
while orginally he tried to be clever and get a fixed sum, because he thought CDPR games won't pick up.

Wasn't a bad bet TBH, sometimes you lose good bets. The Witcher toiled as what was effectively a shitty NWN vaporware mod for years.

If the small time creator took the money and ran,

Also CDPR was hardly a multi-billion dollar corp when this all went down initially.

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