The closest thing I've had to a fair fight all game:
And it came about because I decided to double check the other side of a warp point in a system I was in the process of conquering. As I had next to no defenses on the freshly taken planets, double checking what was visible on the other side seemed the safest way to avoid losing my newly acquired planets.
A pretty easy win, but this was the first time I've lost a ship for legitimate reasons in a long time (ie not stupidly sending two ships (Only one armed. The other was a flagship (Repairs/sensors/durability)) through a warp point to try and attack nine ships).
For reference, the three brown ships are of equal size to mine and the four large grey ones are a class above (+200kT; 25% larger). I don't like using that particular class the reduced engine limit cuts down its combat speed by one (Six to five).
I got pretty lucky, though, as despite the defenders going first, this vessel was my only casualty.
The carrier deployed his meager fighter squads and is bailing from the fire fight along with the battleship that, despite being pretty heavily armed, is carrying troops and so the AI avoids combat with it unless there's a planet that's had its weapon platform defenses destroyed, in which case it moves in for a ground assault/capture.
My turn.
May not seem like much, but several of the ships are crippled with only 10-20% of their weapons functioning and multiple packs of missiles incoming to finish them off.
The indicator on the ship being hit shows the player that the blow was absorbed by the ship's shields. However, as the weapon currently being fired does quad damage to shields, they won't last long
Aftermath from the end of the first turn. Missiles hit, and, despite a sizable number dropping to point defense, all intended targets went boom.
All of my damaged ships are in the process of fleeing and the dreadnought being fired on was their last remaining ship in prime condition.
And, yea, laugh at my ship name. Lacking any other sort of inspiration, I decided to use my two primary ship types bread and butter. Bread is my direct fire ship while Butter is my missile boat; mixed in an approximately 2:1 ratio. Missiles don't hold their weight in head to head fights, but they're a fucking godsend against planets (Especially maxed plasma missiles. Unlike normal missiles, their damage scales with range and is significantly less at the higher end, but they have better speed and so allow me to engage at a point where I'm able to avoid dealing with two waves of point defense fire from the weapon platforms on the surface.
Three ships left, all of which are heavily crippled. Couldn't finish them off completely as my weapon of choice for doing hull damage has a two turn reload. It's all a matter of mopping up at this point.
What I finished on the turn after the above combat
Like the look of the ring worlds more, though.
Pointless points go to whoever spots the asteroid field I failed to convert to a planet.