This "DLC" isn't THAT bad...
Yes, "weapons mod" is Demonsteele. It's interesting, but is not fitting well with most wads. BTSX2, though, is very Demonsteele-friendly.Back to Saturn X Episode 2 with some weapons mod.
Is this some kind of bitmap based on the original clay model or something? Is it part of default BrutalDoom? I spent a long time looking for high-quality replacements for the enemies in Doom but they were either early-00-quality 3d models or crappy imitations of the original bitmaps.
I really miss the times when Ubisoft was cool. They made some really great games back then.
This is why I'm happy that they are not working full time on Beyond Good&Evil 2.
Back to the drawing board...
This is why I'm happy that they are not working full time on Beyond Good&Evil 2. They probably just copy&paste some AC/FC "features" to this gem and create yet another shallow, pointless open world game...
I couldn't defeat the last boss. The fight was just too tedious to continue.
The final phase of the boss(when he inverts your controls) can last forever, since it resets each time you get hit(and the player is likely to have a nigh infinite supply of healing items). To win you have to hit it 7 times in a row without getting hit back or something, which can take 20 seconds or 2 hours.... seriously? It takes like 5 minutes.
Infested Planet. Gud gaem.What game is this? do you do this FTR? Even BG Dark Alliance or Bard's Tale is better despite being popamole console vision.
Or maybe you wanted to lure out hidden popamolers?
Like, everyone here...