Excidium II
Looks like a video game of some sortSome mandatory/unimaginative shots:
What is this?
You can trust this unbiased opinionBest Game Evar aka The Secret World
Looks like a video game of some sortSome mandatory/unimaginative shots:
What is this?
You can trust this unbiased opinionBest Game Evar aka The Secret World
Fourth episode of Duke Nukem 3D, featuring more annoying monsters than before, like the Protector Drones than can't be shrunk, but they can cause Duke significant shrinkage in return.
Anyway, what's the reference in this scene?
Fourth episode of Duke Nukem 3D, featuring more annoying monsters than before, like the Protector Drones than can't be shrunk, but they can cause Duke significant shrinkage in return.
Anyway, what's the reference in this scene?
It's a reference to Pirates of the Caribbean.
Wow, total Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge vibes here.. Will get !slipstream
One the shittiest movies I've seen. Just as well I didn't recognize the reference.
And if you think the Protector Drones are bad, what do you think of the tanks? Have you found their weakness?
Both of those enemies are not too bad as long as they don't get too close. The Drones are nasty if you can't dodge their shrinking rays. The tanks I usually take out with the RPG, stepping out from cover; same method as the regular pig cops, only I use the shotgut on the proud members of LARD.
Haven't noticed any special weakness; I'm pretty sure I tried the shrinking ray unsuccesfully. Generally I use all the weapons, except the freeze gun for some reason, and the expanding ray since it's new in episode 4.