RPG Codex Boomer
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Can this still be played offline or did I misread that FAQ?
Can this still be played offline or did I misread that FAQ?
The open development process, along with this thread and other RAW forums, are essential game making lessons.
I do hope one of the staff members writes a book about this experience.
This thread sure was a ride to read through. . . .
Then again, I don't know what to expect from a fanbase that has most of its presence on fucking Facebook of all things. Fags that old belong in a retirement home or a wooden box. At least Ultima Online sounds kinda cool if you get on one of these custom servers I've seen mentioned. I like Space Station 13, a similarly LARPy game, but that one's only good if you can avoid all the furry sex dungeons. Sounds like I've already played UO without even knowing it.
Then again, I don't know what to expect from a fanbase that has most of its presence on fucking Facebook of all things. Fags that old belong in a retirement home or a wooden box. At least Ultima Online sounds kinda cool if you get on one of these custom servers I've seen mentioned. I like Space Station 13, a similarly LARPy game, but that one's only good if you can avoid all the furry sex dungeons. Sounds like I've already played UO without even knowing it.
Shtroud of the Avatar was pitched as the spiritual successor to Ultima Online 2.
Many took this to mean that SotA would be brutal with open PVP and danger in exploration, bounties on evil player killers, and a virtue system for player actions.
Others took this to mean that SotA would be the Ultimate Collector Home and Garden property decorator with merchant re-seller scum features (in game and real cash transactions).
Concessions were made until all that remained were peaceful AFK fishing parties.
Sounds cool. People are such pussies about losing their loot in a game. It's just pixels. I used to play Sea of Thieves, a game where the only progression is entirely cosmetic, and even there people would bitch and whine when you killed them. If there's no danger from other players then what's the point of an MMO?Many took this to mean that SotA would be brutal with open PVP and danger in exploration, bounties on evil player killers, and a virtue system for player actions.
Ultima fans are by far the biggest and weirdest cultists in the cRPG genre.I can't imagine why anybody was really excited for a follow-up
Ultima fans are by far the biggest and weirdest cultists in the cRPG genre.I can't imagine why anybody was really excited for a follow-up
I am not a fan of bragging or spamming as I am humble by nature. But the only pubic forum in the world I would posts this is this one. Not because I want any pats on the back, but because this is truly amazing to me in my real life having been a treky for ever. I just wanted to share this moment with my friends here.
I helped put William Shatner to space! I did not know I was doing it and my contribution was minuscule. But I did it do it. Had I had known, I would have done it harder. That has to go on my tombstone
"100% we did it and it was long fight but was awesome."
"Crap poor AI. The beast didn't move. Didn't change targets. Didn't do anything but stand there and take it. This wasn't a fight, it was simply an execution."
"If you don't balance your Aggro correctly the Frost Troll has a few other moves that make him quickly turn and kill you, (note the skeletons on the Ice) he also has some AOE spells that will mess you up unless you stand in the right place. I do agree that when you control him correctly he looks too passive."
"Trippin SOTA Balls Offline"!'
"Pay to Win Your Heart Out!"!'
I play offline sometimes, and the only thing I'd change is to make it even more easy than it currently is through adding even more exp gain and bring pay to win items sold through our coto shop for fighting higher content. Offline should be just a thrill ride in a super nerfed world, yet where P2W is the norm beyond Ep#1. To use a term used by Elon Musk, our offline sota game should be just a "Trippin Balls" experience to play there. Our offline sota should continue to be a shell of our online game, never as good as our online game.
Our offline content can be played from scratch again and again, which is a quality unto itself which should be exploited for furthering our entire game's development.
In the above lines of thought, P2W becomes meaningless, meaning that there is no competition offline and therefore should have products sold in our coto shop that cater to Pay to Win. If such items could be sold for only offline use, then the entire dynamic of what things for offline cost and what things could be aquired is totally different than what our online game offers.
Offline should be unique through just these simple few "Offline Pay to Win" changes.
If I don't want to blacksmith offline, then I should have offline equipment in our offline store to purchase.
If I don't want to make my own food, then I should be able to buy a Burger King, or Whataburger to place on one of my offline lots I aquired through buying an offline deed.
If I don't want to make my own potions, then I should be able to buy my own Potion Smoothie Shop.
If I want bulk regs our offline game should encourage me to "need" to buy agricultural things like planters and lot deeds to place more planters to get those regs.
If I don't want to quest to get companions, then I need to buy a place to hire minions... (ie.. needs to be manditory to fight the frost giant and other high offline content).
In every aluring way possible, we need for our offline players to become dependent on Pay to Win.
Simply put:
All this should require the least amount of modifications from what we currently have, while keeping the offline game within our current micro-transaction ways of funding content development.
- We need to make Ep#1 content a super nurfed exp gain while Ep#2 and above should slowly increase the player to pay to win.
- We need a seperate offline coto store full of pay to win items in every shape and form.
"Trippin' SOTA Balls Offline!"
Everything Funds Everything!
~Time Lord~:D
Lord Brexit-Blowin' Bloodbuyer said:I think this is a bit of an understatement as a truly single player experience would likely require a complete rewrite of some core systems the original team spent over a year putting together.Changing all this to make a playable single player game would require more dedicated resources than the development team has or can afford.
SOTA is very strong with PVE. But I was rather disappointed (translate: irritated) when I was in a full party, spent two hours taking down the ice giant, and ONE person got an eyeball. That didn't really encourage me to want to do that again.
Have a friend already bored with New World?
Get them to sign up for Shroud of the Avatar and they'll get a special
welcome package with a pirate sword, tricorn hat, brass raven,
and an extra 500,000 XPs in their pool to help them get going fast!
Just have them sign up through this link:
New World Welcome
There is absolutely no way this is going to backfire.
For this to backfire (and for people to notice) there would need to be a SotA login queue.
No one stands behind this project apart from Chris catnipgames.