Since you've said that Udyr lacks doesn't bring much to the team, you must have a problem with those roles.
That's some logic right there. How about there's champions that do what he does but who do it a lot better? Self-sustaining-supress Warwick, or über-CC Jarvan. Anything Udyr can do, they can do better. They are slightly slower in the jungle, granted, but next to the value they bring to team-fights, this is of no concern.
Innate tankiness from his passive
One of the highest scaling non-ultimate AP dps abilities in his q (I think)
A shield
An ultimate that allows him to get the enemy carry as a minion
He wins every lane when the players are of equal skill (Opinion! )
1) It is very miniscule
2) This is very untrue. Champs like Annie scale much, much, much better. Other examples of champions who do much more damage with scaling include Brand, Rumble, Anivia and more.
3) Which doesn't do much compared to, for example, Jarvans
4) Indeed, one of his only strengths
5) He can't not push if he wants creep kills. I cannot stress how huge a disadvantage this is in Arranged Ranked.
Basically, Mordekaiser is a tanky AP. That's his role. In this role, he competes with champs such as Gragas and Rumble. The solo top spot, as it is. Both have CC that fucks Mordekaiser's over without trying (in fact he has no CC at all), are easily as tanky as him, can deal more damage, have waaaaaaay better Harass and spell range, and do not have to push lanes to get creep kills. How is this not an advantage?
I can see absolutely no reason whatsoever to play Morde, unless it's to faceroll people who don't know how to play against him.
What makes the opposing team unable to ignore a tanky champ? Damage or CC. Mordekaiser has neither.
In comes down to this: You have your AP-carry mid. You have your support and Ranged AD bot. Now you need a top. Morde fills this slot, but there are many champs that are way better at it than him. Later, in team-fighting, gragas can control the fight while rumble can destroy the enemy team. Or, for another tactic, Nidalee, another good top champ, can split push while 4 players either hold back 5 or push while opposing players go for a gank.
If you still hold to the belief that Morde is teh awezum, then peace be with you! To be honest, I quite enjoy it with when the community is proved to be massively collectively wrong (as they would be if your claims about Mordekaiser were true). It's just that events like that happen very rarely, for a good reason.
Morde is thought of by mid to low-range Elo players as the bomb for the same reasons Tryndamere and Rammus are. People don't know how to play around him.