Nid is meh in ARAM after the enemy gets bulky. You can land most spears at max range and finish up people in cougar form but it is impossible to carry unless they're all squishy or you honestly get a ridiculous amount of kills. Remember that minions take up relatively more space in aram then elsewhere. W isn't that good TBH, they're either in the brush or you see them anyway, having a skill to tell you what you already know is redundant. Especially when you can just chuck a spear there. But odds are they won't go in there precisely because they know you'll chuck a spear in there (or it will flush them out).
If they get an assassin that gets fed you're toast. There's relatively less room to roam and chuck spears compared to every other map. Lux is better because the lazor guarantees you get kills and snare+shield is useful, but again if they have an assasin or bruiser that doesn't suck you die. The more of them you have the less useful she is.
TBH I rather play Mundo, Zyra, Karthus, Jax, Malphite, Kog, Twitch (or most adc for that matter), TF and quite a few others in ARAM than those two. They stomp more so than nid or lux. Lux and Nid have the benefit of getting kills and snowballing due to their range when nobody else can pick them up, same goes for other poke champs.
People underestimate adcs when the adc thrives in teamfights after he gets items and short of major derp or ridiculous enemy poke he will get them. Enemy vayne said vayne is bad on this map when they were losing (and indeed lost). Next game I get vayne and stomp hard starting from getting FB, even the fact they had LB couldn't stop because I actually knew how to play her and kited them all day.
Also I had a blast with Syndra yesterday in ARAM, haven't played her since the day I bought her. I have no idea if she got buffed in the meantime but I just spammed balls all over the place. Q is on really low CD and her poke is pretty good with W and E. Should have bought a tear earlier as it is easy mode to farm it up on her, she's nearly as much of an ADHD mage as Ryze but more skill-dependent. I'd play her in solo QQ normals a bit to see how her laning is now but with lissandra released getting mid is even harder than it usually is in normals.
If they get an assassin that gets fed you're toast. There's relatively less room to roam and chuck spears compared to every other map. Lux is better because the lazor guarantees you get kills and snare+shield is useful, but again if they have an assasin or bruiser that doesn't suck you die. The more of them you have the less useful she is.
TBH I rather play Mundo, Zyra, Karthus, Jax, Malphite, Kog, Twitch (or most adc for that matter), TF and quite a few others in ARAM than those two. They stomp more so than nid or lux. Lux and Nid have the benefit of getting kills and snowballing due to their range when nobody else can pick them up, same goes for other poke champs.
People underestimate adcs when the adc thrives in teamfights after he gets items and short of major derp or ridiculous enemy poke he will get them. Enemy vayne said vayne is bad on this map when they were losing (and indeed lost). Next game I get vayne and stomp hard starting from getting FB, even the fact they had LB couldn't stop because I actually knew how to play her and kited them all day.
Also I had a blast with Syndra yesterday in ARAM, haven't played her since the day I bought her. I have no idea if she got buffed in the meantime but I just spammed balls all over the place. Q is on really low CD and her poke is pretty good with W and E. Should have bought a tear earlier as it is easy mode to farm it up on her, she's nearly as much of an ADHD mage as Ryze but more skill-dependent. I'd play her in solo QQ normals a bit to see how her laning is now but with lissandra released getting mid is even harder than it usually is in normals.