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So, anyone playing League of Legends?


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Nid is meh in ARAM after the enemy gets bulky. You can land most spears at max range and finish up people in cougar form but it is impossible to carry unless they're all squishy or you honestly get a ridiculous amount of kills. Remember that minions take up relatively more space in aram then elsewhere. W isn't that good TBH, they're either in the brush or you see them anyway, having a skill to tell you what you already know is redundant. Especially when you can just chuck a spear there. But odds are they won't go in there precisely because they know you'll chuck a spear in there (or it will flush them out).

If they get an assassin that gets fed you're toast. There's relatively less room to roam and chuck spears compared to every other map. Lux is better because the lazor guarantees you get kills and snare+shield is useful, but again if they have an assasin or bruiser that doesn't suck you die. The more of them you have the less useful she is.

TBH I rather play Mundo, Zyra, Karthus, Jax, Malphite, Kog, Twitch (or most adc for that matter), TF and quite a few others in ARAM than those two. They stomp more so than nid or lux. Lux and Nid have the benefit of getting kills and snowballing due to their range when nobody else can pick them up, same goes for other poke champs.

People underestimate adcs when the adc thrives in teamfights after he gets items and short of major derp or ridiculous enemy poke he will get them. Enemy vayne said vayne is bad on this map when they were losing (and indeed lost). Next game I get vayne and stomp hard starting from getting FB, even the fact they had LB couldn't stop because I actually knew how to play her and kited them all day.

Also I had a blast with Syndra yesterday in ARAM, haven't played her since the day I bought her. I have no idea if she got buffed in the meantime but I just spammed balls all over the place. Q is on really low CD and her poke is pretty good with W and E. Should have bought a tear earlier as it is easy mode to farm it up on her, she's nearly as much of an ADHD mage as Ryze but more skill-dependent. I'd play her in solo QQ normals a bit to see how her laning is now but with lissandra released getting mid is even harder than it usually is in normals.
Dec 31, 2009
There's like 30 - 40 champions that are as good as the ones perceived as ludicrously OP in ARAM. Yeah, champs like Nidalee or Lux are good but their influence is definitely overrated.

I'm inclined to say that you're right, except for Nidalee. She makes such a huge difference she can almost win the game on her own. Her Q and W are the two best skills in ARAM period, and they're stuck on the same champion. Top this off with being a pokey champion that is useless on dives, brush-control and good 1v1 capabilities and you have everything that's good in ARAM - on the same champion. The only thing she doesn't have is initiation capabilities.
Of course, assuming that the person playing nidalee knows how to land a spear. Which is not a very safe assumption to make in ARAM.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
You are 90% likely to hit someone as long as you are pointing in the general direction of the enemy team.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Yes, odds are you will, indeed, hit the full ap alistar/cho/nunu that are all made of paper.

Or you'll hit them with a fully-charged archangel staff spear from max range while they have only a puny niggatron cloak, and they'll still drop by 1/3 hp.


Jun 5, 2011
I think Lux is much better than Nid in ARAM. She has cc and higher and more reliable burst to really kill someone. Nidalee is sort of unreliable with her spears and lacklustre teamfighting. Just last game I was our only tank Xin and I proved more annoying than anything to the enemy Nidalee. I had 30 hp regen per 5 seconds right from the start of the game and all I did was walk over all her traps and act as a screen for my team. You could see she didn't really want to hit me. Oh sure when she hit me 1/3 of the time she took down my hp by 20%, but it wasn't really a difference maker.

A subtle change about the new map is that it's more zoomed out, making dodging skillshots easier I would say. With the new items, I really like the balance of the map. Almost any champion is viable, the question isn't so much anymore that melee champions are bad but that a weak pre-6 team comp is bad.

edit: another subtle difference is that you get substantially less dodges than before when playing ARAM. Before it wasn't just Nidalee spears you were dodging, but a good 2-3 dedicated pokers and the Nidalee spears are what killed you. Now there's a lot more worse teamcomps AND rerolling so the chances of being completely outclassed are lower.


Glory to Ukraine
Nov 16, 2012
It's been a while since I played, but I remember Sivir being so much fun in ARAM. Automatic win, even if your team is retarded.
Dec 19, 2007
Lux and Gragas are the gods of ARAM, if you start with Catalyst on Gragas you basically have infinite sustain and poke.

Viktor is surprisingly strong too, he has high range strong poke and his W is ridiculous in ARAM team fights.

AP Yi is free pentakill.

I just hope all these people who can't play lol at all stop playing ARAM too soon, since I have never seen worse cowards in this game. How about Tryndamere who only ever runs away even while J4 and Volibear are initiating and tanking, yes mill around uselessly and when they die because you didn't help use spinning slash to run away more. Oh but they had something to say to me - Kassadin you're supposed to use ult to get away not get in! yeah that'll work against lux veigar TF Iwinia ashe, what am I supposed to not use half my damaging skills so I can run with tryndamere? Yeah I deallt 42k damage, trynda 6k.
Dec 19, 2007
I predict an influx of Trundles, throwing random pillars wherever. The improvements feel great, his chasing doesn't suck anymore and his ultimate turns anybody into jelly. The old trundle was amazing in my opinion, nu-Trundle just out-damaged every other bruiser in the game including Garen and Vi with nothing but Wriggle's Iron Solari most of the game. Vi is just completely helpless against trundle, her initiation gets her killed when the rest of the team have to navigate edited terrain with slow and her stats turn into level 1 sona stats.

I don't know if it's so but I feel like he's the #1 jungle duellist out there, like he can probably even kill Fiddle since his turd can now interrupt fiddle's channeling.
May 22, 2010
Airstrip One
Blackfrost Anivia. Legendary skin.

Valor. The lesser half of a champion combo. Same model and animations as Blackfrost Anivia.

Can't wait to see the Qwinn/Valor and Anivia botlane +M


Nov 23, 2002
MCA Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Codex USB, 2014 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Just had a murderer's row ARAM comp, Mummy Yi Katarina Zyra Taric. Everyone went AP and I went tank with Abyssal on mummy because enemy team was Ryze Kennen Nunu Voli Poppy. I think the only way to deal with our comp is to dodge but you don't get to see the enemy team anymore +M

I wonder if Trundle will see some top lane play now, I mean I wouldn't pick him into a cunty top like Elise or something, but he is a pretty insane duelist now.


Dec 6, 2002
Multikult Central South
Wasteland 2
  • Consume [ Q ] - now deals 600/700/800/900/1000 true damage (up from 500/600/700/800/900)
  • Consume [ Q ] - now heals for 90/130/170/210/250 (+0.75*AP). (down from 125/180/235/290/345(+1*AP).)
  • Consume [ Q ] - Nunugains bonuses for 120/150/180/210/240 seconds based on what he consumed.
  • Consume [ Q ] - Lizards: Your attacks and spells deal anadditional 1% of your maximum health asmagic damage.
  • Consume [ Q ] - Golems: 10% increased Size and MaximumHealth
  • Consume [ Q ] - Wolves or Wraiths: Killing a unit grants 15%Movement Speed for 3 seconds
  • Consume [ Q ] - Now has a cooldown of 17/15/13/11/9 Seconds (up from 16/14/12/10/8 Seconds)

Time to jungle the yeti again.

May 22, 2010
Airstrip One
I wouldn't say it was a nerf. If anything, being able to throw out more Q's is a buff. Interesting change, think it's more just to raise awareness of him.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
I wouldn't say it was a nerf. If anything, being able to throw out more Q's is a buff. Interesting change, think it's more just to raise awareness of him.

It's not a nerf per se, I'd agree (the CDR is sizeable), but it's not really that much of a buff either.
May 22, 2010
Airstrip One
I wouldn't say it was a nerf. If anything, being able to throw out more Q's is a buff. Interesting change, think it's more just to raise awareness of him.

It's not a nerf per se, I'd agree (the CDR is sizeable), but it's not really that much of a buff either.
Which is why I mentioned that it's a change, not a buff nor a nerf :smug:

RIOT have likely done this because people have forgotten him - another way to say "We have this awesome champion! Play him!". Hope it works, haven't seen a proper Galio in a very long time.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
I wouldn't say it was a nerf. If anything, being able to throw out more Q's is a buff. Interesting change, think it's more just to raise awareness of him.

It's a nerf to his broken top lane which was becoming FotM over the past few days (bandwagon after one of the pros). He'd just throw snowballs at you all day and shrug off any harass with consume, hence both the base amount healed and AP ratio nerf. Really obnoxious to deal with without an early gank. Riot is putting him back into his place now (jungle/support).

Also naut jungle too strong, his farming sucks but god damn it he's a jungler that actually does something even if you can't gank shit. At the very least you soak all the damage while under W when you anchor in their carry.

EDIT: DERP, you're talking about galio. Disregard me. I thought this was about nunu.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
I wouldn't say it was a nerf. If anything, being able to throw out more Q's is a buff. Interesting change, think it's more just to raise awareness of him.

It's not a nerf per se, I'd agree (the CDR is sizeable), but it's not really that much of a buff either.
Which is why I mentioned that it's a change, not a buff nor a nerf :smug:

RIOT have likely done this because people have forgotten him - another way to say "We have this awesome champion! Play him!". Hope it works, haven't seen a proper Galio in a very long time.

But we don't, bro. People haven't forgotten him. Remember that I used to main the shit out of this guy.

His problem back in the day was that if top and mid traded after he had counterpicked mid, it was a bit problematic. In League of Assassins, this problem is much, much more evident - firstly, the chances of mid and top switching are greater, and secondly, there's just way, way less times you can actually pick him because the enemy team has Kha'Zix or Zed mid or something.

Even the AP champions played mid these days are not champions Galio counters that hard. Picking Galio versus Lux has never been that good (in fact Lux is quite good against him). Against Diana, sure I guess, except suddenly you have a very dangerous assassin whose early game is usually the problem who doesn't have that problem anymore since she will get to her safe point before Galio threatens her. Hell, she's even stronger than him a early levels because of her passive. The list goes on.

But the biggest problem is the popularity of AD assassins. A bruiser top Galio can build against, but an AD assassin top and Galio's tankyness suddenly ain't worth shit. Another problem is that Galio has always struggled getting enough damage and HP at the same time, and now Giant's Belt rules the league. Galio is forced into this weird mix of damage and straight up tankyness, where he usually could do this seemless blend by buying items that provided a bit of both.

Don't think CDR is going to fix those problems, but who knows.

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