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So, anyone playing League of Legends?

Dec 19, 2007
No matter what I play I deal most damage in ARAMs, for the simple reason that OMG OUR TANK GOT INITIATED ON LET'S RUN


I wonder how these people play FPS games, sit in a dark corner and hope nobody finds them. Pff

St. Toxic

Jun 9, 2006
Yemen / India
Dec 19, 2007
Dec 19, 2007
Complaining is my hobby.

Lol I'm not playing top anymore, dominate Jax and Volibear with Shyvana, lose game because their ADC has three items on yours. Mb I should play Shen and gank bot. It's so annoying that the game revolves completely around the ADC.


A life wasted
Sep 2, 2009
Then your bot lane dominates, but their top assassin gets fed and shits on your carry all the time, just face it, the only winning move is not to play.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Considering the picks I see top most of the time few of them can actually carry. Short of having a laner with teleport their impact on the outcome of the game is largely irrelevant unless holy shit jax/irelia get 10 kills before you can even /ff and end the farce. Ok apart from zed, but fuck zed he's getting proper nerfs soon(tm). But most of the time you see counterpicks to counterpicks top which fall off late game or even earlier. Top lane is a real mess this season, last season you could at least say it's mostly a bruiser who need farm lane with the occasional mage counterpick. Now it's holy fucking shit I have no idea who is counterpicking what in this meta.

There are the assassins who can't go mid because mid is taken so he goes top (zed's and kha's, sometimes akali) as they can safely farm anyway and maybe get fed in lane, there's whatever as long as it's ranged so they can't go melee or get buttfucked (mostly jayce but also nid, elise, kennen, kayle and teemo), then there are the tanks like Singed, Malphite and Cho which mostly do magic damage (although malph can also work as a bruiser after you get him his tanky shit, so can cho theoretically although not as good), also rumble goes there because he's a lane bully and the recent FotM nunu who's also a bully. Oh and the other more typical tanky bullies, usually Renekton or Garen, occasionally Darius. Also lee sin, because he stays in lane forever, can push all day and can't be ganked.

If you're lucky you see a Riven, maybe a Jax. Sometimes you see a nasus because the S3 changes and slight buffs made him better (even if his jungle is arguably better). Irelia has been nearly forgotten in a meta where belt stacking makes her true damage meaningless, even if BotrK is quite good on her. But you're unlikely to see her because nearly every damn popular pick top counters the solo top bruiser of old. Or they got nerfed to shit like Olaf was. Jarvan mostly stays in the forest nowadays. Gangplank could possibly make a return as the new items give him some new options and he did get buffs after his massive nerfs, but I don't feel he's as safe as picking jayce or renekton top is.

Either way I don't remember if this was said in this topic or I read it elsewhere, despite disagreeing with it at first I have to say now that top is the worst lane to carry yourself from short of doing teleport ganks bot (as I occasionally do with nasus or singed). Usually the match is decided by midgame, the first proper 3 or 4-man tower push or dragon fight seals the deal if one lane didn't already start feeding like crazy. After that only dumb mistakes (roaming solo into unwarded territory, dumb baron timing) can make you lose if you were winning, more rarely you can get outscaled if the game drags on for too long.

Who decides the outcome of those first tower pushes and dragon fights? Mid and bot lanes with the help of the jungler. You're sitting top farming with the other dolt while the game is being decided elsewhere. Your roaming potential is limited you can only gank one lane, the hardest one to gank due to length, unless you take teleport (but you still risk losing a tower, sometimes a tower for a drake+kills is worth it, sometimes not). Jungling and supporting may be a crapshot because the effects of your work still depend on somebody else, but quite frankly your impact on the game will still be bigger than top's sans teleport.


Jun 5, 2011
Kinda hate the fact Zed might get nerfed. I played him top and he's not op at all, he has many counters. At mid though his weaknesses seem to disappear and he really looks like an anti-fun champion. I feel bad for Zed, he's a really fun champion to play but the dick fuckers that play assassins (and mid too, because they can only play against counters) decided to spam him and ruin him. They don't have any attachments to him, they're the typical mouth breathers that just flock to FOTMs. As ADC, I don't necessarily have more of a problem dealing with Zed then most top laners, they are all hard and all out to get you. I think this is what differentiates me mostly from other ADCs at these elos, I know how to build and teamfight.

Oh well, maybe Diana will be spammed next by these assassin mains and she'll get nerfed.

I've also changed my attitude about "carrying" yourself to anything. Top seems like the most fun lane these days precisely because you do jack shit and still win 50% of your games. All this talk about having to hard carry from mid or jungle is what pros or smurfs do but the typical player just doesn't need to do that because they're just not good enough to get 60%+ winning percentage. Just focus on your lane and you'll get better. It's only through adversity that you'll be able to innovate and think of new ways to improve.
Dec 19, 2007
Well, assassins get nerfed, you're not supposed to kill a squishy ass AD carry I guess, now go back to building HP so their carry can shoot you more. One thing about these nu-assassins like Diana and Zed though is that they have wave clears, that's a huge advantage over like Jizz or something so that might be why their balance seems off.

Carrying this or that is just kid's talk, if they were any good they wouldn't have to ask how to "carry retard teammates" in the first place.

Blutz is the god jesus of ARAM, I bet the laugh gets really irritating after the thirtieth free kill. Combos pretty funnily with Veigar, his burst is enough to kill anyone anyway and his long ass ranged stun basically means somebody gets grabbed, and if it doesn't connect you can still pull people into it's walls.


Jun 18, 2010
Jesus fuck, listen to yourself. "Waaah waaah! Zed is super strong mid but that's no reason to nerf him because I want to play with him top! Why do other players play champions in a role they excel in!? They're all stupid FOTM mouthbreathers because they do better than I do when I play a champ suboptimally!"


Codex Staff
Oct 21, 2002
Codex USB, 2014
I really need a nerf. I'm like on a winning streak. Lately I've only lost when enemy team is a competent 5man pre-made, basically.
I am super strong mid, but I'm the strongest as carry on short lanes, especially playing Dire.
I'm a turbo efficient jungler too. But I can only play really good when properly hydrated. If I just woke up or I've just eaten, I usually play like shit.
The best way to nerf me would be to force me to play Meepo or something. But I can be scary even then. Especially if I'm on short lane Dire.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Zed at this point is either a free win or a ban. He's even more obnoxious than katarina when she was FotM. Katarina could be ganked more easily and has a 100% counterable ult, not to mention actual counterpicks like malz, cho, annie etc. Zed's lane counters don't stop him from murdering the carry in teamfights and you can't really zone him. The only counterplay to zed's ult is a quicksilver sash/zhonya's and he's basically the only assassin apart from kha'zix and le blanc who has an on demand flash as a non-ultimate available pre-6 skill which makes ganking him ridiculously hard. On top of that he's a manaless AD assassin with good burst damage, decent dps (as he's ad), decent scaling and a ranged poke. There's really no trade off to going mid with him apart from losing out on hard CC and quite frankly that's not really an issue if he can snowball into midgame easily and kill at least 2 people alone before having to retreat.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
The only counterplay to zed's ult is a quicksilver sash/zhonya's


Anything with hard knockbacks/disengages laughs in his face. Get Janna or Trist on the botlane and watch him be useless. And those are only 2 examples.

Jizz can also trollpole over his ult - the ult goes on CD without triggering the mark on Jizz.

Zed is overrated as fuk and all you people are bad :smug:


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth

Anything with hard knockbacks/disengages laughs in his face. Get Janna or Trist on the botlane and watch him be useless. And those are only 2 examples.

Jizz can also trollpole over his ult - the ult goes on CD without triggering the mark on Jizz.

Zed is overrated as fuk and all you people are bad :smug:

I said there's no other counterplay to zed's ult, none of those really stops it, it just makes him unable to engage and use it. Well apart from fizz. So you blow janna's or trist's ult to disengage while he only blew W, good job, now tell me how is that a good trade? You don't kill him or make him blow his ult, his W is on CD, a fight happens a moment later when it's not and he still murders whatever he pleases. Trist with just W+flash isn't that much of a problem as he has a double gapcloser on top of flash. You could make him entirely useless him with a poke/disengage team, but good luck getting a workable poke/disengage comp in solo qq, not to mention building a team around one enemy pick just scream IMBA bullshit.

Still the ult wouldn't be a problem if he wasn't as silly in lane as he is now and if the rest of his kit wasn't as good. Best case scenario it's a farm lane, he can stay in lane forever, you'll never kill him short of him derping major time or your jungler having really strong ganks and zed pushing like retarded. Meanwhile he doesn't even need his jungler to appear to do good or get fed in lane. Including against fizz, he has no ranged poke while zed does, he's at an advantage against melee last hitters.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
I said there's no other counterplay to zed's ult, none of those really stops it, it just makes him unable to engage and use it.

Making him unable to use it sounds like a pretty effective way of stopping it.

So you blow janna's or trist's ult to disengage while he only blew W


You blow Janna/Trist ult when he ults.

You don't kill him or make him blow his ult, his W is on CD, a fight happens a moment later when it's not and he still murders whatever he pleases.

Yes, I'm sure he's gonna murder whatever he pleases with his pathetic shurikens as you kite and stun him to hell.

Trist with just W+flash isn't that much of a problem as he has a double gapcloser on top of flash.

What double gapcloser would that be? The first one that gets nullified by a quick buster shot, and the second whose range is so utterly pathetic that he'd need two of them to chase Trist's rocket jump?

building a team around one enemy pick just scream IMBA bullshit.

Oh, I see you are one of those people. Do you also build your entire team around AP Yi? :troll:

All you need is one competent linebacker to keep him off your carries. Be it a support or a jungler or a topper.

he can stay in lane forever

i know right his sustain is off the charts

Including against fizz, he has no ranged poke while zed does, he's at an advantage against melee last hitters.

Bullshit. Learn 2 dodge. You could say that everyone at mid has an advantage over Jizz because he's a melee last hitter, and now that ain't quite true, isn't it. Past 6 Jizz gets such a ridiculous advantage over Zed it's not even funny. And even before 6, you have better trading potential with qw -> e than he has.


Jun 5, 2011
Jesus fuck, listen to yourself. "Waaah waaah! Zed is super strong mid but that's no reason to nerf him because I want to play with him top! Why do other players play champions in a role they excel in!? They're all stupid FOTM mouthbreathers because they do better than I do when I play a champ suboptimally!"
Exactly the same way Zyra players feel for being nerfed because of her support. The thing is Zed mid is broken, he's not just played optimally, he's too strong. But it wasn't this way for so long. I bought him after seeing so many people pick him top. NickWu of Complexity for example mains Zed top and for the longest time the only people who played Zed were top laners. For the longest time Zed had no problems, he was released 6 months ago and everything was fine! Some people mained him, they had fun learning how to do complex mechanics with him, what his limitations were and when he could excel. Top lane is really the ultimate 1 v 1 lane and his kit allows for some crazy outplays and just overall fun top lane. He was just another champion.

Then he got picked mid by a few pros and became the definition of FOTM. FOTM doesn't just randomly fall on someone, it's usually because a champion is just stupid easy to pickup and play at a decent level. Do you need to do 3 shadow jukes with him to excel in mid lane? No. He farms incredibly easy and has a press R to win skillset that even if he dies appeals to the CoD mindset of low elos. And as I've said as an assassin he isn't that particularly scary to squishies in teamfight. Fizz for example can feed really really hardcore and still 1 shot carries, Zed at least needs a few kills.

You talk about playing a champion suboptimally or optimally and you make it sound like playing FOTM is some kind of brain surgery. Do you think the people who barely picked up Zed a few weeks ago because a pro did it optimize? No they're blind followers. They're not interested in optimizing anything, they're interested in the quickest payout. Why aren't they playing Fizz? Zed's winrate is still sub 50% despite all this "optimization" that has recently overtaken him and the lower elos you go the lower his winning percentage. Zed is exactly what a FOTM is, he is an assassin whose skillset covers for a lot of people's shortcomings and is relatively easy to learn in the mid lane position. Match-ups? Fuck that shit, I'm here to kill.

You have to ask yourself why do some champions get nerfed and others don't? It's not just because they are strong, why did Yorick get nerfed again and again while Rumble has been left virtually alone since he was released? Let's not pretend that someone who picked up Yorick because pros were doing it needs some kind of deep reverence. Not every champion can be FOTM, they happen for a reason and the person who picked Rumble as his main instead of Yorick sure was lucky his skillset isn't as conductive to being FOTM. The people who played Zed for the longest time (mostly top) thought their champion was perfectly balanced, then he becomes FOTM for his mid and gets nerfed. You're damn right I'm mad. I'll still play Zed after the storm has passed but I'm pissed about the situation. Just like people who still main Yorick are unhappy about their situation. For those thinking of themselves as optimization kings, Fizz and Rumble are still available.

Jim Cojones

Nov 2, 2008
Przenajswietsza Rzeczpospolita
Xypherous said:
* Twin Fang is now classified as a single-target spell for the purposes of item effects
And I am terrified - but it should give Cassieopeia builds more flexibility, something that she has traditionally found hard to access and made worse by the fact that Cassieopeia play tends to be demanding and damage-focused.

What this allows her access to is Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Muramana and Furor Boots - all of which actually kind of make sense in her arsenal.
Full slow from Rylai's on Twin Fangs? Sounds fun... although not for the receiving side :)


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Roxor FFS, if you ult him as trist after he ults you it doesn't fucking matter, you already ate the ult+E+ignite and possibly Q or auto attack, either way enough for the ult to finish you off when death mark expires. At best you go one for one, the pressure is also on you not to fuck up, you have to ult him as soon as he reappears and in a direction away from you. From point blank range that's not guaranteed to happen. Also as I said if you ult him after he uses W then he sill has it 20 seconds later and you have jack to do about him but W away yourself which he can catch up with if his ult is available.

You can't use R to prevent him from using his R, you trade it for his W only. And then you don't have it when he actually is in melee range of you. Best case scenario you can pray you survive the ult and the following burst (if you don't have a QSS/zhonya's) and either W away or him getting peeled away so he can't hit you with more damage before death mark expires. Still if you pick trist bot you're going to have problems because she's not that good against the usual bot lane picks and even if you don't feed her midgame is pretty mediocre.

I'll give you that janna ulting after he ults the carry works because you may heal him up enough and prevent him for finishing off his burst, assuming ignite doesn't prove to be too good.

Oh and lol for you thinking he needs built-in sustain to stay in lane forever. Guess what fort elixir+9 pots was a thing until it got nerfed in the recent patch. Now it's not but with a vamp scepter he can stay in lane forever anyway as everyone gets botrk on him as his first major item for some reason, with a brutalizer throw in between if stomping. If you have ranged harass that can zone him it ends up being a farm lane as he just farms with W+E or E+Q if not just Q, good luck zoning his shadow.


Nov 23, 2002
MCA Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Codex USB, 2014 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Doesn't Zed have ridiculously easy laning? Clearing entire waves in one combo and a few aa after his first back? That's not exactly something you want on a guy that's hard to gank and does insane damage late game.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
you already ate the ult+E+ignite and possibly Q or auto attack

If you eat so much stuff before you press R, odds are, you are pretty bad. End of discussion. R00fles! All you gotta do is have ult on smartcast and spam R like mad around yourself the moment he starts ulting. AT BEST you are going to get a shadow slash to the face, and that's also not given. And ult+slash+ignite is NOT ENOUGH TO KILL SOMEBODY, FFS, WHAT ARE YOU SMOKING?

9 pots was a thing until it got nerfed in the recent patch

Well, good that it did. Means he can't quite stay in lane as long as he used to AMIRITE?

Now it's not but with a vamp scepter he can stay in lane for ever anyway

I assume every other champion can also stay in lane forever with a fucking vamp sceptre that gives you 10% life steal off your shitty early game melee attacks?


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
If you eat so much stuff before you press R, odds are, you are pretty bad. End of discussion. R00fles! All you gotta do is have ult on smartcast and spam R like mad around yourself the moment he starts ulting. AT BEST you are going to get a shadow slash to the face, and that's also not given. And ult+slash+ignite is NOT ENOUGH TO KILL SOMEBODY, FFS, WHAT ARE YOU SMOKING

There is nothing preventing zed from mashing E and the Ignite key as he ults towards you himself. E is a non-targetable AoE it's not even a guess if he can use it successfully he will hit you with it period, assuming equal skill/reaction times zed will get both ignite and E just as she ults him. The deciding factor here is who can cast one instant cast targeted ability, tristana has no advantage over zed here. You're also forgetting that if he's going into a solo lane he will have a 2 level advantage over the adc. Especially if it's tristana who kind of sucks early on in the current meta where nearly everyone can all-in better or just bully and zone her possibly making her under-leveled. Oh and when zed can't be stopped from farming because he can W+E+Q waves without even getting into ranged AA range meaning he will have more ad to backup his burst.

I assume every other champion can also stay in lane forever with a fucking vamp sceptre that gives you 10% life steal off your shitty early game melee attacks?

Yes if you are an ad scaling assasin with ad runes, buying a scepter which gives ad and have a +% of bonus AD passive on his W further increasing how much damage you do with autos. Oh and you can safely farm taking little if any damage anyway because you clear entire waves with W+E+Q even with just a scepter and AD runes. Guess what, you don't need a lot of sustain to stay in lane forever with zed, why do you think an elixir+pots start worked so well? R00fles indeed!

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