Oh hai Tank Girl.
What I find odd is that they release twoADC Marksmen in a row, shouldn't there be a tanky dps inbetween?
Why is it that in every single game you always have the most deaths on both teams? :D I reckon you would skyrocket in ELO if you just stopped throwing away your life so much.
And your build is the worst btw.
What I find odd is that they release two
Wow, I just had the most amazing game in a long time. Our J4 starts the game by feeding Riven and Lee Sin, I kill Malzahar and Lee Sin as Rengar with the assistance of Brand. J4 continues feeding, I start dying because I run into these fed motherfuckers everywhere (I mean Riven is bot at before our second blue even spawned) and Malzahar is committed to using every ult on me for the rest of the game, suffice to say Rengar can't actually escape anyone in the jungle. Our bot also loses and feeds, I didn't see why but I'd guess it's because of the Blitz that later on would only grab minions. We lose all towers save three including nexus towers, lose two inhibs and all drakes and a baron or was it two barons. Then they just start throwing. I initiate if they don't, because I'm brave and it's lost, usually provoking every possible ult and ignite and whatever (like I said, every malzahar ultimate) so while I and sometimes Jarvan are derping around tanking (dying really fast is another word for it) the rest of our guys are killing off Riven and then the rest after that (usually Malzahar wasn't there or died at some random point). I had Randuins, Phage, Zeal, Zekes, Mobis and a Giant's Belt (at some point I just decided fuck the triforce I'm building giant's belts and that long sword is as good as zekes). Well winning something like three teamfights - and we were some 15 kills behind too - was required just so that we could get our very first tover, their mid, and to get our damn inhibs to spawn, which were still undefended by anything. I still continued this "jump onto Graves and die" routine, I felt silly just tanking his DPS with no chance of actually killing him while my team was killing off the other guys. After a couple more Aces, they finally lost their nexus, with most of their towers still intact, only mid towers and one bot (which was pushed by minions) gone. Lol.
Just look at the builds though. What the fuck?
I guess it helps if the enemy adc builds no defenses, the fed riven is one of those players who hates armor penetration and their ap carry hates damage.
Why is it that in every single game you always have the most deaths on both teams? :D I reckon you would skyrocket in ELO if you just stopped throwing away your life so much.
And your build is the worst btw.
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