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So, anyone playing League of Legends?


Jul 4, 2011
The Xerath items are obviously for dev-testing.

Also Shen will have his taunt radius lowered at the start and end of his taunt, so that's definitely a nerf.


Sep 24, 2013
Jinx seems really scary strong, every time I've faced one she's gotten the bulk of the kills. I can't imagine she'll go long without nerfs.


Dec 6, 2002
Multikult Central South
Wasteland 2
So, 1 ½ weeks without LoL and I'm feeling surprisingly fine. Hopefully I'll get things sorted out soon though, because I have no intentions of quitting the game all together. Not when a Heimer remake is coming.
Dec 19, 2007
I found merit in Nidalee support : everybody wants to kill you, and chase you, but they ultimately can't. 0/3/21. Jax chase me across half the map, hecarim ult on only me because so much hate I guess? Thresh aim all hooks on me, only Jizz did intelligent targeting that has nothing to do with "KILL THE SUPPORT! QUICKLY!". Well everybody wants always to kill the support I guess, it's like LoL players have this bully mentality where you pick on the weakest kid you can find. Like sure if it's a free kill with no effort but c'mon using ults and shit just to get a Nidallee that's slightly out of position? Yeah I have been considering Kassadin support because the LoL animals are instinctual beasts, driven to chase the weak little lamb or something, even if it has a jet engine crammed into it's ass. Or maybe Shaco? Who's the slipperiest bastard in the whole game to catch? Maybe not Shaco because the beasts give up when they lose sight (maybe).

Oh, how about this. There's a pretty strong Ryze, and a Nidalee. The Ryze is DPS:ing the crap out of Jizz, who is probably going to anyway combo Ryze after he's out of Rune Prison. You're Jax, what do you do?

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Jun 5, 2011
I found merit in Annie support, best kept secret NA. There's nothing like playing ranked and panic picking someone and having it be Annie support. They counter picked me a bit with Ezreal and Blitzclank but it was no problem. Have the enemy bot lane chase Jinx half way across the map only for me to land a Tibbers and then instantly have Jinx follow that up with her ult - goodbye 70% of your HP. Seriously, those 2 ults together and you don't even need to auto attack, they just explode.

Annie - Jinx may just be a very strong lane, Annie - anyone really. I think Jinx is good with burst supports actually, when people figure it out she'll be even more op.
Dec 19, 2007
Riot sure has problems balancing Zed, Kassadin, Ahri and Fizz it seems (and Diana, Akali, even Pantheon since he's never gonna get buffed due to his "tank my mana pool" gameplay). Maybe their next assassin, which I suppose has to be coming since it's a year since Zed, doesn't incorporate invulnerability frames or other "yeah sorry you can't fight me back" bullshitmechanics, or how about not make them like Akali where if they're ahead they'll always kill you with no effort if you enter like 1k range of them?

Yeah I'll bet. Gotta sell them champions!

Anyway, speaking of assassins, I stumbled onto a fun Nocturne build that has worked very well for me, build Ghostblade Bork in some component order, personally I use armor penetration runes and 21/9/0. Don't die much with that (1 and 3 in last two games), get a bunch of kills done (10 and 12), swim in money since Nocturne is an excellent farmer and pusher too, and it feels almost like playing Zed, you dive some squishy, and kill them, they can't really avoid you even though you can be peeled off but you don't have to go in immediately either. Of course you'll need some tanky guy top to do that such as Malph, Wukong etc. There's not much risk attached since you can always start building tanky if you must, Nocturne isn't a character locked on some strict build paths.

I'm probably not going to play other junglers than Nocturne, Udyr and Nunu for a while. Mostly Nocturne, not many situations where you just wouldn't pick him.
Apr 18, 2009
I love enemy Zeds who go mid. Lock Viktor and outpoke them with E and harass the shit out of them with Q if they try to last hit... and then troll their ult and get them to stand in your W.

Alternatively: Watch as somebody insta locks Veigar against Zed whilst saying "Veig my main" and then laugh as he goes 0 / 10 / 0 by the 15 minute mark.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
The problem with zed, jizz and kassaderp is that people who go against them are absolute idiots in 90% of cases.
Apr 18, 2009
I can't see any reason why Zed or anyone would stand in your W, but even when they do, you'll have like 100 hp max left when he's finally stunned.

His ult places him directly on top of you and if you're intelligent you can place the W in such a way that the dumb fuck ends up right on top of it.

PS. Only a fucking idiot would allow Zed to keep an even pace with you throughout laning, so by the time he gets his ult you'll be level seven or eight.

The problem with zed, jizz and kassaderp is that people who go against them are absolute idiots in 90% of cases.

Dec 19, 2007
I can't see any reason why Zed or anyone would stand in your W, but even when they do, you'll have like 100 hp max left when he's finally stunned.

His ult places him directly on top of you and if you're intelligent you can place the W in such a way that the dumb fuck ends up right on top of it.

PS. Only a fucking idiot would allow Zed to keep an even pace with you throughout laning, so by the time he gets his ult you'll be level seven or eight.

Yes, but it takes a long time for it to stun him, he can just W away (or was his ult already changed so it spawns the shadow in Zed's starting position? If so then he can just reactivate R.). Viktor's W has huge cast time so Zed ult lands before your W is even ready in all probability.

If you are two levels ahead of a Zed, he just sucks at Zed big time.
Apr 18, 2009
Possibly, but I still say that it's rather easy to tell when a Zed is about to jump you in lane or not, all you have to do is to create a baseline for his playstyle and whenever he breaks that to make a beeline for you... well... W on yer feet.

Take that for what it's worth, coming from Wood Woodensen of Wood Elo.

Dec 19, 2007
Only 3 disconnects out of 5 games today. Amazing. Well at least my MMR is so low I can practice some top lane GP. Go 3/0/1 with him on lane against Malphite, get quadra later, only for Annie to disconnect, and Corki earlier said he has only 45 minutes for the game so he wouldn't fucking wait for her to re-connect.

My morale is high though because I bullied a Riven on lane with GP earlier, she got 67 CS, I got 167. Lols.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Must have been a bad Riven. That match-up goes mostly toe to toe in my experience, maybe in Riven's favor slightly. In a direct engagement she should be on top, you can't harass her with Q unless she's dumb and doesn't E+W+AA+Q+AA+Q+AA+Q+AA you when you try to paarley her. You can however turn it into a farm lane or kill her before level 4 (when she doesn't have a full combo yet) and snowball from there. But the latter assumes she doesn't bring anything with her to counter the part harass she will eat before gettiing E up (or when it is on CD).

You can farm safely with paarley though and once you build tanky she can't really stop you from doing that.
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Jun 5, 2011
According to some websites, GP wins the matchup. I remember having it once on my team and the GP raped the Riven.

Now what I hate is this recent trend of Riven mid. I just had one against Gragas and the "matchup" says Riven should win, well she lost hard. Hey look at me, I'm Riven mid and I don't roam, don't kill anything and just generally single handedly lose you the game. The fat tub of lard Gragas was impossible to deal with, with players now rushing Athene's on him and with his insane mobility, he's quickly becoming one of the best mids in the game, he's impossible to gank, has poke, sustain, killing potential, roaming and applies tremendous pressure. And it turned out my top was Nidalee so top was also ungankable. It's so much fun having 2 ungankable lanes when you play Aatrox. I don't even know how we won that game, I rushed a BOTRK and just barely won a 3v3 skirmish to end the laning phase. That and having some crazy early plays that led to Tristana securing a triple kill. Playing Aatrox is so crazy, he has an insane early game but people are aware of it and then falls off so hard mid-game, and yet sometimes he doesn't.

Apparently Riot wants to get rid of snowballing in Season 4. They're removing the banana brush by mid lane, I mean how else am I going to invade lvl 1 with Aatrox now? It's basically a guaranteed kill. And they're removing some of the brushes around red and blue buff, rip lvl2 counterjungling. The support changes should be fun, more gold, if Riot screws things up I can't wait to bring out the full AP Annie support and exploit it for freelo.


Oct 12, 2006
According to some websites, GP wins the matchup. I remember having it once on my team and the GP raped the Riven.
That's one hell of a source.
I'm pretty sure it should be the other way around, start shield to block if he tries to harass, make him run out of mana, all in.
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Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Like I said GP has the best odds of killing her early on before she can block paarley. But if she's smart she'll start with pots/regen and armor and with a point in E. I vaguely recall one building morans shield against my GP top, that was pretty effective as even if she failed to E my Q she'd regen it back and took little damage. On top of that she can easily catch up to GP if he tries to get into range for a paarley. I don't remember if E+one Q was enough or if she needed another Q, been a while, but GP can't escape in time after using Q unless the guy playing Riven has poor reaction times.

You can all-in him even if he has mana anyway, his oranges won't do much when W's stun is short and Q is a knock-up with the heal being countered by ignite. You just need level 4 for the full combo and have at least equal HP. All he has for damage early game are AAs and a paarley on 5 second CD, plus the DoT from his passive which he won't get to apply a whole lot between the W and the Q knock-up. Just wait for him to come into paarley range, E the paarley, QQ to close the distance, combo him with the remaining Q and W mixed with AAs for maximum damage. If he's dumb then he's dead, if he's not then he'll run and you'll win the trade easily.

You can try turning it into a farm lane if you know you can't get a kill from a gank, she'll have to push if she tries to combo you when you come in to last hit with paarley. Your mileage may vary with CS though as paarley's CD while not exactly long isn't like a karthus Q, creeps will be missed as she does zone you. Best course of action is to build tanky, get some sustain and try to become an immovable object. With W, some mana regen and armor+HP she won't be able to all in you successfully and you should be at near full hp at all times.

I am still not sure however if that is really advantageous as she scales hard. But better a riven with 50 more CS than one snowballing and getting fed from kills. This match up is only easy for GP if the riven plays dumb, that is she doesn't go in and try to kill the GP if he tries to shoot her and/or if she fails to block paarleys.

Dr Tomo

May 31, 2013
In a library near you

There you go nerds, lolz. Also it has been taken down and so "found" another on Dailymotion and putlocker.
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