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So, anyone playing League of Legends?


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Also, in related news, I got reported for verbal abuse and received a notification after spamming Lo Wang quotes on all chat. People really are limpdicked faggots.

Those premade cunts we played against got butthurt over that? Bunch of uncultured fagots that don't appreciate the :incline: of Lo Wang. I hope they wake up dying with shurikens in their skulls.

Also new Nasus voice ain't bad but the old one was simply damn good. "We will live, they will die" said so calmly with no hint of menace, like a samurai and shit. It fit with his "oh nasus, he's not a problem" afk farming style only to murder everything after you get 200+ cs by simply walking up to them and whacking them with q seemingly effortlessly. New one at times sound too threatening.


Apr 29, 2007
So apparently riot is severly nerfing damage scalings for many support champions in order to add more utility. Rip AP sona and AD manamune taric. Why do you hate fun Riot?


Apr 29, 2007
Don't know about long ago but they're doing it again. Halving Sona's AP ratios I can live with, but removing Taric's % mana damage passive? That's lame.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Does anyone know how many times you need to get reported to end up in tribunal?
I think this year people said they would report me like 100 times but nothing never happens.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Consider the following:
- the LoL community is filled with people who are either retarded, immature, extremely vulgar or mostly desensitized to insults on the internet.
- the LoL community is big and eager to report anyone for anything, while at the same time it is mostly incapable of writing a coherent argument supporting why "X" is indeed violating the summoner's code.
- riot uses the LoL community to filter through the tons of reports via the tribunal (remember that?) before doing anything themselves. Unless the community decisively votes to punish you, Riot will never look at your case.
- it is very likely that the people reporting everybody have in reality their reports auto-ignored by the system.

Unless you call people shit-dripping smelly cunts in all chat for no reason odds are nobody will vote to punish you. Or unless you act as a primadonna and bitch about everybody else, while feeding with a score of 0/20/4. Nobody will report you for calling the obvious moron a moron, when everyone else wants to report that guy probably. If they did Riot would probably punish me at least once by now, although in the past 6 months I didn't bother using the chat apart from "gg wp" or "lol 3 afk, gg", unless I'm playing with bros. Not worth paying attention to morons.


Dec 31, 2007
Copenhagen, Denmark
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Jim Cojones

Nov 2, 2008
Przenajswietsza Rzeczpospolita
I really dislike that they are adding mana scaling to Soraka, it doesn't seem to work with her kit at all. She is very strongly dependant on getting CDR and with current itemisation if you get CDR for a caster/support, you will probably get all the mana regen you need to sustain yourself, probably even considering mana costs on ally-cast infuse (and even WotA is becoming a CDR/mana regen item). Pretty much the only mana items that you would ever consider on her is glacial shroud and its upgrades. Choosing items for a stat you don't need for its main purpose but merely for some additional scalings doesn't strike me as a great idea.

Although I suspect discussing Soraka's balance is meaningless. Morello wants her to be shit, so she will be shit.

Does anyone know how many times you need to get reported to end up in tribunal?
I think this year people said they would report me like 100 times but nothing never happens.
Most of them forget to report you or don't even mean to do that, only raging on chat because it makes them feel better about themselves losing. I don't use tribunal but my brother does and he says that couple months ago Riot changed formula deciding on how difficult it is to get there. There are no cases without reports from at least 5 different games, mostly with multiple reports in each one and supposedly reports expire quite quickly so you need to be reported really lot in relatively short period to get punished.

Cases that are not clearly deserved became very rare, I think my brother votes punish in 97-99 times out of 100.
Dec 19, 2007
So I sold my soul to the ultimate evil.

I want a teemo/heimer/caitlyn/nidalee team that places amazing amounts of crap to the ground. WE'RE BUILDING OUR BASE HERE, SEND WORKERS TO MINE


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Played more of Jinx in classic, current verdict:
- decent dueling due to her AS steroid, however her minigun's range is too short and there are better steroids (not granting as much AS sure, but overall).
- lack of a reliable repositioning tool hurts, a lot
- even with the rockets her AA range is not that good, you need to be really careful with positioning
- snare is good.
- cast time on the ult and the fact that usually you use it after you win a fight and somebody else blocks it, most of the time, make it hardly useful past laning. Unless you are playing in a poke comp.
- by the time your passive kicks in you will be pile-dived by two or three bruisers or assassins.

Overall verdict, better play Kog'maw. Why? Because you will be as reliant on your team to do shit (like peel) and as fragile, while actually having more range, better dps and poke that doesn't get blocked by creeps. Also an ult you actually use in a team fight without dying or it getting blocked by somebody else. Oh and it will be far easier to position yourself and fire AAs to deliver damage, Jinx sucks at kiting period. Also if you get dived and die at least you will take somebody out post-mortem.

Honestly though, unless you can poke them all day, or have a CC stun-lock team comp that lets you fire rockets all day without getting dived, you are going to have a bad time carrying with Jinx.


Oct 12, 2006
Most fun(and success) I've had with Jinx is as an ad caster spamming W, with brutalizer, Ionian boots etc. With max cdr your ult is on 36 cd :M


Apr 29, 2007
I only played Jinx mid and I really liked it. I maxed q and harassed the enemy with long range autos while they couldn't effectively retaliate most of the time.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Her laning isn't bad. I had game where I got FB and went 7/0 or 9/2 with ridiculous kill streaks, only to lose in nearly every 5v5 teamfight with victories being the result not of my damage, but of being carried by top or jungle who get some kills despite more or less stalemating their lanes earlier. The problem is what do you do when jarvan, fizz or somebody else decide to jump on Jinx and violate her. You get zoned badly. You can try to kill them but if you have two divers on top of you, you are dead. Nearly every full team fight, I get either zero kills and dish out little damage or I die with her. Which is also why her passive is IMO a poor repositioning tool. Maybe a dozen or so games is not enough to judge her, but I played other adcs and with being that fed as I was at times, you either stomp easily in 5v5 or you take out one or two enemies before dying. This is not the case with Jinx in my experience for some reason.

Her strength during mid-game and beyond mostly comes from the poke and the tiamat she gets on her AAs. The poke is blocked by minions or front-line tanks doing little by itself. The main problem though, is that you exchange the AS steroid, her other only steroid, for the range and AoE. Sure you get some range and the uber-tiamat in exchange which is also a good steroid. But to make full use of your main steroid, they need to be bunched up and not trying to use gapclosers to rape you in melee range. You get zoned, you can't kite and you can't peel. You either end up dying or doing no damage. This can only be mitigated by proper peeling, but unless you have your team dedicated to doing that preferably with AoE CC, you either die or have no effect on the outcome of the fight.

Imagine if corki didn't have an escape, that's pretty much how jinx feels. Some poke, some AoE, good pushing/farming, but you can't really kite, chase or peel for yourself and on top of that you have to be extra careful with your positioning.


In My Safe Space
Jan 1, 2011
True Jinx isn't a hyper carry like Vayne for example. She reminds me of Tristana in the way I play her. W is a good team fight initiation tool, a weaker version of Varus and Ashe ultimates.
Her E should be used as an Anivia wall to protect yourself from rampaging assassins. Her Q offers her great range from which she can auto attack. Until middle game she won't be that effective, just like Tristana, because of the lack of items.
But late game, alongside a support as Nami(her E is a blessing for Jinx) she can wreak havoc.


Jun 5, 2011
Although I suspect discussing Soraka's balance is meaningless. Morello wants her to be shit, so she will be shit.
Yeah I really enjoyed Soraka at the end of S3, she was flying under the radar, did well against assassins, and then got killed anyway. Personally I'm tired of every offbeat support I love get nerfed anyway so I'll just try to play AP mages there and cheese it 100%.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
1451 I'm not sure where you're getting the tristana bit from, apart from the repositioning reset on kills/assists. Trist has somewhat underwhelming laning which requires babysitting (but she can farm and push well) but from mid-game onwards she plays differently. She stacks up range on her passive and they're probably similar in range until a point, but trist's strength comes from the fact that on top of the range she is slowly gaining she has a very good repositioning tool and can peel for herself. Trist carries hard because she's difficult to catch out of position and dive, she can kite very well with huge range and clever use of W and R.

This is something Jinx cannot do, she has a hard time kiting unless you trigger her passive or slow down the enemy with Jinx's repositioning tool is not a free flash but a ghost, which only can get activated once she gets a kill or assist. If you could use it in a team-fight before you get a kill/assist Jinx would be simply much better. Have it get stacks with AAs, activate it for a short duration once you reach 5, put it on CD (that doesn't prevent you from acquiring stacks) that gets reset with kills assists. Could probably use rebalanced numbers in such a case. But AD carries need kiting to get kills and not die, Jinx needs kills to kite which is problematic.
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da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
6 wins in a row.
Promotion time.
Following 2 games herp derp bronze league, ragequit and obligatory blame the jungler squad. Riot matchmaking strikes again.
So fucking pissed right now.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
You're in low silver or were they duo-QQers? Only solution is to carry harder with someone ridiculously bronze/silver-proof like jungle naut.

Also played Jinx more, she's really fun when the enemy jungle nocturne and top aatrox are dumb and rather dive and focus 8/2/x veigar than your 10/0/6 Jinx :smug:

She's definitely a solid laner, although I think most of my successes in lane so far are because vayne is on sale/freeweek and I play against morons or people who don't know how Jinx works. Only one of them played real good and gave me a hard time, also one time soraka got fed and steamrolled us, because my leona made some bad calls. But that's about it as far as failing my lane goes (also lol soraka doesn't ward and AAs all minions all the time pushing, when they have hecarim, guess which of our lanes he kept ganking?). So far most of my fuck ups in lane are missing easy ults that guaranteed a kill or double-kill, or switching to the wrong weapon and missing another guaranteed kill.

Her issues in teamfights still stand, my opinions seems to be re-affirmed. She's good at split-pushing or roaming and fighting in smaller teams against smaller teams than 5v5. But without peeling it is hard to do anything unless they're stupid and don't focus the adc.

Also I enjoy making people rage by killing them with perfect rockets shot across the entire map. It is called a skill shot for a reason

Dec 19, 2007
I figured out a perfect way to protect Jinx, it's to play Teemo, nobody cares about Jinx killing everything while the little bastard is still running away in the mushroom kingdom.

Seems like my champion picks cause some rage. Entire team complains about "GP S3? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO AGAINST IRELIA? HOW DO YOU KILL SEJUANI GP NOOB I TROLL", and when I show them that I play this champ and have 60% with him (a mistake) I get to hear that 60% isn't good and no pentas.

After I get first blood because I went to win my lane instead of help shitvana at his red because I know from experience nobody will change their jungle route no matter what you say, anyway I ignored them when they started talking about my starting AD or something, Lissandra starts to feed mid Rengar of course, I'm doing fine but Shyvana is Shyvana and Irelia gets a kill because she decided to towerdive with her no CC and all.

Most damage dealt of course, as usual with GP, "how do you kill Sejuani" C'mon how about not caring about the CC or how about I kill the fed Rengar instead? What I learned from this game, however, is that Irelia is one of those many champions GP can't beat after some number of levels even if you're very ahead, she just mashes buttons at you and you can't kill her for the sustain, can't run from her because she's as fast and you can't tank her damage which is unavoidable to boot. At least you can dodge Lee Sin's Q, which doesn't matter either because he's energy based and has infinite sustain. Dunno. Maybe there's some secret super item I can build to counter sustain and free damage, it sure isn't Executioners calling from my experience (even though it helps a bunch in teamfights against these multiple sustain champs teams).

Of course I won most of these games, GP is a deceptively good teamfighter which I prefer anyway to duellists.
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Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
GP isn't bad nowadays, he got nerfed badly in S2 but they buffed him a bit later and the S3 item changes helped him a lot. Hydra, new manamune, frozen fist and static shiv are all great on him and opened up new ways to build him.

The unwashed masses of sheep of course think he's still ruined forever, because he's under the radar and not super OP. Instead of philo you get tear on him now, never leave lane, always have mana for paarley farming and oranges. Basically what the previous RUINED FOREVER nerf did (fuck over his sustain/harass by making him mana hungry) is countered by building tear on him now. He's a valid choice against certain top laners without sustain or range. His early game dueling is pretty good as well.

Dr Tomo

May 31, 2013
In a library near you
What is the season 4 meta anyway? I have been living under an ARAM rock so I have no idea what they changed.

Season 4 Changes

In a recent post on the official League of Legends website, Riot Games discussed some of the ways LOL will be changed in preparation for Season 4. They have described their approach to Season 4 as a way to "refine League of Legends" but still "create a deeper, clearer and more satisfying player experience."

So while the exact details of what the preseason patch will change has not yet been explictly discussed, Riot Games has told us what we can expect to see and why.


Map Vison Changes

Riot Games has now confirmed what its plans are for Season 4's approach to map vision.

The key new feature are Trinkets, a brand new item slot that can only include one of three Trinkets that any Champion can equip.

These items are free and can be swapped at any time in the shop, meaning everyone on the team will have access to some form of personal vision - as will the opposing team.

There are three types of Trinkets you can equip:

The Sweeper Trinket, which reveals and disables any invisible wards on the map. Useful for clearing the map of vision.
The Totem Trinket, which lets you create a Stealth Ward that will last for 1 or 2 minutes, depending on your level.
The Lens Trinket, which reveals a selected part of the map for a brief amount of time - akin to Clairevoyance.

Not only that but other changes are coming: players will have a ward limit that, when reached, will remove the oldest ward placed on the map (kind of like Sightstone does already).

Sight Wards will stay the same - though now apparently called Stealth Wards - while Vision Wards are cheaper, but not invisible and can be destroyed easily. Each player can place only one vision ward on the map at any time.

The changes are far-reaching, but should improve the whole map vision strategy for the better.


Jungle Changes

Riot Games is looking to add a fourth new monster camp to the jungle, and while it's not clear what form this will take the ramifications could be pretty large.

Now what this likely means is that this will be a fairly weak monster camp, perhaps enough to get weaker early-game champions into jungling. If true it'll need careful balancing, of course, otherwise it risks being utilised by other players in different lanes. A quick but condensed amount of XP could be a viable gain if it's only a short few seconds out of lane.

Of the proposed changes this is that one that leaves the most questions, but it could dramatically change a lot of otherwise pre-set standards that we've come to expect as standard.


Riot will be taking a look at how these key roles will be earning their gold. The term used is that gold will be "heavily adjusted to put more money in the pockets of duo-lane supports".

New items will be included to help boost gold gain, or at least make that gold go further, so supports should be getting a pretty heavy buff from these changes.

For complete details and changes please go to SOURCE: http://www.nowgamer.com/news/2131629


Hey everyone,

FeralPony here to run through some high level changes coming this preseason that fall under a topic we're calling “Game Flow.” Game Flow is effectively how the core game functions and plays independently of specific roles, champions, items, etc. It's how the minions move, gold enters and leaves the map, objectives are created, and how strategic battles are won and lost. It's the systems in place that aren’t under direct player control.

So what does it include? Here's a look at some of the changes we'll be implementing this preseason:

  • Kill/assist gold
  • Game and objective timings (when things spawn etc)
  • Objective values/rewards (Turrets, Baron, Dragon, etc)
  • Experience
  • Inhibitor mechanics
  • Death timers
  • Map layout & brush changes
  • Jungle (this is a large enough system it'll be included in another post)
Tons of Changes!

You might be saying, “By the factions of Runeterra, Pony, that's a lot of changes!” You'd be absolutely correct, but the bulk of these are small changes meant to enhance other aspects of the game. Each of these changes have unique goals that I’d like to provide additional insight into.


We’re making some adjustments to global objectives in Summoner’s Rift.

Dragon: The gold and experience rewards for slaying Dragon will now increase over time.

  • In the preseason, securing dragon will remain a worthwhile objective even into late game. In addition, dragon will provide more experience rewards for teams down in levels, making it a valuable objective for those who are losing heavily. Winning teams will want to keep dragon secured to retain their lead.
Baron: Baron buff is being shifted away from a team fighting bonus and towards more of a sieging bonus (think bonus movement speed or bonus damage to turrets)

  • We wanted to shift Baron buff away from an overpowering team-wide buff that gives the buffed team an advantage in any situation. Instead, we want to clarify Baron buff as a window of opportunity to end the game.
Turrets: The team-wide gold for destroying turrets is going down, but the gold given to the players directly responsible for destroying turrets is going up. (Misaya mentioned he thought turret rewards were based off of damage contribution / assists, but it just grants local gold for anyone in the general area)

  • This change rewards players directly for taking positive action instead of diffusing the reward by splitting it up among their teammates.
Super Minions & Inhibitors: Downed inhibitors will no longer make all minions stronger. Instead, minions in lanes with downed inhibitors will now push harder than before, while minions in other lanes will be unaffected.

  • Clarity was the core goal here. Currently when a single inhibitor goes down it causes all minions on the winning side of the map to become stronger, thereby pushing down their lanes as well. This applies pressure to the defending team, but also allows players on that team to farm the pushed lanes in relative safety and possibly pick up a game-changing item or two. That said, it’s still very difficult to come back from a downed inhibitor because even after a great comeback play, the resurging team must still push out ALL of their lanes before the enemy team respawns. We’d like to give teams that make these epic plays a real shot at making a comeback.
Other underlying systems:

In addition to the changes we’re making to global objectives, we have some smaller changes to other underlying game systems:

Bounty Calculations: We mentioned this earlier in our support post, but we’re adding “assist streaks,” where players who have far more assists than kills will get bonus gold per additional assist. Additionally, we’re changing the way death streaks are reset. Previously, they were based only on kills and assists, but we’re looking into ways to tie in other forms of contribution. Finally, we’re also looking at bounty rewards in general and how much of an impact they have in the early game versus the mid to late game.

Minion and Jungle Spawn Timers: All minions and jungle camps will spawn earlier in the game.

  • We’re experimenting with shaving a little time off of when minions and jungle camps spawn to get the game off to an earlier start. There was just too much idle time in between loading the match and the first moments of action. Our changes here allow almost every opening strategy to remain viable without being too generous for map-wide team shuffles.
Brush Changes: We’re cleaning up a lot of the L- and C-shaped brush formations so that players can gain vision of the entire brush with one ward.

  • In the jungle, this means more accessible sight lines for both ward vision and anyone attempting to move through the jungle.

  • We’ve also dialed back on some brush that we felt created odd combat situations. We saw situations before where one ward in one brush would leave fights stacked enormously in the favor of the team with the ward. We’ve trimmed back the brush in these regions to still allow for sight lines to be blocked and for melee champions to have a tactical zone to hide in, but brush no longer denies vision to entire battlefields when unwarded.
That’s about it for Game Flow! Some of these changes may be small, but we think that when taken together they’ll play a big role in making for a more dynamic and exciting preseason.

  • FeralPony
Dec 19, 2007
Hm, I tried a blueplank build against Aatrox. It takes forever to stack the tear, but luckily Aatrox was so afraid he basically only poked me with E and did a random Q half-in every now and then.

I guess I'm gonna stick with just having crystalline flask and a sheen item. Flask is a great sustain item and GP isn't THAT mana hungry, more like he can suddenly die to an all-in because he doesn't have good burst, disengage, mobility or free tankiness :D
Dec 19, 2007
It is against some opponents, sure. Some then again are like Riven or Lee Sin who just chase you anyway.

Holy shit playing against Darius is annoying, especially when you get an amazing plat ksdin - silver amumu combo blaming you in champ select for picking Gangplank. Doesn't matter how much more useful you are than Darius, doesn't matter how much you help or if you have second most gold and your slows prevent half of their team doing anything, it's all "GP USELESS REPORT". Kids these days. Like sure, KSdin did a lot of work to help our failing botlane and his even more failing jungle duo, but c'mon, shouldn't KSdin be the kind of champion who's happy to have a GP doing his thing for the team?

Anyway Darius indeed killed me once under tower, can't deal any damage to him early on without crits if he has doran's shield and it's not like Amumu is ganking anything (well he did once, blamed me for missing his condom fling which should never miss Darius WTF), after that I bought Chain Vest and never died to him, though since I got no help from anyone he and Lee pushed my tower. If you play careful enough I don't think Darius can kill you at all, he wants to execute you but you get like 400 health from oranges at the same CD as he has his pull, and when you get your Iceborn / Mallet / etc. he just gets screwed in teamfights.

29/18 with GP now, he sure feels a lot better than my old toplaners Garen/Darius/Yorick, sort of the reverse, not so many kills but winning the game is much easier, well, other than Yorick who couldn't even get kills.
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Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
He also gets movement speed from his E's passive and active. Although usually that's the last thing you level. His mobility isn't bad it's just that it isn't what others have in league of gap-closers.

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