Played Quinn top a bit over the weekend. Well technically it is still the weekend since it is a potato holiday today, celebrating the fact all of the former occupiers managed to lose the first world war despite being on two different sides, r00fles!
Back to Quinn top, ridiculously good duelist, annoying to lane against, snowballs well, difficult to gank due to her disengage but a bit squishy. Also her passive and W can reveal people camping in the brush (like Riven, Garen, Lee). Basically in top lane she's like a teemo that requires brains, kills shit in teamfights without morons walking into shrooms and isn't a gigantic rodent faggot. ALSO REQUIRES MASSIVE BALLS OF STEEL WHILE TEEMO REQUIRES YOU TO LIKE IT UP THE ASS. Because unlike with teemo you are living on the razor's edge with Quinn, not sitting behind shrooms all day or in a bush.
Anyway match-ups I faced so far:
Renekton - can't kill this guy unless he's dumb and tower dives you. I could harass him to low HP but not enough to kill him before he gets his silly ult. It saves his ass every time or manages to outdamage you despite your massive HP advantage during an all-in. His dash and disengage harassment is too strong, however Quinn can disengage and harass even better. Despite his damage being ability-based and thus Q's blind not being that good against him, Quinn can still "win" trades. Don't expect to kill this guy without a gank, but you can play fairly safely against him as Quinn and just farm unlike with most top laners vs rene match-ups.
Shen - He can't do shit to Quinn. However his innate tankiness and sustain make it difficult to murder him alone. However if their jungler is not lee sin, skarner or some other asshole Quinn has a problem getting away from or if the jungler simply ignores top, you can just push like a retard since shen sucks at pushing and he will eat bolts or Q if he tries to last hit. Take his tower ASAP by forcing him to base or if he ults away (and his tele is on CD). Only problem with this match-up is jungler interference really. Quinn easily dodges his taunts.
Riven - Quinn wins if you don't dive her when she has her ult+ignite up, her tower farming is also annoying. Pelt her with AAs when her E is on CD, throw in a Q or vault if desirable. Disengage with E+R if she tries to all-in, kill her when her ult is on cooldown. Unless you suck at Quinn or make bad calls this match-up is fairly easy.
Nasus - big dog ends up feeding and/or with no Q farm period. Although I will note that the one I played against started ruby crystal and rushed a phage (as in didn't even get boots before it), when he was 0/4 and after he gave me first blood. So he had no idea how to play Nasus top. Still since I played Nasus a lot I can tell you it is impossible for Nasus to do shit against Quinn, he simply sucks against people with disengages and range.
Lee Sin - annoying since he pushes like a retard and has a billion escapes, but if you don't duel this guy in melee but just focus on kiting him and go all-in when you have 3 or 4 times as much HP as him he's not a problem. Stand behind creeps, don't let him make much use of his gapclosers, quickly disengage with Vault. Quinn doesn't need to kill him since his scaling is ass anyway, but it doesn't hurt to try.
Irelia - If she uses Q+E to engage Quinn you disengage with E, blind and AA her. Poke her with AAs while her Q is on its very long cooldown afterwards, she can't do much. If she farms pelt her with AAs. Pretty easy overall.
Vi - hard match-up, you can't kill her or zone her away from farm, Quinn's Q is not all that great against her damage which comes mostly from her Q in lane. You can disengage but if she starts with a morans shield you go at best equal in a trade as Q triggers her passive which soaks your part of the trade. She can also farm with E besides Q not giving you much room to use AAs, Q or even E especially if her shield is triggered. But still she can't all-in Quinn. Not expecting to win against Vi as Quinn without a jungler gank.
Heimer - the one game where I was mid as Quinn. With a morans blade>null-magic>vamp scepter build I could stalemate it and possibly kill him or take his tower if he goes OOM. Dodging his shit is fairly easy, you can pick off his turrets one by one since you have similar range (just dodge their charged shots). Of course that plan failed because Udyr pinged to gank and only landed a punch on him after I died in a ten second engagement, because apparently he found some pretty flower in the mid brush or something and it took him so long to actually get to heimer. That and everybody thinks that if you gank heimer you should dive him in the middle of his three turrets. His ult+rockets combo is very ridiculous though. You can dodge regular microrockets most of the time though, at least with Quinn.
I played against some other champions but forgot who they were. It seems like there's a shen or lee sin in every damn game though. Pretty much all loses so far top are my mistakes, usually getting ganked by Lee Sin or bad dives. Well that and going into teamfights the wrong way. Pretty solid pick, do recommend if you need a top laner.