I played like 8 games on the PBE with every conceivable champion I might want to play top next season (Brand, Aatrox, Shen, Karma, Quinn, Kha'Zix, Shyvana). Quinn is pretty nice, I was maxing E and outrading a Nidalee extremely easily, sustain changes nothing and I even got a double kill when ganked but I don't know, she didn't feel outstanding compared to the others.
The real stand out? Kha'Zix. I was playing against a Shen and I just murdered him at lvl 1, he snowballs extremely easily and zones hard. If you outtrade someone and they fight you, you quickly turn it into an all-in and if they run from you, you get your isolation bonus and use your 4 (arguably 5) mobility skills to stick to them and kill them anyway. And you outrade almost everyone right from lvl 1. He even harasses under tower pretty well and has decent escape.
His teamfighting isn't even bad either, people right now actually build defensive items on him after a budget assassination build because his Q has so much free damage on a 3 second cooldown. It's true with his W nerf he is more than ever a one-dimensional champ, probably the second most likely champion to KS everything after Katarina and you look pretty dumb in teamfights just standing there doing nothing waiting for resets. If you're fed you can dive the carry and pretend you're Zed. And if the teamfighting is truly grim you can just stick to splitpushing, he's not too bad at it.
I don't know, overall I feel like even though Riot wanted to exterminate this bug from competitive play, he's not as useless as people make him out to be. The reason is that his kit is still just too damn good for a melee champion, I kinda regret not playing him when he was maxing W because just from my understanding of champions I have right now, he had one of the most broken OP kits of all time.
And if you get countered in lane really hard? Well the jungle is always there I guess...
Btw, anyone else excited over the
new "fighter" Riot has planned for us? It's about time we got some ham in the Summoner's Rift again. Sure, he's probably going to incorporate all of the derp philosophies Riot has these days, but it turned out pretty good last time (Aatrox).