Decided to play a couple of placement matches today, because why the hell not. I've forgot, or made myself forget, what a special place YOLOQ is. First game I pick Vladimir top, because.clearly the best choice is a champ I haven't played in months. Of course, what our team needs then is jungle Rengar and Midalee. Game goes about expected, win lane lose game. I seriously need to get better at pushing the advantage when I'm crushing my opponent. Vlad isn't the best at roaming and isn't great at taking towers either. Bad choice. Doubt we could have won that game due to team comps and idiot ratio, but could have done better myself.
Second game, I'm first pick. Bad sign. Last guy says he wants to play Kha top. Bad sign too. Here I commit the ultimate mistake and pick Kha'Zix for him. Never, ever do that unless with premades. I end up "having" to jungle WW while he went top with KZ against Renekton. Total shitstain abortion of a game. Our Jinx would just show up in lane and die more or less, though their Tristana was really good.
Third game, I duo with said Trist after chatting with him in the post game lobby. Turns out he was a smurf. Main account Platinum I and ranked like 8th "best" on Sivir on EUNE last season. We go Sivir/Leona vs. Jinx/Thresh. Push the lane to get lvl 2 first, go all in on Jinx, ignite. Get first blood. Keep snowballing the lane. GG easy. Lesson learned. Find someone vastly better than you and let him carry you.
Second game, I'm first pick. Bad sign. Last guy says he wants to play Kha top. Bad sign too. Here I commit the ultimate mistake and pick Kha'Zix for him. Never, ever do that unless with premades. I end up "having" to jungle WW while he went top with KZ against Renekton. Total shitstain abortion of a game. Our Jinx would just show up in lane and die more or less, though their Tristana was really good.
Third game, I duo with said Trist after chatting with him in the post game lobby. Turns out he was a smurf. Main account Platinum I and ranked like 8th "best" on Sivir on EUNE last season. We go Sivir/Leona vs. Jinx/Thresh. Push the lane to get lvl 2 first, go all in on Jinx, ignite. Get first blood. Keep snowballing the lane. GG easy. Lesson learned. Find someone vastly better than you and let him carry you.