Soloque, soloque never changes. So our 4th and 5th pick were duo and they were not happy with the 2nd pick taking J4 top. 5th pick says "I don't want to support, I don't want to mid", 4th pick just insta locks top Irelia. The pre-game chat is filled with "I troll", "you troll", but no one blinks first and there's no dodges. When the game starts, I hold a sigh of relief as J4 who had not said a single thing goes support, the first crisis has been resolved. Part of that decision was probably me making promises I'll gank his lane, yeah right I'm playing Nocturne. Nonetheless, I've observed from jungling many times that when you really follow a lane, you can find good gank spots without sacrificing too much farm. I watch the support movements carefully and I'm able to time her trinket and I get 2 good ganks and a kill before level 6, our guys still lose however. Meh, I have a good start so that's good.
I get a few more ganks in here and there, I continue to power up and even get a double kill mid. I'm like "yo Fizz, let's take dragon!", nope he recalls. So I hesitate and don't know what to do all by myself when bot is engaged in yet another losing fight, I ult, get heal baited, give away a shutdown and just like that the enemy ADC picks up 3 kills and goes to 7-2. Well, that's a throw. I solo the drag 1 minute later anyway because the enemy team is just as OP as mine. We continue to do well from that point, we get the next dragon I think and all of the outer towers, the game is around even but I really try not to engage in a teamfight. We have Irelia, Fizz and Nocturne, 3 "assassins" and their ADC is insanely fed. My team up to this point was smart to avoid teamfight seeing how I really wasn't too forthcoming (full damage Nocturne of course) and Irelia goes to split bot. The enemy team makes The Call and starts baron right under our noses. This is it, this is the moment every league player has been training for. You have 15 seconds to coordinate with 3 strangers and win a 4v5 at baron, no hesitation. In theory, we have the advantage, in theory.
Fifteen seconds go by, I couldn't retell to you what happened because it went so fast I don't remember anything. All I know is that I was a pussy and that apparently a badly aimed Nocturne Q on a 10 second cooldown isn't going to dent their tanky frontline. That's what the LCS taught me I should do, I think. We lose 3 members but they lose 2, they continue to tank baron! I wait until the baron is just at 1,500hp and ult in, kill their jungler, steal baron and kill their mid but their adc gets a 2nd shutdown on me. Alright, we're back ahead now, let me split guys I have the items! It turns out that's hard too. Just as I'm setting up for a nice split bot, my team gets engaged 4v5 and just gets wiped out. I tried to get in range, I really did but I blew my ult only as vision denial and never join the fight. Then I make another gamble, surely they won't take more than our inhib tower and inhib! I can solo dragon. Oh god, that dragon cost us the 2 nexus turrets. By the time I recall, our adc comes back up, I frantically buy homeguards and rush out to protect the Nexus and kill them as our Nexus was probably 2 hits away from GG. The GGs even went out in chat. My whole team is back up now and we just barrel down mid and take out 4 towers, ace them 1 by 1 and ultimately we take their Nexus and GG them.
I end up 12-2-9 with Nocturne, most cs on my team and most gold in the game. Of course looking back at the whole thing, they had a few things that benefited me, Darius top for some easy picking, Lux support aswell, all AD team comp. Some luck, some good play, some teamwork, every win still a mystery. Just another soloque game...