So I was just reminded of why this game is so infuriating at times. 6 games in a row with people not listening to pings (DON'T STAY LOW ON LANE IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE THEIR JUNGLER IS YOU MORONS), dying on ganks for overextending and then calling their own jungler shit (that's me, by the way), chasing kills into the enemy jungle with absolutely no vision of the enemy team, chasing kills instead of taking objectives, getting caught in obvious places, farming instead of helping me do dragon and just the general 12 year old idiocy on chat. Besides at least 4 games where all 3 lanes lost or at best went even, despite my efforts.
Seriously, it's enough to give me an aneurism and yet this shit is so addictive because you keep chasing this dream that someday you'll get to diamond or whatever and everyone will play without retarded mistakes and not rage at each other, but the fact is you won't get there, and, if you do, it's probably gonna be the same shit as any other division - in fact, I bet diamond 5 is worse than most since so many diamond accounts must get sold. Fuck. This. Game. Unninstall is the only solution.
Seriously, it's enough to give me an aneurism and yet this shit is so addictive because you keep chasing this dream that someday you'll get to diamond or whatever and everyone will play without retarded mistakes and not rage at each other, but the fact is you won't get there, and, if you do, it's probably gonna be the same shit as any other division - in fact, I bet diamond 5 is worse than most since so many diamond accounts must get sold. Fuck. This. Game. Unninstall is the only solution.