Just stick with one champ and one role and you'll get to plat in no time.
You should have a pocket pick or two tho.
You should have a pocket pick or two tho.
It's still retarded that you can't just play these in custom games though. And it's dumb that you can apparently now earn champion points in these custom games but not ARAMs or 3v3. And that there's no sandbox. And that there's no tribunal, replays or soloQ.Announcing the rotating game mode queue
From the original clone-tastic One For All to the frenetic manatee magic of Ultra Rapid Fire, featured game modes provide unique spins on the classic League formula. Now, more than two years after the debut of our first game mode, we’re announcing a rotating queue that’ll bring the alternative action on weekends with a suite of familiar game modes and maybe a fresh face or two.
We’ve specially tuned Champion Mastery so you can earn points in each mode, whether you’re summoning our poro overlord in Legend of the Poro King or chaining Final Sparks in a One For All laser light show. Once Hextech Crafting and loot is live, because the rotating game mode queue is optimized for champ mastery, you’ll also be able to earn keys for your wins and loot chests for your (or your premade’s) S-, S, and S+ games.
Rotating queue will join Classic and ARAM in an upcoming patch, but part of why we’re announcing it now is because two years in a row, we delivered the Ultra Rapid Fire game mode in increasingly absurd ways. While we’re pretty sure you aren’t going to believe us anyway, we’re telling you right now that URF will not return on the first of April. We’re not quite ready to announce the full slate of game modes that’ll feature in the new Rotating queue, but we are ready to share that Ultra Rapid Fire will appear at least twice in 2016.
As for the other modes, we’ll publish the schedule ahead of time once it’s locked down, but we wanted to get in front of any ultra rapid speculation this year so you know you’ll be slapping buttons with a spatula eventually, just maybe not when you were expecting it.
We’re excited for the debut of Rotating queue, so stay tuned for the first rotation schedule and let us know what modes you’re hoping to see make it!
Mid is one of the two positions I main this season, and for the kind of champs I play mid (Morg, Brand, Viktor in the past), I really need a tanky frontline to lock things down so i can lay my barrage of skillshot death on the other team, so seeing all these squishy supports/junglers/tops running around and being melted is especially annoying.
Since when does Morg need a tank? You rush hourglass first and use flash ult+invulnerability to initiate. If for some absurd reason you can't manage to walk back out with your E and spell vamp from the ult, while the enemy team is stunned or fled, build a Rylai's or RoA. Morg is plenty tanky for a team fight without a tank.
Yu did say you have managed to claw your way up to silver v, so I'll defer to your vast experience![]()
Yu did say you have managed to claw your way up to silver v, so I'll defer to your vast experience![]()
Silver 1... I shit on Silver V with my Silver 1 skillz
Also, your whole argument of Rankings is kinda weak. People have different abilities, computers, etc, it's like a professional basketball player telling an amateur player that you don't need to shoot jump shots cause you can just dunk.
I am stuck in Silver 2, got like 3 promotions? I still have room for improvement but I have hard time winning games as Yasuo since it is mainly late game carry and people in ranked usually ff when they lose their lanes. Still it is one of the most fun champions in the league. 10 minutes before I had fed Le Blanc, Rengar, Teemo and Ezreal and I carried by pulling off good ults and dashing like crazy. We only won because enemy allowed us to crawl to 40 minute and capitalize on their mistakes.
I have to argue, if your team is shit you will lose. It is 5v5, if someone is bad he will drag you down unless enemy is on the same level or he stays back and supports rest. Go ahead tell me I am wrong and prove you can win 4v5 without any lucky stuff like 30/0 Master Yi in 10 minute or playing against brainless vegetables. In my opinion if you want to climb the ladder you have to devote your time. I hit Gold IV last season and probably would go higher if I had motivation to play more. It is because you will lose games and getting back up takes time plus you get better by playing more often. Once you make a breakthrough you will steamroll through divisions until you hit hard spot again. In previous season I got stuck in Silver 3 for several months and when I got to Silver 2 it took me like a week to hit Gold V then another 2 to IV ending with around 50LP.
Right now I can't play ranked on intergrated graphics card as I get drops from 60 to 30fps which makes the game unplayable in teamfights. I already lowered as much as I can my graphics settings yet I still get fps spikes.
If you played at a high/plat diamond level you'd be crushing lane almost every game in gold elo, and, in the odd case when you didn't, you'd carry by making plays across the map and teamfighting well. All the crap you're mentioning becomes a complete non-factor. Someone who actually deserves to climb won't run into the fabled 30/0 Master Yi simply because they're pulling far more than their own weight in their games. Gold-elo Master Yi simply won't have the breathing room to acquire 30 kills, because you're putting too much pressure on the map and because your braindead teammates will be stronger (and by consequence less prone to dying) due to global gold and assists you provide them with.
Hell, I remember when I sold my first account, stuck at gold 3, and then leveled my smurf up and got back into ranked months ago. I had improved tons by watching LCS and didn't even know it. Breezed through gold and platinum with an about 80% winrate, encountered no ragers in my games, nobody feeding, nobody doing stupid shit. The explanation is simple: I was playing well enough that I rarely ever let my team fall behind. As soon as I started playing with people on my level, the ragers came back, along with the feeders and the people who do inexplicably stupid shit. Winning teams just tend to mask people's stupidity and toxicity behind gold leads.
If you're still unconvinced, try explaining to me how streamers and pros manage to reach master and challenger consistently. When these guys are smurfing, they DUMPSTER their lane opponents in low elo, and as they reach diamond and dumpstering doesn't happen as often or as hard, they distinguish themselves with their play making, roams, shot calling, you name it. You're simply not on their level or even in the level of some of the guys they dumpster along the way, and that means you have a lot of room for improvement.
If you don't generate some sort of lead in the first 20 minutes the game will always feel like a struggle. Look at your own play. You're doing stupid shit all the fucking time, I guarantee it.
Don't focus on that guy who goes in 1v5 and throw a game that was hanging by a thread at 35 minutes. When you're in gold and find yourself in the sort os scenario where that can actually happen, know you're you're doing something wrong by default.
Focus on that time you went in to help when you shouldn't. That gank you died to because you overextended. The pink wards you never bought or that you misplaced. And most importantly, focus on your skillshots. The ones that you missed that could've turned into a kill, and that kill could've made the game completely different. Not to mention the ones that you miss and result in a thrown teamfight.
You cannot control what kind of teammates you get, do not try. Of note: if you don't want to put in the time and effort, just don't. After all, it's just a dumb videogame. But don't delude yourself into thinking you're being held back by anyone other than yourself.