Thanks for the tips. Need to farm more IP for some better runes though.
Soon they wont let me play with you leets, in next update Riot ups the level req. for ranked games to level 30 cause some idiot made a thread about it on the forums.
I lost 3 last games cause of pro's afking, in last game we were 17-5 in kills, then one of the pros get ganked twice, goes "omg noobz" and ragequits.
Game before it we push all the lines wreck all the towers to the inhibs and then the pro's stopped pushing, focused on mid line where we got slaughtered 3 times and then the opposing team pushed mid and won. Un-fucking-believable. We had level adv, kill adv, wrecked most towers and still lost.
Soon they wont let me play with you leets, in next update Riot ups the level req. for ranked games to level 30 cause some idiot made a thread about it on the forums.
I lost 3 last games cause of pro's afking, in last game we were 17-5 in kills, then one of the pros get ganked twice, goes "omg noobz" and ragequits.
Game before it we push all the lines wreck all the towers to the inhibs and then the pro's stopped pushing, focused on mid line where we got slaughtered 3 times and then the opposing team pushed mid and won. Un-fucking-believable. We had level adv, kill adv, wrecked most towers and still lost.