If'n you're looking for fantasy, I am quite comfortable with Pathfinder. We could merrily stroll along with any of the popular Adventure Paths, or (my preference) spend some quality sandbox time in the same home-brewed campaign my brother and my wife play every Friday night. For that matter, I am a collector of sorts, and have all of the MERP stuff, so if you really feel like it, we could play in Middle Earth (preferably with Pathfinder rules).
We could also play with a rules light system that's a bit of a retro clone called Castles and Crusades. It has some appeal for the OSR (Old School Rules) crowd, and is quite easy to learn as it has a lot less crunch than modern D&D systems (Pathfinder, 3.5, 4E, etc). There are a lot less people playing this system, however, so I find myself playing Pathfinder just because I can find players.
I have several other systems, including many post-apocalyptic or modern types (Dresden, Supernatural, Rifts, ShadowRun, D20 Modern, CthulhuTech etc), none of which I have spent any real time with, though.
With Pathfinder (or D&D 3.5 for that matter), it's easy to get access to reference documentation that is online, free, and legal. Any system you may end up with besides those 2 may not likely have a "for free" component for new players to start out on.