I am currently learning to be a solodev and decided to do the main things alone.
1. Programming: 0 knowledge, currently taking free lessons, mainly from harvard's CS50 series
2. Art: doing lessons from
3. Learning music theory and composing from various sources.
It's an insane thing to do and i probably will never reach a goal of shipping a game, but so far the process has been fun. I enjoy learning for the sake of learning and it is at least a distraction from my day job. I would be lying if i dont hope to make money from this, but keeping my expectations as low as possible. So far it's really low pressure activity and creating my own creative outlet because in this modern world, life is increasingly monotonous between working corporate job and consuming media. In my 30th years i just feel i wanna create something to express myself.
1 month in, i probably havent put as much hours as i should have but juggling different things really help my ADHD riddled brain from getting bored. The little milestones kept me from getting bored too.