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So what's the scoop on this game?

Forest Dweller

Smoking Dicks
Oct 29, 2008
So, I never really paid much attention to this game. It was always overshadowed by AOD, and it seemed, well, derivative I guess you could say. Also VD was always posting dialogue screens and talking a big game about C&C, which I'm usually more interested in. And I'm not a graphics whore, but I'd say in this case the graphics definitely didn't help to pique my interest.

Still, winning Codex GOTY should mean that it's at least worth looking in to, and as I've looked at it more, it seems more interesting. From what I've been reading about, there seem to be two major "points" about this game to take away:

1) That this a "true rpg" in the vein Fallout 1 and 2, but with more focus on combat and exploration than AOD

and, somewhat following along that line...

2) That this game is actually closer to the "Fallout-in-a-new-setting" game that some people initially thought Age of Decadence would be than what AOD turned out to be instead.

Correct me if I'm wrong?

Also, a few specific questions:

-Is this winning GOTY more a testament to the game's strengths or people's disappointment with AOD?

-There is C&C right?

-Are different character builds truly equally viable (and fun to play)?

-How is the dialogue really?

-Is anyone on the Codex actually working on a review?


-Also, is this game real-time or turn-based? It's hard to tell.
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Severian Silk

2) That this game is actually closer to the "Fallout-in-a-new-setting" game that some people initially thought Age of Decadence would be than what AOD turned out to be instead.
Vault Dweller couldn't write a Fallout-like game if his life depended on it.


Mar 11, 2012
-Also, is this game real-time or turn-based? It's hard to tell.

It is turn based and it's just as good as Jagged alliance 2, KoTC or Temple of elemental evil.

-Are different character builds truly equally viable (and fun to play)?

Yes, unless you try to make them awful. There are three dificulty settings that you can play. On normal or easy you can get away with suboptimal builds, but on hard you need something min-maxed build which you spend some time planing. Best thing about char planing is that when you compare it to Fallout/Fallout 2, around 90% skills/feats are useful, in Fallouts it was around 10% to be considered to pick.

-Is this winning GOTY more a testament to the game's strengths or people's disappointment with AOD?

It really is good. Better then AoD imho.

-There is C&C right?


-How is the dialogue really?

This is where AoD wins. But it's not bad. Just dont expect it to be as good as in fallout.

an Administrator

Nov 17, 2015
Where expecting basics is considered perfectionism
-There is C&C right?

I had around 25 hours in this game. Yeah there are some C&C but not at the AoD level.
-Are different character builds truly equally viable (and fun to play)?

Yes. Character building is one of the most challenging things in this game.

-How is the dialogue really?


-Also, is this game real-time or turn-based? It's hard to tell.
Its turn-based and has really really good combat.


Mar 11, 2012
Dicksmoker, if you decide to play melee build go for hammers. Both knives/unarmed/gloves are OK but have several problems that make them unfriendly for new players.

Also 10 con build with thick skull and nimble and maxed evasion and dodge is great for starter players. Just keep your armor penality at 0%.
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Apr 14, 2009
-Is this winning GOTY more a testament to the game's strengths or people's disappointment with AOD?

Game's strengths: excellent exploration, excellent combat, oddities XP system and general attention to details. AoD is better in the C&C and teleportation departments.

-There is C&C right?

Yes. But is much more subtle and also non-obtrusive compared to AoD.

-Are different character builds truly equally viable (and fun to play)?

Knife, Sniper Rifle, Assault Rifle, Crossbow, Hammer builds are all viable. Then you have 3 viable builds for each Psi abillity. In addition: Traps, Grenades, Stealth and Unarmed are also viable.

Basically the game offers an incredible range of viable and fun builds. Just check this list (10+ examples): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?li...Yuzm9PJOur&jct=I8ta_X24GuMFNoa1hW2SvjVP-Xqyyg

Pistol is the only gimped build (with 40 AP required for a shot !?) but probably that works too. Somehow.

-How is the dialogue really?

There are a couple of excellent moments but for the majority of the time the dialogue is good but not sophisticated.

-Is anyone on the Codex actually working on a review?

No idea.

-Also, is this game real-time or turn-based? It's hard to tell.

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Mar 11, 2012
Only plasma pistol needs 40 ap per shot, but you still can fire twice thanks to point shot. Probably using 9mm neo luger is best idea now, with adrenaline shot you can shot 7 times with high dex and gunslinger.


Mar 30, 2016
Its a fun game but eventually becomes monotonous due to combat and area transitioning to places you already been over and over again. I raged quit in the deep caverns NOT because it was annoying or hard I actually liked it how for once it offered different gameplay. It was because I stumbled in some old yokels shack and he told me to find his KNIFE FIND HIS FUCKING KNIFE NIGGA ARE U SERIOUS?! Fuck you old man I'm practically super man go find your own godamn knife moron or how about I give you the 2 or 3 sitting in my inventory? He probably sitting on his lazy ass drinking moonshine watching the fat on his belly grow while he tells me to go get his knife.


Its a fun game but eventually becomes monotonous due to combat and area transitioning to places you already been over and over again. I raged quit in the deep caverns NOT because it was annoying or hard I actually liked it how for once it offered different gameplay. It was because I stumbled in some old yokels shack and he told me to find his KNIFE FIND HIS FUCKING KNIFE NIGGA ARE U SERIOUS?! Fuck you old man I'm practically super man go find your own godamn knife moron or how about I give you the 2 or 3 sitting in my inventory? He probably sitting on his lazy ass drinking moonshine watching the fat on his belly grow while he tells me to go get his knife.

Just get the knife mofo.


Jul 10, 2013
GOTY is a result of fanboys hate-voting other games IIRC. Having only played it for a few hours pre-release, I would speculate that it's more Fallout 2 than Fallout 1--very mechanically sound, but dialogue and narrative are just not engaging (as of my last playthrough, it's possible it opens up later IDK).

Severian Silk

Fallout 2 had a lot of stuff that broke the fourth wall. Underrail doesn't have this. But Underrail is "story-lite" compared to Fallout 2, despite the awesome atmosphere.

I want to give this game a 9/10 for its atmosphere, but I was disappointed about the lack of dialogue and story. Some companions with their own small stories might have helped a little.

Also, the combat is good.... for a single-character game. I prefer party-based combat, even if you don't have direct control over your party.
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I'm forever blowing
Aug 7, 2013
The combination of respawns and slow walk speed has soured me on the game. The speedhack can help with the walk speed, but it also affects other time-based mechanics and feels too much like cheating. I was hoping for a post-release patch, but after 7 months I've little hope left.

Tito Anic

Dec 27, 2015
Very good game in the tradition of Fallout, Gothic, Deus Ex, Witcher, System Shock, Geneforge - good exploration, very rewarding, credible world.

Jack Dandy

Feb 10, 2013
Divinity: Original Sin 2
-Is this winning GOTY more a testament to the game's strengths or people's disappointment with AOD?
Game's strengths, I think. There's been a sizeable crowd for AOD- about on the same level as Underrail's.

-There is C&C right?
Yeah, but the game really isn't focused too much on it.
-Are different character builds truly equally viable (and fun to play)?

Definitely. Nearly every build has lots of tricks and skills for the players to use. As long as you don't go full retard and put all your points into social skills & INT, and then rush into combat, you'll do fine. Simply keep this in mind - You won't be able to talk your way out of most fights in this game.

-How is the dialogue really?
I think it was very memorable! There were a bunch of characters I enjoyed. Gave the game personality & flavor.

-Is anyone on the Codex actually working on a review?

i dunno lol
-Also, is this game real-time or turn-based? It's hard to tell.

Turn based - and it managed to make single-character turn based combat fun & tactical. Was really impressed by that one.

Lyre Mors

Nov 8, 2007
I'm disappointed in the lack of responses to this thread.

I'm pretty sure that if it wasn't in a subforum, it'd be 4 pages long by now.

Anyways, the game is excellent and easily worth (more than) $9.99. As others have mentioned, the main focuses of Underrail are exploration, character building, and combat. In all of these regards it is stellar. The world and atmosphere are quite nice too, with the writing being serviceable and charming at times.

I will say that I hope Styg decides to make his next game set above ground, or in a more impressive setting in general. That coupled with his capacity for wonderful game design and maybe some slightly better writing would elevate the next project to dizzying heights of incline.
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Jul 18, 2016
I do read that this game has enemies that respawn. I personally hate that game mechanic as I like to playing such way that I first clear areas and then search for items. Would you consider the respawning to be an issue in this game?

Jack Dandy

Feb 10, 2013
Divinity: Original Sin 2
No. The only enemies that respawn are stupid "animal" enemies- and even they take a damn long time to respawn.


Jan 9, 2003
Budapest, Hungary
The only place respawns may be an issue is Deep Caverns, and even there 1] the respawning critters are avoidable and/or you can do something to stop the baddies from respawning 2] there kinda need to be respawns for crafters to get some types of basic materials.

... actually, there was one part in DC where respawns were time-wasting / legit unfun: the map before entering Arke. Has that changed since January?

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