Azrael the cat
BG2 wasn't filler-heavy, but there's probably 15 hrs of non-filler content at absolute most.
Woah woah. Then filler must be anything that's not straight out part of the main quest? In that case I figure this game must be about 5 hours long. Guess it's totally worth $60.
No, I'm saying if you kept all the quests and all the dungeons, but scrapped any repeat encounters that go beyond what's needed for new challenge (so you can still have 'kill some melee kobolds, then kill some melee kobolds while getting pelted by their ranged fire arrow companions, then oh shit those damn kobolds have you trapped in a gauntlett of root traps while firing at you from both sides from behind a portcullis', none of which need to be boss fights), setting/thematic design or plot. What I don't want to see is '4 lots of killing melee kobolds, then 6 lots of killing melee kobolds while gelting pelted by their ranged companions, then 3 long corridors of the traps+portcullis scenario being repeated'.
For example, it neither makes sense in the setting, nor adds intelligently to challenge, to have a clusterfuck of beholders to the point that the developers had to both nerf their AI and provide an 'easy out' (via the reflecting shield). These guys are supposed to be intelligent - going through slaughtering the place in direct combat as a melee character turns them into mooks-with-special-abilities. Keep the beholder lair, but change it to a smaller number of encounters, each of which have significant tactical variation.